Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 360 What is the soul? [Fourth update]

Zhuo Bufan is not omnipotent. At least in terms of soul research, he is far inferior to his teacher Zu Jiuling.

Zu Jiuling has been immersed in the field of soul research for more than eighty years.

If Zhuo Bufan wants to discover the spell that can read memories, he must rely on Zu Jiuling's knowledge.

When Zhuo Bufan found Zu Jiuling and told Zu Jiuling his thoughts, Zu Jiuling was also frightened by Zhuo Bufan's thoughts.

"Xiao Fan, you said you want to discover a charm that can read memories? Is there such a charm?"

"Yes, teacher, there must be."

Zhuo Bufan said confidently.

"But you have no basis for this. If you don't, it will be in vain."

Zu Jiuling didn't distrust Zhuo Bufan, but he had studied the soul field for seventy or eighty years and had never felt the existence of such a spell.

"Teacher, do you know that when Taoist couples practice together, there will be a process of soul fusion?"

"In this process, you can peek into each other's soul memories."

"The principle of talismans is that there must be truth in existence. Since this kind of memory peeks into existence, there must be similar talismans hidden in the world of truth."

Zhuo Bufan told his basis.

However, Zu Jiuling was stunned after hearing this.

"Double cultivation? Have you ever practiced dual cultivation?"

Zu Jiuling's question stopped Zhuo Bufan.

Is this Zhuo Bufan's self-destruction?

After all, his ancestor Jiuling lived for a hundred years and was still just an old virgin!

He has never practiced dual cultivation, so naturally he cannot feel the feeling of soul integration and shared memory that Zhuo Bufan said.

Without that feeling, it would naturally be impossible to understand what Zhuo Bufan said about memory reading.

Facing Zu Jiuling's question, Zhuo Bufan grinned and then smiled.

"I read this from a book. The book says that when a couple practices dual cultivation, they will share souls and memories."

Zhuo Bufan explained awkwardly.

After hearing this, Zu Jiuling nodded in confusion.

"Oh, that's it. But if you want to really understand the spell you mentioned, maybe you really need to experience memory sharing for yourself."

"That is, experiencing a double cultivation in person."

Zu Jiuling said this to Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he didn't know how to answer.

"Let's not talk about this, teacher! I want to ask you something. What kind of existence is our memory and soul?"

Zhuo Bufan must understand this problem before he can continue his research on spells.

When Zu Jiuling heard this, he took a breath and then said.

"You really confused me. In fact, this question has troubled me for many years."

"But I only got the revelation after listening to your recent talk on atomic theory and wave-particle duality."

"I may not have known how to explain it to you before. But now I can give you a simple explanation of the relationship between the two."

Zu Jiuling touched his beard, thoughtfully, and said what he had learned.

"First of all, our soul, which is commonly known as the soul by immortal cultivators. It should be a kind of wave energy."

"Immortal cultivators also believe that the soul is the true self. After all, ascension can only ascend the soul, and the body is just the carrier of the soul."

"Furthermore, there is a stage of body-seizing in the cultivation of the soul. Body-seizing is to use one's own soul to occupy someone else's body."

"In other words, our body is just a skin."

"And our body is just a ball of soul energy."

Zhuo Bufan once believed what Zu Jiuling said.

But when his soul traveled to this world, he was sure that his soul was his true self and his body was just a skin.

And in fact, according to the formation of cells metabolism.

All cells in the human body are replaced every seven years.

In other words, the physical body itself is completely different from the person I was seven years ago to the person I am now.

The body is only the home of the soul, and the soul is the true self.

"After we have determined that the soul is the self, this has to do with our consciousness."

"The soul is a very mysterious existence. Although I have studied it all my life, I only have a superficial understanding of it."

"In my opinion, consciousness is one of the three main components of the soul."

"Three major components? Which three?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"First, there is our consciousness. Then there is non-consciousness. Finally, there is emptiness!"

The three major components summarized by Zu Jiuling were confused this time by Zhuo Bufan.

"Please ask the teacher for advice."

This time, it was Zhuo Bufan who was the student and listened to Zu Jiuling's teachings.

"First of all, it is our consciousness, which is also the most important part of the soul."

"It includes three parts: memory, feeling, and association."

"Memory is everything that our consciousness has experienced. I call it past consciousness."

“And feelings are what we’re experiencing, what I call present awareness.”

"Association is a consciousness that we have not experienced yet, but can be imagined through memories and feelings. I call it future consciousness."

After listening to Zu Jiuling's statement, Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood.

He had never thought that the soul could be so interesting.

Even consciousness is divided into past, present and future.

"Then teacher, what is non-consciousness?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

It was getting more and more interesting, and Zhuo Bufan was completely interested.

"Non-consciousness is the existence outside our consciousness. For example, dreams and hallucinations."

"These are things that our consciousness has never experienced. Perhaps they are hallucinations caused by accepting memory fragments from other souls."

"Because everyone's soul is a kind of energy, combined with my soul resonance theory, the souls between people will actually affect each other."

"Sometimes what other people's souls experience is received into our own souls. I define it as non-consciousness."

The unconscious statement also made Zhuo Bufan excited.

He does have this thought sometimes, and scenes that he has never experienced appear in his dreams.

Also, sometimes something you do seems to appear in your memory.

For example, when walking through an unfamiliar alley, suddenly at a certain moment, a picture of yourself walking through this alley will appear in your mind.

But deep in my memory, it was obviously the first time I walked through that alley.

Perhaps it was what Zu Jiuling called non-consciousness, which received other people's soul information and then assimilated into that person.

It's like interference in radio waves causing strange things to happen.

"Teacher, didn't you say that the soul is composed of three parts? There is also an emptiness. How do you understand it?"

After hearing this, Zu Jiuling sighed and said.

"Emptiness, I can't explain it. Solidity is outside our main consciousness and non-consciousness. But it does exist."

"I haven't touched upon the research of emptiness. Maybe one day, I will be able to discover the mystery of emptiness."

"Instead of talking about this, let me talk about the memory in the main consciousness. It may be of some help to your research."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, okay, I want to know now, what the hell is memory!"

After listening to Zu Jiuling's views on the soul, Zhuo Bufan suddenly became full of confidence in the spell he wanted to find.

For the first time, he discovered that his soul was so magical.

Regarding the explanation of the soul in the article, I made it up. If you take it seriously, you will lose!

Of course, I think what I said still makes some sense, hahaha!

That’s it for today, continue tomorrow!

Just a reminder, it’s free on the 6th! If there is a limited exemption, there will be no income from this book, so I can only hope to get some rewards in those two days! ! !

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