Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 343 The Seven Great Hall Masters [Fourth update, please subscribe]

The door to wonders is open!

Behind the door is a world of golden light.

"Brother Yu, I'll go in first."

"Okay, Sister Miaoren, be sure to return to the Temple of Light after it's over. We have prepared a ceremony for you to receive the wind."

After Lan Miaoren's little lover sent her to the Amber Palace, he watched her walk into the Amber Palace.

This scene was seen by Zhuo Bufan.

"Hey, Old Huang, your opponent seems to be very powerful."

Zhuo Bufan was too content to worry about it.

Then he turned around and walked into the Amber Palace.

After all of them entered the Amber Palace, the palace door slammed shut.

Immediately afterwards, a golden avenue appeared in front of them, leading directly to a Bagua-shaped platform.

A huge amber stone pillar stands on each of the eight corners of the platform. At the top of the amber stone pillar is a platform.

"Everyone, we're here."

Lou Gai led everyone to the center of the platform.

At this time, I only heard him shouting.

"All palace masters, please take your seats."

The next second, at the top of the eight surrounding amber pillars.

Pillars of light soared into the sky, and from the radiance, figures like gods emerged.

Except for one of the amber pillars that did not respond, a figure wearing a platinum cloak appeared on each of the other seven amber pillars.

They were uniformly dressed, holding scepters, and floated above the stone pillars.

The light flows around them, looking extremely sacred.

Their appearance made the entire Amber Palace feel heavier.

Everyone felt a boundless oppression from their souls.

They are indeed the masters of the Talisman Temple. In fact, the seven of them have tried their best to restrain their auras.

But even so, a group of distinguished people still felt the power of oppression.

"Welcome all of you to come from afar to attend this conference."

At this time, the palace master directly opposite suddenly shouted.

His appearance was hidden under the cloak, but the power of light in him could not be concealed at all.

The light formed a brilliant wheel of light behind him.

This palace master is none other than Lan Shi from the Temple of Light.

"Everyone must already know the topic of this honorable meeting."

"This conference will last for ten years. Our goal is to break the wall of sighs."

This time the voice came from the palace master on the amber pillar behind him.

Around him, flames emerged out of thin air, forming a ring of fire that condensed behind him.

And he is the Lord of the Fire Temple, Zhu You! The first generation leader of the Fire Temple, a descendant of Zhu Li.

"The topic this time is light waves and spiritual waves."

"These two discoveries are definitely of epoch-making significance."

"The Palace Master and I all agree that by deeply studying the mysteries, we may be able to break the wall of sighs. I look forward to your performance."

The palace master who spoke this time, his voice was like a bell, exploding in the air, turbulent back and forth.

Who else can use the power of sound so well except the Yin Master Mo Yin.

"Everyone must know the meaning of breaking the wall of sighs."

"Whoever can break the Sighing Wall this time will be the Talisman Supreme. He should be worshiped by the seven masters of my Talisman Temple."

The palace master who shouted the Supreme Talisman looked very strong and powerful.

He is the current head of the Temple of Power, Wu Gang.

"The Supreme Talisman, the person who stands at the pinnacle of my spell world, can any of you do it?"

The one who spoke this time was Lei Shan, the master of the Thunder Temple!

Lei Shan is a famous thunder god. He is extremely cold-blooded on weekdays. When he is angry, he can thunder like thunder and is not easy to get close to.

"I believe everyone can do it. Let's work together to break the wall of sighs!"

Immediately after Thunder Lord's blow, a gentle voice like a spring breeze came.

Everyone turned around and saw the only female temple master of the Talisman Temple.

Master of the Soul Temple, Master Meng!


Zu Jiuling beside Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but murmured when he saw Master Meng.

That inaudible voice happened to be heard by Zhuo Bufan.

He could see that when Zu Jiuling looked at the Master of the Soul Palace, there was endless emotion in his eyes.

Six of the seven palace masters expressed their expectations for this meeting.

Finally, everyone looked at the only palace master who had not yet spoken.

He is the master of the Yudian Temple, and also the main hall master of the Talisman Temple, Feng Wanli!

The master of the main hall, Yu Zun!

A distorted space was created around him, as if he himself was no longer in this space.

The energy in him is beyond the reach of everyone.

Feng Wanli, the man with the highest cultivation level in the Talisman Temple.

Legend has it that his soul has reached the Yang Shen realm, and his cultivation has reached a level above that of a real person, but below that of a false saint!

He has lived for more than seven thousand years, and he has occupied Yu Zun's position for more than five thousand years.

He is one of the representative figures in the era of spiritual energy recovery.

Everyone in the world thinks that the only representatives of the spiritual energy recovery era are Dongxie, Ximo, Nanyao and Beidi.

But five thousand years ago, there was another version, that is, the East Evil, the West Demon, the South Demon, the North Emperor, and the Zhong Shen Zun!

This Zhongshenzun refers to Feng Wanli!

It's just that because he devoted himself to studying spells and neglected his cultivation, he was far inferior to the other four representatives in terms of cultivation.

This title of Zhongshen Zun was gradually forgotten by the world.

But it is undeniable that he was once a genius of his generation, a legendary figure who fought with the East Evil, West Demon, South Demon and North Emperor to conquer the world.

This was the first time that Zhuo Bufan was so close to a legendary figure that he was panicked.

All the venerables were waiting for the Grand Hall Master to speak, as if he was the center of everything.

Silence, deathly silence.

The Grand Hall Master did not speak immediately, but remained silent.

However, what shocked Zhuo Bufan was that he found that the silver eyes under the Grand Hall Master's cloak seemed to be staring straight at him, making him a little flustered.

Zhuo Bufan naturally felt puzzled, what was there to see about him.

However, the Grand Hall Master Feng Wanli was silent because he was carefully observing Zhuo Bufan.

After a long time, he retracted his gaze and spoke.

"At this meeting, I hope everyone can do their best to break through the sighing wall."

"Whoever can break through the sighing wall will be the new Grand Hall Master."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Including the other six hall masters standing on the amber pillar, they all smacked their lips.

"Grand Hall Master..."

"Listen to me. I have been in this position for more than three thousand years, and I am really tired."

"The one who breaks through the sighing wall will become the Supreme Talisman. Then it is natural for him to be qualified for the position of Grand Hall Master, and the people of the world will also be convinced."

"So all the venerables present, use your brains and show your wisdom. Break through the sighing wall and become the Grand Hall Master. I will personally crown you."

When the Grand Hall Master personally said that he would crown the one who broke the sighing wall and inherit the position of Grand Hall Master.

At this time, even the other hall masters were not calm.

And the other venerables were even more excited at this moment.

If the Supreme Talisman is just an empty title, then the position of Grand Hall Master is the supreme position above hundreds of millions of people.

"Supreme Talisman, Master of the Temple. This time, the game is a bit big!"

Zhuo Bufan's blood has begun to burn!

There will be another update later, as well as a summary and reflections of this month! This month is over, and I have so much to say to you all.

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