Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 364: Unfortunate Fate [Fourth Update]

Zhuo Bufan felt like he was a light bulb.

Fortunately, Soul Lord and Zu Jiuling did not show any flirtation as Zhuo Bufan imagined.

On the contrary, Zu Jiuling was holding the tea cup in both hands, like a young man who was just beginning to have an affair, sitting opposite Master Meng at a loss.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't stand it anymore and quickly returned to the topic, starting to discuss the soul-reading spell with Master Meng.

"Lord Soul, I just went to the Dream Pool and found that the ability of the Dream Pool is very interesting. Can you explain to me the phenomenon of the Dream Pool?"

As the soul master, Master Meng obviously understands Mengchi better than Zhuo Bufan.

As expected, she replied after listening to Zhuo Bufan's words.

"The dream pool is actually a four-layered talisman, which is cast into a talisman called the Dream Man."

"The person in my dream? What a poetic name!"

Zhuo Bufan said.

"That's right, because this is a talisman discovered by the first generation of the palace master."

"This kind of spell can reflect the dream person that a person misses most deep in his soul."

"Let those who miss you miss you even more and never forget it for a long time."

After listening to Master Meng's explanation, Zhuo Bufan understood a little bit what the 'Dream Man' spell was.

"Is this spell easy to learn?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Fortunately, as long as you sit by the dream pool, look at the dream person reflected in the pool, and feel lovesick, this spell is easy to learn."

When Master Meng said this again, he looked at Zu Jiuling aside.

Obviously, what Master Meng said was based on personal experience.

She also once sat by the dream pool, looked at the dream person reflected in the pool, and understood the magical spell of "dream person".

"I want to learn."

Zhuo Bufan said directly.

Although the "dream man" is not the soul-reading spell he wants, perhaps the understanding of this spell will help Zhuo Bufan find his direction.

When Master Meng heard this, he nodded slightly.

"Yes, you can enter the dream pool at will. However, to understand this spell, you need to see whether you miss the 'dream person' enough."

"The more you miss each other, the faster you will understand the true meaning of this spell."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately thought of the shadow of Bai Su he had just seen in the dream pool.

The more lovesick you are, the easier it is to understand.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan wants to have an inseparable love for Bai Su.

"I need to prepare."

Zhuo Bufan was not sure whether he could feel the kind of lovesickness for Bai Su as Master Meng said.

At least right now, he doesn't feel that way, and he's not ready yet.

"Okay, I'll come back tomorrow."

In the end, Zhuo Bufan decided to go back and make preparations, at least to brew some feelings.

"Well, the Soul Temple welcomes you at any time."

Master Soul Master Meng said.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan stood up and prepared to leave.

Zu Jiuling on the side did not speak from the beginning to the end.

Just when he was about to leave with Zhuo Bufan, Master Meng's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Brother Ninth, can we talk alone?"

As soon as these words came out, Zu Jiuling froze on the spot.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan also looked back at Soul Master and the teacher.

Then he said very wisely.

"Teacher, I will go back and prepare first. You and Soul Master need to have a good chat."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he rushed out of Mengshen Palace without saying a word.

Zu Jiuling and Meng Shishi were left, looking at each other without words, but with affection...

After leaving Mengshen Palace, Zhuo Bufan returned to their respectable dormitory.

Regarding Zu Jiuling and Meng Shishi, Zhuo Bufan could feel that there was affection between them.

Although he didn't know what the relationship between the two was, Zhuo Bufan still secretly cheered for his teacher.

Although Zu Jiuling is already a hundred years old.

But in fact, in the world of immortality, if you are one hundred years old, you can only be regarded as a junior.

There is no shame in falling in love among juniors.

However, when Zhuo Bufan returned to his dormitory, he knocked down an acquaintance, Meng Gaizun.

She was standing in front of Zu Jiuling's room, seemingly wanting to find Zu Jiuling.

Of course, she didn't find anyone, because Zu Jiuling was at the Soul Temple at the moment.

But she did see Zhuo Bufan.

"Boy, where is your teacher?"

Mengmaizun also called Zhuo Bufan directly.

Of course, she is over 800 years old, so calling Zhuo Bufan a brat is not an exaggeration.

Moreover, Mengmaizun was Zu Jiuling's teacher, and Zu Jiuling was Zhuo Bufan's teacher.

In other words, the white-haired but radiant aunt or even ancestor-level figure in front of me can be regarded as an extraordinary master.

Faced with Master's inquiry, Zhuo Bufan naturally did not dare to be disrespectful and nodded quickly in reply.

"In reply to the honorable man, Teacher, he is now in the Soul Temple."

"Soul Temple?" The Mengmai sighed after hearing this.

"Hey, that silly boy, you must regret it!"

Listening to Mengmai Zunren's words, it is obvious that he knows about Zu Jiuling and Hun Zun.

"Boy, don't imitate your worthless teacher in the future. If you had known this, why did you do it in the first place!"

The master warned Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to know anything.

Either you know nothing, or you know everything.

