Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 361 I'm here for the appointment [First update]

After listening to Zu Jiuling's explanation about the soul, Zhuo Bufan felt that he was one step closer to the spell he was looking forward to.

"I just said that memory is a consciousness of the past."

“It is the soul’s storage of everything we experience.”

"Deep in our souls, there is a Tripitaka, which can classify and store our memories."

Zu Jiuling explained.

Zhuo Bufan did not interrupt, but asked Zu Jiuling to continue talking.

"Of course, if there is a Sutra Pavilion, there is also a Sutra Pavilion administrator. It is responsible for classifying our memories."

"Important memories are hidden on important bookshelves, unimportant memories are hidden on ordinary bookshelves, and then these unimportant memories will be cleared after a while."

"I call them important memories, temporary memories, and completely unimportant memories."

Zu Jiuling's explanation is very vivid, using the books in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to understand the storage of memory.

"Teacher, so you also believe that memory can be stored, right?"

The thing that had the deepest impact on Zhuo Bufan was the storage mentioned by Zu Jiuling.

"Yes, memory is originally a kind of stored information."

"Since it can be stored, there should be a way to read these memories."

Zhuo Bufan said with a slight frown.

It's like a memory card and a card reader. The memory is hidden in the memory card. Now Zhuo Bufan wants to find the so-called card reader to read the memory in the card.

"Perhaps computer-related knowledge can help me."

Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Computer storage is to store information such as songs, videos, pictures, documents, etc. in a binary sequence on the hard disk.

Then the magnetic head of the hard disk can read the signal at the corresponding position according to the instruction, and can change the direction of the magnetic field at the specified position.

This is the reading and writing of data, as well as the storage and retrieval of information.

It is true that the soul is a higher being than the computer.

But in the final analysis, it is still the study of the quantum world.

In other words, the soul's information is actually stored in a specific sequence.

Then there must be a power that can translate these sequence information into designated memories.

What Zhuo Bufan is looking for is this kind of power.

Zhuo Bufan named this talisman, the Soul Reading Talisman!

It is a special soul memory reading ability.

"Actually, there may be someone who can help you with soul memory research."

Just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking about the true meaning of the soul-reading spell, Zu Jiuling suddenly made a reminder.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately asked excitedly.


After hearing this, Zu Jiuling looked embarrassed. After several struggles, he finally said the other party's name.

"Soul Master, Master Meng."

"Soul Lord?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he couldn't help but look at his teacher.

Zhuo Bufan knew that his teacher had different feelings for Master Meng.

Whether it's in the Amber Palace, the banquet hall, or the Great Hall.

Zu Jiuling would look at Master Meng intentionally or unintentionally every few breaths.

There must be something fishy between these two people.

Zhuo Bufan thought this, and then he smiled.

"Then teacher, why don't you take me to find the Soul Lord!"

Zhuo Bufan could tell that Zu Jiuling had feelings for Master Meng.

And Master Meng seemed to be interested in Zu Jiuling.

The two of them are obviously in love, why don't they just fall in love together?

Maybe I can be one of them, maybe make a matchmaking connection.

However, after Zu Jiuling heard this, he shook his head.

"You can go by yourself, there's no need for me to go."


Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He could also feel that his teacher was worried about something.

"Teacher, you are a highly respected figure in the field of soul talismans. And the soul master is the supreme being in the field of soul talismans."

"I believe that with the help of the two of you, I will be able to comprehend that brand new spell."

"We are promoting the development of the Soul Talisman. Teacher, you must help me!"

Zhuo Bufan knew that other methods would not be able to persuade Zu Jiuling.

Therefore, he stated that the purpose of his trip was to promote the development of the Soul Talisman.

In this way, Zu Jiuling will no longer refuse.

As expected, Zu Jiuling sighed and said after thinking for a moment.

"Well, you are right, this is an important thing to promote the development of Soul Talisman. We are likely to open another door in the field of Soul Talisman."

Zu Jiuling is an academic madman, and talismans are always the first thing on his mind.

After persuading Zu Jiuling, Zhuo Bufan followed Zu Jiuling to the Soul Temple!

Meanwhile, it’s past noon!

Full of hope, Huang Haotian went to the moonlit lotus pond to keep an appointment with his little Lanlan.

When he came to the moonlit lotus pond, he found that Lan Miaoren had already been waiting in the octagonal pavilion beside the lotus pond.

When Huang Haotian saw this, he quickly ran over.

Obviously, Huang Haotian's appearance caught Lan Miaoren off guard.

Lan Miaoren was stunned when she saw the man with golden eyes running towards him.

"You? How did you enter my Talisman Temple?"

"Xiao Lanlan, of course I'm here for you!"

Huang Haotian said with a smile.

When he saw Lan Miaoren again, he smiled like a fool who weighed more than 140 pounds.

"Boring, did you leave the temple by yourself, or were you expelled by me?"

Lan Miaoren looked at Huang Haotian coldly.

"Shh, little Lanlan, don't make a sound! I'm here to keep an appointment."

"To keep an appointment?" Lan Miaoren was stunned for a moment, "Zhuo Bufan, he..."

"Hehe, Brother Zhuo said he went to change the world. He has no time to deal with you, so he sent me to keep the appointment."

Huang Haotian said with a smile, and a solemn love appeared in his golden pupils.

However, after hearing what Huang Haotian said, Lan Miaoren frowned.

In her opinion, Zhuo Bufan asked Huang Haotian to come, obviously to tease her.

Zhuo Bufan really still held a grudge and deliberately embarrassed her.

Lan Miaoren said nothing and stood up to leave.

However, Huang Haotian stopped her in time.

"Little Lanlan, don't you want to know what hydrogen and oxygen are, and what elements are?"

When Lan Miaoren heard this, she stopped, then quickly turned around and looked at the smiling Huang Haotian.

"You know?"

Huang Haotian didn't say much, but snapped his fingers.

A set of novel devices appeared on the stone table in the pavilion.

"Brother Zhuo really has something to do and can't come. But since he made an appointment with you, he can't stand you up! So he sent me here to answer your questions."

"This device is called a water electrolysis device, which can separate water into two substances, hydrogen and oxygen. Don't you want to see it?"

Sure enough, just as Zhuo Bufan said, Lan Miaoren, this woman, is more obsessed with academics than ordinary people.

After listening to Huang Haotian's words, she immediately turned around and sat down, and then began to carefully observe the water electrolysis device on the stone table.

Huang Haotian saw this and laughed wildly in his heart.


Lan Miaoren is willing to stay, this is a good start!

Next, Huang Haotian began to carefully tell Lan Miaoren the names and functions of each part of the device.

A love story under Zhuo Bufan's divine assistance, just like that!


Don't think I'm a fool, Huang Haotian is a very important person. This foreshadowing has been buried in the first volume! A new day, don't ask for subscriptions, ask for recommendations! It's going to be free soon, it's not kind to ask for subscriptions now!

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