Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 363: Master Meng [Third update]

Zhuo Bufan finally walked up the last step and saw the dream pool shrouded in purple mist.

The water in Mengchi is not purple, but just like ordinary water, clean and transparent.

However, when Zhuo Bufan looked at Mengchi, his eyes and soul could not help but be attracted by Mengchi.

This small pool seemed to have a special magic power, attracting Zhuo Bufan to come closer.

"The dream pool created by the first-generation palace master, Ji Xuanhao. It can reflect the deepest memory in a person's soul."

Zhuo Bufan murmured to himself.

Suddenly, he saw a person's reflection really appear in the dream pool.

With the passing light, it trembled slightly.

"What is my deepest memory?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

To be honest, he didn't know what the deepest memory in his heart was.

However, when the reflection in the dream pool became clearer and clearer, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but tremble.

In the reflection, there is the shadow of a person.

And this person is Bai Su, whom Zhuo Bufan doesn't know how to face!

Bai Su in the dream pool was holding a black umbrella, with her back to Zhuo Bufan, looking back and smiling.

Those clear and moving eyes made Zhuo Bufan's soul tremble.

It was those eyes, those charming eyes, that made Zhuo Bufan forget himself.

Zhuo Bufan's deepest memory is those eyes, Bai Su's eyes.

"Is this my deepest subconscious memory?"

Zhuo Bufan actually guessed that it might be Bai Su, so after seeing Bai Su's reflection, he didn't show too much shock.

Seeing Bai Su again, his soul couldn't help but want to feel the other person's presence.

Bai Su's soul is very warm and peaceful, without killing.

Zhuo Bufan even felt a warm love deep in Bai Su's soul.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't understand what that feeling was, but at least he was sure of one thing.

She was temporarily freed from the life of being hunted.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan felt more at ease.

And the traces of warm love that Zhuo Bufan felt were actually Bai Su's motherly love for her children.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't understand that it was because he didn't know that Bai Su was pregnant.

After seeing the reflection in Mengchi, Zhuo Bufan was silent for a moment.

Then he put the matter aside and began to seriously study the principles of Mengchi.

The dream pool can reflect the memory deep in the soul, which is very close to the principle of the soul-reading spell that Zhuo Bufan wants to discover.

But after studying for a long time, Zhuo Bufan found nothing.

He even took a sip of Mengchi water and found that the water was just like ordinary water, colorless and odorless.

In other words, the key to this dream pool lies in this Bagua Well.

Zhuo Bufan then began to use the most common visualization method in the world of immortality, hoping to understand the true meaning of the spell from this dream pool.

Visualization is the most mainstream method used by spell masters to understand spells.

By observing the phenomenon of something over and over again, we can discover the truth in it.

But visualization is too time-consuming.

Some people sit motionless and meditate for hundreds of years without achieving anything.

Visualization relies on that one finger of intuition and that moment of enlightenment.

Zhuo Bufan wants to visualize the true meaning of the dream pool through visualization, which is obviously not a day's work.

In the end, he could only leave in anger.

Walking out of the cave, he saw Zu Jiuling's expectant eyes.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he shook his head slightly.

"The Dream Pool can indeed reflect the deepest memories deep in my soul."

"This is somewhat similar to the soul-reading spell I guessed. But I haven't figured out the principle. Maybe the Soul Master can give us some guidance."

Zhuo Bufan placed his hope on Soul Lord.

Zhuo Bufan was not too disappointed. After all, this spell was not as simple as the ones he had discovered before.

If the spell can be understood in just a few days, then there will not be only eighty or so venerable people in the world.

Some venerable people spend their entire lives studying a talisman.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan is also prepared for a protracted war.

At this moment, a group of little girls in purple clothes ran over in their direction.

They shouted over and over again.

"The palace master is awake, my dear sir, the palace master is awake."

These girls were waiting outside the Mengshen Palace, waiting for the palace master to wake up, so that they could inform the young master of the news as soon as possible.

Zhuo Bufan laughed when he saw this.

He never imagined that he would become a heartthrob one day.

"Then please help the girls to lead the way. Let's go to the Meng Shen Palace to meet the Soul Lord!"


A group of little fans began to lead the way.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt welcomed by the superstar.

"Teacher, let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan glanced at Zu Jiuling beside him, he seemed a little hesitant.

"Teacher, read the spell for the soul."

Zhuo Bufan said again.

Zu Jiuling's eyes lit up when he heard the soul-reading spell.

"Let's go!"

Zu Jiuling kept shouting in his heart at this moment, for the charm, for the charm, for the charm.

As a result, after shouting, it became for Shishi, for Shishi, for Shishi...

Now Zu Jiuling is completely distracted and fascinated.

When I was about to meet Master Meng, how would I change my attitude when meeting that woman?

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand Zu Jiuling's inner anxiety at this moment.

He followed the group of girls who led the way and arrived at a purple palace surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers.

This palace is like a circular fortress, full of a dreamy atmosphere.

Dream God Palace, the palace of the Lord of the Soul God Palace.

"My lord, we are here, the Meng Shen Palace is in front of us."

The girls brought Zhuo Bufan to the Mengshen Palace.

When I came outside the door, I heard the gentle voice of the Master of the Soul Palace coming from the palace.

"You two, please come in."

This was not the first time Zhuo Bufan heard Master Meng's voice.

After all, in several consecutive days of meetings, he had paid more or less attention to this soul master because of his teacher.

Master Meng is one of those very gentle women, with an intellectual beauty about her.

She is both gentle and virtuous, and has an extraordinary temperament.

The moment she heard Master Meng's voice, Zu Jiuling's body trembled.

"Teacher, are you okay?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted, and then Zu Jiuling came back to his senses.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay. Come in!"

Zu Jiuling followed Zhuo Bufan into the Mengshen Palace with a heavy heart.

Entering the palace, they saw that Lord Hun had already made tea and was sitting behind a coffee table made from thousands of years old roots.

Today, Master Meng is wearing plain clothes, with a slightly tired look on his face.

She had just woken up and was obviously not in good spirits, so she made tea to wait.

As soon as she saw Zhuo Bufan and Zu Jiuling entering the palace, she quickly stood up to greet them.

"Please take a seat, both of you."

Master Meng motioned for Zhuo Bufan and Zu Jiuling to sit down.

Zhuo Bufan saw that Master Meng's eyes swept over him, and then looked at Zu Jiuling beside him.

However, Zu Jiuling seemed to dare not look at her and deliberately avoided her.

The atmosphere seems a bit awkward!

Master Meng said quickly.

"What do you two want from me?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately broke the embarrassment and told the purpose of today's visit.

Master Meng frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Memory reading, soul reading spell?"

"It's quite interesting. As expected of Mr. Xiao, he can always think of things that we dare not think of."

Master Meng picked up the teacup and said calmly.


At this moment, Zu Jiuling on the side exclaimed after smelling the tea in his hand.

The scene was awkward again.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the teacher and sweated deeply for him.

Fortunately, Master Meng seemed relatively calm.

"Yes, try the Yunmeng tea that was just picked this year. Does it still taste the same?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was completely convinced.

There is something fishy about these two!

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