So he couldn't help but gossip.

"What do you mean by Zun Ren? Do you know the relationship between Teacher and Soul Zun?"

"Me? Of course I know. Those two incompetent man and woman are my students!"

Meng Yi Zunren answered.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked after hearing this.

He didn't expect that the lady in front of him, who looked like a white-haired girl, was actually Hun Zun's teacher.

"That was seventy years ago. Jiu and Shi Shi were flirting in my class. It seemed like it was just yesterday."

"Shi Shi is the daughter of the previous Hun Zun and the princess of the Talisman Temple. Jiu was just born ordinary, even worse than ordinary people. He can't even cultivate immortality."

"But who can stop the love between these two people with such different identities?"

Meng Yi Zunren seemed to want to tell Zhuo Bufan, so he also opened the conversation.

"When Ajiu and Shishi first appeared in my class, they fell in love at first sight."

"No one expected that the two would get married after less than a year of getting along."

"As a result, Shishi's stubborn father found out about this. Poor Ajiu and Shishi, they fell in love with each other."

"Even in the face of the stubborn father's constant troubles, the two of them stood together through thick and thin and went through a lot of difficulties together."

"Their love is really a practice."

Sure enough, Zu Jiuling and Meng Shishi were once a couple.

Another old-fashioned plot.

The woman is a girl from a wealthy family, and the man is an ordinary person from a poor family.

The love between the two will naturally be blocked by the woman's family.

"But even so, they also joined hands and went through ups and downs. In the end, even the stubborn father compromised."

"Then why didn't they end up together?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Don't you know that they didn't end up together?"

Meng Yi Zunren asked Zhuo Bufan in return.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head. He knew nothing. This Master Mengyi just loved to joke.

"Of course you don't know."

It was indeed a joke that was not funny. Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but roll his eyes at her.

"It is impossible for the two of them to be together. Because at that time, Ajiu was just an ordinary person and could not cultivate immortality."

When Master Mengyi said this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized.

"Now you know? It is impossible for them to be together."

"Shishi can live for a thousand or two thousand years, or even longer. And Ajiu, at most a hundred years later, will not live long!"

"At that time, the former Soul Master found Ajiu and acknowledged his feelings for Shishi."

"But he put forward a condition, as long as Ajiu can cultivate immortality, he can become a Taoist partner with his family's Shishi and practice together."

"That night, the old stubborn man had a long talk with Ajiu, and no one knew what they said in the room."

"The next day, Ajiu found Shishi and ruthlessly abandoned her."

Master Mengyi couldn't help but feel sad when he talked about this.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to see tears in her eyes.

"That cruel guy, Shishi loved him deeply, no matter what the reason was, he shouldn't abandon her!"

"And his reason was so ridiculous."

"He thought that in his mind, Shishi's status was far inferior to the soul spell. He could only deceive himself."

"What happened later?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

This was similar to what he guessed, because of the teacher's physique, he couldn't cultivate immortality.

He couldn't marry Meng Shishi as a fairy.

He didn't want Meng Shishi to see his face aging, and become a pile of bones after a hundred years.

But Meng Shishi became a widow at a young age.

The two were deeply in love, but they were defeated by their selflessness to each other.

Because they were too selfless, they became selfish.

"Later? Later, it was even more ridiculous."

"Ajiu's ruthlessness exceeded Shishi's imagination.

"No matter how Shishi humbled herself and how she knelt down to beg, the man still left without hesitation. ”

“Shishi, who was disheartened or heartbroken, faced the sudden death of her father.”

“The old stubborn man’s dying wish was to see his daughter get married.”

“In his last few days, he facilitated a marriage and then passed away.”

“And Shishi married a man she never loved.”

“What’s even more ridiculous is that this man died shortly after the marriage.”

“What Jiu feared most in his life was that Shishi would become a widow, but he didn’t expect that Shishi would end up alone.”

“What a sin, what a sin!”

“Tell me, is this ridiculous or not? Is this a sin? "

Meng Yi Zun said to Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan was speechless at this moment.

He didn't expect that his teacher and Hun Zun had such a grudge and entanglement.

This is what they call a real bad fate.

The relationship between him and Bai Su is not worth mentioning in front of them.

Now Zhuo Bufan finally understood why his teacher was affectionate to Hun Zun, but didn't dare to get close to her.

"Oh my, my mood is suddenly so heavy!"

Although it didn't happen to him, Zhuo Bufan could empathize.

"Boy, absolutely, absolutely, don't learn from your disappointing teacher."

"He thought he gave up to love Shishi, but he didn't know that he was the one who hurt Shishi the most."

"If you have someone who is worth loving in the future, go boldly!"

"I'm leaving now. When Ah Jiu comes back, tell him that I support him. If he really loves Master, he should make up for it with his whole life!"

After saying this, Master Meng Yi put his hands behind his back and slowly left.

Watching Master Meng Yi leave, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Teacher, I support you too!"

He looked up in the direction of the Soul Temple.

Any love deserves respect!


That's all for today! Good night everyone!!!

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