Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 358 Lan Miaoren's Night Visit [Second Update]

The next day!

The first meeting of the ten-year Zunren Conference planned by Talisman Temple - the Discussion Meeting on Waves of All Things was officially opened.

Zhuo Bufan and his teacher Zu Jiuling are naturally the center of attention.

This meeting, like the proposal meeting the day before, was broadcast live in a very grand manner!

The 1.3 billion spell masters around the world will witness Zhuo Bufan's extraordinary performance.

"According to the summary of our ancestors, all things are composed of the most basic elements."

"And the world is made of matter and energy."

"The particle nature of the atomic particles determines the matter. Then the wave nature of the atomic particles determines the energy of matter."

When the conference started, Zhuo Bufan sat on the proposal stage and talked endlessly about the arguments and basis for "everything has waves".

He took advantage of the situation and proposed a series of concepts such as material waves and radiation to influence and dominate the development of spells in this world.

All Zhuo Bufan can do is spread the knowledge he has learned to the people of this world.

Some people listened with confusion, while some people listened with great interest.

Whether they understand it or not, they all know very well that every word Zhuo Bufan speaks is promoting the development of spells in this world.

Because many physics terms appeared in his discussion, Zhuo Bufan had to explain them one by one.

Everyone can only listen speciously at first.

Soon, the entire day passed by in a blink of an eye.

The proposal brought by Zhuo Bufan aroused huge response.

At least everyone was deeply shocked.

After the meeting, many distinguished people gathered around Zhuo Bufan and asked endless questions, hoping that Zhuo Bufan could answer their questions.

"Please be patient, this meeting has just begun. I will answer my questions one by one next time."

Zhuo Bufan could only refuse one by one and quickly fled the meeting hall.

After returning to the room, Zhuo Bufan found Huang Haotian sitting on the couch and drinking tea.

"Why are you still here? Aren't you here to pursue Lan Miaoren? If you don't go to her boudoir, why are you staying here with me?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Huang Haotian and frowned.

"Brother Zhuo, you are really forgetful. Isn't my little Lanlan holding some bullshit honorable conference just like you?"

"This bullshit respectable conference of yours doesn't happen every day, does it? Then how do I establish a relationship with Xiao Lanlan?"

Huang Haotian said with troubled expression.

"That's not the case. Our meetings are held every ten days, three times a month. After all, you have to digest the knowledge gained from the meetings and prepare some new proposals."

Although the Zunren Conference lasts for ten years, it does not meet every day.

Most of the time, the respected people still hide in their rooms and study with concentration.

"So, Xiao Lanlan will have a rest tomorrow?"

Huang Haotian asked.

"That's right, your chance will come tomorrow."

Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Come on, come on, drink tea! Speaking of which, I went to take a look at Xiao Lanlan's brother Yu today. So, he is so cowardly that he is worthy of me fighting for Xiao Lanlan?"

"You went to find her childhood sweetheart?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"I'm just a coward. There's no pressure on me."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he chuckled.

"I really don't know where your confidence comes from."

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him.

Boom, boom, boom!

At this moment, there was a knock on Zhuo Bufan's door again.

"Can I come in? I have something to ask."

Zhuo Bufan thought it was his teacher Zu Jiuling, but he didn't expect that the voice that came from him was a female voice.

Moreover, it is also the little Lanlan and Lan Miaoren that Huang Haotian misses day and night.

"It's my Lanlan, my little Lanlan is here."

Huang Haotian was like a mad dog that had been beaten to death. He was about to rush out to meet Lan Miaoren, but was pulled back by Zhuo Bufan.

"What do you want to do? Go back and hide. I don't want to cause any scandal with you."

Zhuo Bufan glared at him.

If Lan Miaoren saw him and Huang Haotian in the same room, that would be fine.

"You don't want your goddess to think you have masculine qualities, right?"

Zhuo Bufan said.

When Huang Haotian heard this, he immediately shrank under Zhuo Bufan's bed.

This time Zhuo Bufan watched with his own eyes as he got under the bed at lightning speed.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan stood up, cleared the coffee table, and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was Lan Miaoren wearing a blue dress.

"Sir, why are you coming to see me so late?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said to Lan Miaoren.

Upon hearing this, Lan Miaoren raised her eyelashes and said.

"Is there anyone in your house?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

"People? No, there's no one anywhere in the world."

"Then can I go in?" Lan Miaoren asked.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan let go of his hand holding the door frame and said, "Please."

Lan Miaoren walked into the room and sat where Huang Haotian was sitting before.

"Tell me, is there any problem I can solve?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Lan Miaoren must have come here for some of the discussions he had made at the Tiantian Zunren meeting.

After all, a lot of the knowledge he talked about today is beyond the understanding of respected people.

After hearing this, Lan Miaoren looked at the tea that Zhuo Bufan poured for her, and then said.

"You said something like this at the meeting today. All things are composed of elements. But the composition of matter is not a single element."

"You made an analogy, saying that even the purest water is not composed of a single water element. It is composed of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen."

"Your statement is very interesting. What exactly are hydrogen and oxygen? What are elements? Can you explain it to me?"

This time, Lan Miaoren came with a very pious heart to learn.

She even brought a small notebook to take notes.

"Did I say the word element?"

Zhuo Bufan was confused. He did mention hydrogen and oxygen. But he really didn't remember the word element.

Zhuo Bufan felt that it was not the time for these venerables to touch on chemical knowledge.

Although he knew that chemistry was also one of the subjects to answer the truth.

He had never used the knowledge of chemistry to understand the true meaning of the spell.

"Yes, you definitely said it. I wrote down every word you said, you can see for yourself."

Lan Miaoren took a small blue notebook, in which she recorded every sentence and every word that Zhuo Bufan said in detail.

One of the sentences was circled by Lan Miaoren with a charcoal pencil.

It says: Water is not made up of simple water elements, but of two kinds of original elements, Qing and Yang.

Lan Miaoren didn't know what the hydrogen, oxygen and elements Zhuo Bufan was talking about, so all the words he wrote were typos.

After seeing Lan Miaoren's notes, Zhuo Bufan showed an unbelievable look on his face.

"No way? No matter how slow I speak, I can at least spit out five or six words in one second. I'm afraid your hand speed is faster than that of an old driver who has been single for fifty years."

Zhuo Bufan was amazed at Lan Miaoren's hand speed.

But no matter what, Lan Miaoren did write down his words.

"Can you explain to me what hydrogen and oxygen are? Thank you."

Lan Miaoren rarely asked Zhuo Bufan so sincerely.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan glanced at Huang Haotian who was hiding under the bed.

Then he touched his chin and said.

"Let's put it this way. It's too late today. I can't explain it clearly for a while."

"Anyway, there is no meeting tomorrow. If you are free, let's meet at the 'Moonlight Lotus Pond'. I will explain to you what hydrogen and oxygen are, and what elements are."

Since he had let it slip, Zhuo Bufan thought about it and thought it would be okay to pass on the knowledge of chemistry to this world.

As long as it is knowledge that can approach the truth, there is nothing wrong with saying it.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan's knowledge of chemistry is not good, but he can recite the periodic table very well!

When Lan Miaoren heard it, he agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, see you at noon tomorrow at the Moonlight Lotus Pond."

After saying this, the elementary school bully Lan Miaoren got up and left...

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