Read the file to cultivate immortality

This month’s testimonials!

This book was published on Qidian Chinese website on October 9, 2017.

The book was officially signed on October 15, 2017.

This book was officially released on December 1, 2017.

I wrote nearly 500,000 words this month, including 219 VIP chapters!

Thanks to everyone for not giving up, this month has been really hard and happy at the same time.

It has been on the shelves for a full month, and the total subscriptions have accumulated to nearly 105,000.

This achievement may be easily achieved by the masters in just a day or two.

But for me, it is an achievement worth cherishing.

I will always remember this achievement earned with my own hands.

thank you!

My lovely book friends.

Thanks to all the genuine readers, you are really my life and parents.

Anyway, thank you for staying with me this month!

This sentiment is very touching!

Below are the names of book friends who have rewarded me in the past half month. There are several names of book friends. Please forgive my handicap for typing them out, so I have replaced them with spaces:

Pingyang Chen Er, Xuehai Wuya Kuzuo Zhoujie, hughflyed, Fengqin Shang, Long丨, Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Wu Ming Jian Xue Wuming, Fighting Bear Among Hungry Bears, 1997CZR, Cabbage Bao, Start Betting Today Angry Youth, Master of Tianji Pavilion, Wutong - Sensen, Mist Hidden and Mysterious, Wish to Dissipate with the Wind, Taro Replacement (I can’t type the name of this old guy, I’m crying, sorry), Gao Fuyun, 01234321, ylaurs dragon, Xiahou --Jin Xuan, Boiled Orange, Qilin is Not a Demon, Little Stones Who Can't Learn to Walk, Dreamland Thinking of Souls, yp2640, Laughing Xiami 2015, Book Friends 10032...868, Xuan Mo, Kong Xuan - Bo Lan, An Yi Nan Qing , Funny Killer, Book Friends 2017... 3213, Crazy Chen Hao, Starry Sky Chenyuan, Book Friends 2017... 1311, Hey hey hey - hey, I want to sleep on a cloudy day, Meng Xingfei, I yo yo yo, me too...

Thank you for your reward!

Of course, there were things we didn’t do well enough this month.

Due to his mental state, the author promised to complete an update of 600,000 words this month, but in the end he only completed 500,000 words.

It was originally said that the leader's update would be completed within one week, but it ended up being delayed for two weeks.

To be honest, the problem of tinnitus in the brain is still not solved, but it is gradually getting better.

I am very satisfied with December 2017!

I hope we can do better in January 2018!

thanks for your support.

I wish you all the best in the new year!

Recorded at 22:17 on December 31, 2017

Finally, I hope more book lovers can support the genuine version!

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