Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 365: Love and Longing [First Update]

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After talking with Master Mengmai, Zhuo Bufan returned to his room and found that Huang Haotian had returned from a date.

He was playing with the water electrolysis device on the table, humming a terribly unpleasant tune.

He hummed smugly, completely ignoring the feelings of other people's ears.

"Brother Zhuo, you are back."

After Huang Haotian saw Zhuo Bufan coming back, he quickly stood up to greet him, smiling and showing hospitality.

"Brother Zhuo, sit down!"

"Brother Zhuo, let me pour you some tea!"

"Brother Zhuo, let me squeeze your legs!"

"How do you feel, Brother Zhuo?"

Seeing Huang Haotian's flattering look, Zhuo Bufan was almost disgusted.

"Can you stop doing this? If you have anything to say, just say it. How do you get along with your little Lanlan?"

In fact, seeing Huang Haotian's smug look, Zhuo Bufan could guess pretty well.

Apparently the relationship between the two has improved.

"Hehe, Xiaolanlan didn't reject me again. Brother Zhuo, the trick you thought of is too powerful."

"Little Lanlan, when she saw this device, her eyes were straightened."

"When he heard me talk about what elements are, that little boy admired me extremely."

Huang Haotian excitedly told what happened during his date with Lan Miaoren today.

Zhuo Bufan only listened half-heartedly, as his mind was at this moment.

The person he was thinking about inexplicably was Bai Su.

"Brother Zhuo, you must continue to help me!"

At this moment, Huang Haotian suddenly grabbed Zhuo Bufan's hand again.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and shouted quickly.

"Get out of here. I've already helped you here, how else can I help?"

"Brother Zhuo, Xiao Lanlan's interest in elements is obviously beyond my expectation."

"She asked me, since water is made of hydrogen and oxygen, what about earth, fire, gold, and wood? She wanted to know what elements these things are made of."

"She asked me, but I couldn't answer!"

Lan Miaoren's curiosity is obviously not so easy to satisfy.

Zhuo Bufan opened the door to the world of chemistry to her, and the woman began to mindlessly want to explore the truth behind the door.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan had already thought of this.

"Well, didn't I teach you hydrogen and oxygen last night? Today I will teach you a new element, carbon!"

Zhuo Bufan is still very talkative and helps people to the end.

When Huang Haotian heard this, he jumped up with excitement.

"Brother, you are really my biological brother. Please teach me what carbon is? It's best to make my little blue look at me differently again."

"Don't get excited yet. After tonight, I will be in seclusion for a period of time."

"That means you only have time tonight to learn what I have to teach you about carbon."

Zhuo Bufan said that after tonight, he would go to the Dream Pool to learn the "Dream Man" spell.

"Brother, don't abandon me! What if Xiao Lanlan asks other questions later? How should I answer them?"

Huang Haotian has placed the rest of his life's happiness on Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Don't underestimate the three elements of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They are enough to open up a whole new world for Lan Miaoren."

"She will definitely study until she can't help herself! Three elements, thousands of substances. The mysteries within them are enough for her to spend her whole life studying."

"Without further ado, I'm going to teach you what carbon is."

Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate and began to transfer knowledge about carbon to Huang Haotian.

Regarding the physical properties, chemical properties, extraction methods, application areas, etc. of carbon.

Huang Haotian imitated Lan Miaoren and picked up a small notebook and started recording.

After another night of instilling knowledge, Zhuo Bufan unexpectedly discovered that Huang Haotian was extremely smart.

He can basically understand the knowledge he talks about, and he can also draw inferences from one instance to another.

Seriously, this guy is definitely not a Huang Tianbang, but a truly rare peerless genius.

After a night of instilling knowledge, Zhuo Bufan once again went to the Dream Pool in the Soul Temple.

This time, when he came outside the cave of Mengchi, he found Master Meng, the soul master, already waiting for him.

"Soul Lord, excuse me."

"My dear sir, you are very polite. I just want to remind you. If you want to understand the 'Dream Man' spell, the stronger your longing, the better."

Soul Lord told Zhuo Bufan her experience, and Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly after listening.

"Thanks for the guidance, Lord Soul, I'm going."

After saying that, Zhuo Bufan walked into Mengchi alone.

"From now on, you will guard this place and no one will be allowed to enter. Do you understand?"

After the Soul Lord handed over the two guards, he left.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, once again walked into the Dream Pool.

Looking at the figures gradually emerging from the dream pool.

He is still the same lovely person, still holding the black umbrella like a fairy, independent from the world.

"Missing me? The person in my dream?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Bai Su in the reflection, and felt as if he had knocked over a five-flavor bottle, and all kinds of flavors came to his mind.

How should he miss this person?

To be honest, he and Bai Su didn't have a deep relationship.

It's not childhood sweethearts, nor is it love at first sight.

It can be said that there is no basis for emotion between the two.

If it weren't for that charming scene inside the Chaos Clock, Zhuo Bufan and her would never have been able to get together.

How can a couple without any emotional foundation miss each other?

At the beginning, Hun Zun could sit here and look at Zu Jiuling in the pool, with all kinds of thoughts in his heart.

Because they originally loved each other, and they couldn't extricate themselves.

What about Zhuo Bufan?

How would he miss Bai Su?

"I don't know how she is now."

Zhuo Bufan began to sense Bai Su's soul, and they could feel each other's soul state.

At this moment, Bai Su's soul was in a relatively stable state.

Very gentle, with a touch of lingering love in the gentleness.

That feeling made Zhuo Bufan very warm.

"Bai Su, where are you now?"

Lovesickness is a very mysterious thing.

The more you think about it, the more you can't understand it.

However, it will unconsciously produce the most real emotions in your heart.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but have begun to have a lingering love for Bai Su.

In his heart, he suddenly wanted to see Bai Su and wanted to see how she was doing now.

I really want to touch her face and play with her hair.

I really want to hug her and kiss her!

Missing is like flowing water, missing is like the moon.

Missing is a poison!

When love reaches its deepest level, one cannot help oneself, and there is only one person in the heart.

Even if the sky collapses and the earth breaks, and the world turns upside down, it cannot shake the long-lasting love.

In the distant East Region, in an ordinary town.

Holding a black umbrella, Bai Su, who was on her way, suddenly stopped.

Her body trembled slightly.

From the depths of her soul, the love of that person came.

She felt Zhuo Bufan's longing!

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