Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 357 Is this funny? [First update]

After the opening report proposal meeting ended, Zhuo Bufan and the others returned to their rooms.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan just returned to the house and saw a man who looked like an uncle, lying on the couch and drinking a small drink.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and immediately closed the door.

"Huang Haotian, you really don't regard yourself as an outsider!"

The visitor was none other than Huang Haotian, who had just had a drink with Zhuo Bufan a few days ago.

Huang Haotian's pair of golden pupils were extremely dazzling, as if they could swallow up the gazes of everyone around him.

When Huang Haotian saw Zhuo Bufan returning, he quickly stepped forward and invited Zhuo Bufan to the couch.

"Hey, brother Zhuo, thank you for your hard work. Come and try the wine I just made."

Huang Haotian held a glass of wine and handed it to Zhuo Bufan respectfully.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he immediately waved his hand and said.

"Hey, don't do this. Talk about something if you have something to say."

"You are quite capable. The Talisman Temple is heavily guarded, but you were able to find me here. Isn't it a coincidence?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Hehe, Brother Zhuo is joking. In fact, it took me a lot of effort to enter the temple. Not to mention this, I came to Brother Zhuo today to discuss important matters."

"Big thing? Could it be that the big thing you are referring to is Mr. Wonderful Man?"

"The one who knows me is Brother Zhuo."

Huang Haotian is a heavenly stick. How can Zhuo Bufan use this heavenly stick?

Sure enough, just as Zhuo Bufan guessed, Huang Haotian came here for Lan Miaoren.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan sighed and said.

"Hey, I advise you to give up on this idea! That Mr. Miaoren has a childhood sweetheart, Brother Yu, in the Temple of Light. It seems that their relationship is very close, and she has no such thoughts for you."

In order to make Huang Haotian give up, Zhuo Bufan revealed Lan Miaoren's brother Yu.

As soon as these words came out, Huang Haotian was furious.

"Childhood sweetheart? Huh, so what, Xiao Lanlan and I have an engagement, no one can take it away."

"Well, that's not called a marriage contract."

Zhuo Bufan naturally knew what Huang Haotian was talking about about the engagement, wasn't it the competition three months later. That could only be considered a bet at best.

"You are very confident! Okay, how do you want me to help you?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

He and Huang Haotian were half friends.

After all, they were classmates once and shared the joys and sorrows in the Da Ri torture chamber, so the two of them were considered familiar.

When a friend is in need, he is naturally willing to help.

But Zhuo Bufan still has to be cautious about Huang Haotian.


Zhuo Bufan hasn't used the save file for a long time. He basically hasn't used it since he came out of the Blood Desert.

Perhaps it was because of the ease and comfort he had lived recently that he no longer felt the nervousness he had before.

Today's three archive gates are still: Blood Devouring Divine River, Talisman Temple, and Mass Grave.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan agreed to help, Huang Haotian hugged Zhuo Bufan.

"Good brother, I knew you would help me. Don't worry, I don't need you to do anything for me."

"I just want to stay at your place, so that I can get along with little Lanlan day and night every day."

"Hey, hey, hey, you're staying at my place. I'm the one you spend time with day and night, right?"

"Why does it sound so disgusting? Two grown men are in the same room. If word spreads, am I going to be shameless?"

Zhuo Bufan bluntly refused.

"Brother Zhuo, help me!"

Huang Haotian suddenly stuck his head out, with a pitiful look in his golden pupils.

"Your place is so big, it doesn't matter if I have one more person living here."

"Brother, my happiness for the rest of my life depends entirely on you."

Huang Haotian plans to live here with Zhuo Bufan and fight a protracted war.

After Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment, he sighed and said.

"Hey, that's okay! But let me make it clear first, if you are discovered, I will not protect you. Go back to where you came from."

"Hey, hey, brother Zhuo, don't worry. How could these old turtles in the Talisman Temple find out about me?"

Boom, boom, boom!

As soon as Huang Haotian finished speaking, there was a knock on Zhuo Bufan's door.


Zhuo Bufan asked.

"It's me, Xiaofan. I want to discuss our proposal report with you. The first topic tomorrow will be our proposal."

The person who came was none other than Zhuo Bufan’s teacher, Zu Jiuling.

"Hurry up and hide."

Zhuo Bufan glanced at Huang Haotian aside.

Then he got up and went to open the door.

When he opened the door, he looked back and found that Huang Haotian had disappeared, and there was no sign that the window had been opened.

It was as if it had never appeared before and disappeared out of thin air.

"This guy is quite capable!"

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

"Is there anyone in your house? I thought I heard someone else talking just now."

Zu Jiuling asked.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and replied: "Teacher, did you hear it wrong?"

"Please come in!"

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan discussed the proposal with Zu Jiuling for most of the night.

After all, their proposal report was the first to be approved, so starting from tomorrow, the first topic meeting will be dedicated to discussing Zhuo Bufan's proposal.

Zhuo Bufan is neither Newton nor Einstein.

He just has more advanced knowledge than the people in this world.

He was unable to conduct more in-depth research in the field of knowledge he knew.

So what Zhuo Bufan can do is to throw out the knowledge he has learned and pass it on to other people.

Then let them continue to explore and advance the development of the spell.

Zhuo Bufan’s teacher Zu Jiuling was undoubtedly such a pioneer.

He had already conducted very advanced quantum research before Zhuo Bufan arrived.

Soul resonance, soul fluctuation, this is the "sigh wall" that even the scientific knowledge of the earth has not yet touched.

Zhuo Bufan had a feeling that Zu Jiuling would become the Einstein of this world.

His concentration on the study of talismans was far higher than that of Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, it’s not just Zu Jiuling, there are people like Lan Miaoren, Guangzun and so on.

These distinguished people are all great academic pioneers in the world.

The ones who can truly push the magic of this world to a higher level are them, not him.

Perhaps Zhuo Bufan can lead them forward now, but sooner or later, he will be surpassed by them.

Zhuo Bufan is very self-aware of this.

"Well, let's think about this tonight! Tomorrow our research will start with what you call 'matter waves' and 'matter radiation'!"

After Zu Jiuling finished speaking, he turned and left.

Although Zhuo Bufan now nominally calls him his teacher, in fact, Zu Jiuling has always regarded Zhuo Bufan as his teacher.

He could feel that Zhuo Bufan knew a lot of advanced knowledge that they didn't know.

After Zu Jiuling left, Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief.

Snort, snore, snore...

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan seemed to hear snoring.

Zhuo Bufan left in search of the sound, and finally found Huang Haotian hiding under the bed and already asleep on his bed.

"Is this guy here to make fun of you?"

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