Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 344 Questioning the Light Wave [Fifth update, 10 extra updates for the leader

Break the sighing wall, become the supreme master of the talisman, and inherit the position of the master of the talisman temple.

After leaving the Amber Hall, Zhuo Bufan's heart could not calm down for a long time.

He thought that this meeting of the venerables was just an ordinary academic discussion, but he didn't expect it to become a contest of wisdom.

"Sighing wall? What the hell is the sighing wall?"

Zhuo Bufan still can't understand what kind of existence the sighing wall is.

After all, he has never encountered the sighing wall that can make him sigh.

After leaving the Amber Hall, everyone came to the central hall.

The talisman temple specially prepared a night banquet to entertain the venerables who came from afar.

From tomorrow, the research on light waves and spiritual waves will begin.

When they came to the hall, all the venerables took their seats.

There was a separate table in front of each person, which was filled with various fine wines and delicacies.

Zhuo Bufan naturally sat with his teacher Zu Jiuling.

And the seven hall masters were sitting above.

The night banquet began, and the master of the light hall knocked on the wine glass.

At one moment, the musician behind the banquet began to play the strings of the zither.

The pleasant sound of the zither began to echo in the hall and linger.

Two rows of dancers wearing long-sleeved pink dance skirts stepped out like butterflies.

For a moment, the zither and the zither sounded harmoniously, and the songs and dances were charming.

In the hall, there were laughter and joy, and the wine was clinking.

After the dance, the lingering sound lingered!

Everyone was no longer restrained, eating what they should eat and drinking what they should drink.

However, Zhuo Bufan found that at this banquet, some people's minds were not drunkards.

For example, his teacher Zu Jiuling!

Zhuo Bufan found that he had been secretly paying attention to the soul master sitting on the far right, Meng Shishi.

And Meng Shishi seemed to look at Zu Jiuling intentionally or unintentionally.

There was something fishy about these two.

In addition to his teacher, Zhuo Bufan also found that he was being focused on by many eyes at the same time.

There were looks from the hall masters on the stage, and there were also looks from other venerables sitting there.

"Everyone, it's a rare gathering, and there's such a grand event. Wouldn't it be boring to just eat and drink?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a blue robe suddenly stood up from the venerable seat.

He had a thin face and looked sickly.

Holding a crystal cup in his hand, he stood up slowly from his seat, as if drunk.

"Venerable Ghost Fire, what do you suggest?"

Seeing the sickly-looking man stand up, the hall master of the Fire God Hall raised his hand and asked.

"Venerable Ghost Fire? Why does this name sound so eerie?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Zu Jiuling, who was standing aside, answered after hearing this.

"I heard that he got inspiration from observing the ghost fire in the cemetery and discovered this spell. So he called this spell ghost fire."

"Ghost fire? It can't be phosphorous fire?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Phosphorous fire? What is that?" Zu Jiuling asked.

"Oh, no, nothing."

The people in this world certainly don't know what phosphorus fire is, they only know ghost fire.

The two looked at the Ghost Fire Venerable again, and saw him holding a wine glass and walking to the center of the hall.

He first glanced at Zhuo Bufan and grinned at him.

Then he turned to the hall masters sitting above and toasted.

"Dear hall masters, I think, why don't you use this banquet to start tomorrow's topic?"


For a moment, all the venerables looked at the Ghost Fire Venerable in the center.

"Isn't the topic about light waves and spiritual waves?"

"Since we are going to discuss it, why do we have to wait until tomorrow?"

The Ghost Fire Venerable looked at Zhuo Bufan. For some reason, Zhuo Bufan always felt that he was being treated hostilely.

"Ghost Fire Venerable, do you mean to start the topic here?"

The Light Hall Master asked.

"That's right, I'll be the one to open the show for everyone!"

"Of course, it's better to say it's a question than an opening."

"Although I don't know much about the light spell, I have carefully read the "Research Report on the Wave and Particle Nature of Light" by the Light and Shadow Venerable."

"I remember that the Light and Shadow Venerable wrote a sentence in the report that has puzzled me to this day. I came here today to ask the Light and Shadow Venerable for advice."

Sure enough, this Ghost Fire Venerable came for Zhuo Bufan.

After being named, Zhuo Bufan had to accept the challenge.

"Little Venerable, your report says that light is both a particle and a wave. You call this the wave-particle duality of light."

"But we all know that light is a particle. This is the foundation of the light spell laid by the first generation of the hall master."

"And particles and waves are two completely different concepts."

"I would like to ask the little Venerable, isn't your statement self-contradictory?"

The Ghost Fire Venerable started the fight. His question is actually a common question for many Venerables.

Even the master of the Light Hall was troubled by this.

Lan Shi, the master of the Light Hall, was the most loyal believer in the photon theory. Because he firmly believed in this unique statement, he had not yet realized Zhuo Bufan's light and shadow spell.

In fact, he was also an opponent of Zhuo Bufan's light wave theory.

But existence is truth. Zhuo Bufan realized the spell through light waves, which means that light waves really exist.

However, the existence of light waves does not mean that light is a wave.

Just like saying that the existence of water waves does not mean that water is a wave.

Water waves are a manifestation of energy, but water is made of water molecules.

Lan Shi, the master of the Hall of Light, firmly believes in this statement.

What light waves are, I am afraid, can only be explained by the discoverer, Zhuo Bufan.

Faced with the doubts from Lord Ghost Fire, Zhuo Bufan sighed.

He never thought that one day he would discuss this issue with a group of immortal cultivators in another world.

This sounds like a complete fantasy.

At this point, he had to stand up and explain.

And all the venerable people present had their eyes on this talented little venerable person like him.

He was a genius who discovered the light and shadow talisman and the petrification talisman successively.

"My dear sir, please help me clear up my doubts."

Lord Ghost Fire handed over the wine glass in his hand and said to Zhuo Bufan.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan could only stand up, took the glass of wine, and said.

"What Mr. Ghost Fire said is very true, but light is both a particle and a wave, which sounds very contradictory."

"General particles are what we understand as visibility. Waves are invisible. They are more like energy, such as sound waves."

"You can't see the sound waves, but you can feel and hear the sounds. Because the sounds produce different rhythms through different sound wave fluctuations, we can communicate and understand each other."

"Then let me put it another way now and treat light as both a particle and a wave."

"Instead, light is both a particle and an energy. I wonder if everyone can understand it?"

"In other words, light is a particle with energy. Can everyone understand it?"

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan didn't know if these people could understand what he said.

Because he was not sure whether his statement was correct.

However, what Zhuo Bufan didn't expect was that after listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the Ghost Fire Lord nodded repeatedly.

"I see, now I understand. Light is a particle with energy. Thank you for your enlightenment."

"Do you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan fooled the next door!

He thought he was just saying something randomly, but he didn't expect that the other party actually took it as the truth.

However, seeing everyone's expressions of understanding, Zhuo Bufan did not intend to continue to correct him.

But, not everyone can understand it.

For example, the master of the Light Palace, Lan Shi!

"I think that light is not just a particle with energy, it may actually be a clock wave!"

On this day, this month, this last chapter of the year ends! Tomorrow is a new year, I hope there will be a new atmosphere! There is a testimonial at the back!

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