Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 366: Su Nu Zong [Second update]

The autumn wind was bleak and the weather was cold, the grass and trees were shaking and the dew turned to frost.

Bai Su, holding a black umbrella, rode the autumn wind and came to such a remote town.

Here, no one knew that she was Bai Wang Bai Su. No one knew that she was holding a rare treasure.

The town was called Russell Town!

It was a very ordinary town with simple villagers living in it.

Of course, Bai Su did not come here to settle down and find a place to keep the baby and maintain health.

Speaking of which, she was already four months pregnant, and her belly was slightly curved.

However, Bai Su was wearing a gray cloak, covering her belly tightly, and outsiders could not see her pregnancy.

Without vision, she could only rely on the perception of her soul to sense everything around her.

She did not come here for no reason, but because of the guidance of the White Emperor.

In the Su Nu Mountain in the Holy Land, she received the guidance of the White Emperor, asking her to go to the Su Nu Sect in the Xiuxian World to welcome the inheritance.

So, after getting the White Emperor's sword, Bai Su rushed here across thousands of mountains and rivers.

And Luosu Town is a small town at the foot of the Su Nu Sect.

The townspeople of the town, under the protection of the Su Nu Sect, live a comfortable life.

When Bai Su appeared in Luosu Town, she immediately attracted the attention of many people.

After all, her extraordinary temperament and her face like a fairy made people look at her sideways.

Gurgle gurgle gurgle...

Of course, even fairies would be hungry.

Before, Bai Su would not care. She could have a full meal by taking a breath of the spiritual energy in the air.

After all, people who cultivate immortals are used to living in the open air.

However, now that she is pregnant, she can ignore nutrition, but she cannot treat the child badly.

So Bai Su smelled the aroma of food and entered the only restaurant in the town.

Fortunately, the goddess did not lack spirit stones. She took out seven or eight spirit stones from her ring and said to the waiter.

"I want the best food."

It is rare to see a fairy who can eat fireworks in the world, so the waiter hurriedly entertained her warmly.

As a result, as soon as Bai Su sat down, she was targeted by someone with ulterior motives.

Seven or eight rough men sitting in the corner stared at Bai Su when they saw her come in.

"Hey, look, this young lady is really pretty."

"Look at her dress, she seems to be a cultivator. Could she be from the Su Nu Sect?"

"Su Nu Sect? That's great, the Su Nu Sect is a nest of fairies!"

"This time, my Tomb God Sect came for the Su Nu Sect."

"Hehe, when our leader and the leader of the Su Nu Sect become Taoist partners, don't you think those young ladies in the Su Nu Sect will be easy to capture?"


These people wore uniform black cloaks and round hats with a word "tomb" written on the front corner of the hat.

The Tomb God Sect is a sect of immortal cultivation that has suddenly developed in this area in recent decades.

Rather than saying it is immortal cultivation, it is better to say it is a crooked way.

However, this evil sect has developed rapidly. In just a few decades, there are already 70,000 to 80,000 believers.

The Tomb God Cult, to put it bluntly, these guys rely on tomb robbing to survive.

Their leader is said to be the king of tomb robbers!

He dares to rob anyone's tomb.

It is said that his greatest feat was to rob the legendary Baidi Tomb, and he also got Baidi's inheritance.

The founder of the Su Nu Sect is Baidi.

After hearing about this, Lingyu, the current leader of the Su Nu Sect, went to find the leader of the Tomb God Cult.

It turned out that the leader of the Tomb God Cult really possessed several relics of Baidi.

There is even a thing that the leader of the Su Nu Sect passed on - the Nine Bells Step-Shake.

The Nine Bells Step-Shake has been passed down as a token of the leader since the first generation of the Su Nu Sect, that is, Baidi.

This thing is an innate artifact.

The Nine Bells Step-Shake, each bell emits a chaotic sound, shaking the universe and upending the universe.

It is said that a woman wearing this item is the most beautiful woman in the world, with peerless beauty.

However, 50,000 years ago, this "Nine Bells Step-Shake" disappeared unexpectedly.

The "Nine Bells Step-Shake" inherited by the Su Nu Sect is now just a replica.

The leader of the Tomb God Sect got the Nine Bells Step-Shake, which naturally caused a shock to the entire Su Nu Sect.

Lingyu, the leader of the Su Nu Sect, brought several elders from the sect to ask for it in person.

I thought it would be a fight for the sect's token.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the Tomb God Sect readily agreed to return the Nine Bells Step-Shake to the Su Nu Sect.

But he had a request, which was to become a Taoist partner with Lingyu, the leader of the Su Nu Sect.

He claimed to have obtained the inheritance of the White Emperor, and became a Taoist partner with him. After practicing together, they could share the power of the White Emperor's inheritance.

For the Su Nu Sect, which had completely declined, this was a chance to revive.


Here, we have to talk about the development of the Su Nu Sect.

The Su Nu Sect is a female sect that only accepts females.

It has a long history and was founded by the White Emperor. It is one of the three oldest sects in the Eastern Immortal Cultivation World.

However, it has long since declined and become a minor sect.

There are only 3,000 people in the Su Nu Sect now, and they are all helpless women who are struggling to support it.

The leader of the Su Nu Sect passed away a year ago.

Before his death, the old leader entrusted the position of the leader to Ling Yu, a disciple with low cultivation.

At the same time, he opened the passage to the Yunmeng Realm and sent all his disciples to the Yunmeng Realm, hoping to continue the bloodline of the Su Nu Sect.

Speaking of which, after entering the Yunmeng Realm, the Su Nu Sect even fell to the point where they dared not take the initiative to seize the soul altar.

They could only live under the soul altars occupied by others like hermit crabs.

And the soul altar they lived in was the second soul altar that Zhuo Bufan seized in the Yunmeng Realm, "Seal True Name One".

Why did the Su Nu Sect fall to this point?

It was because its inheritance had long been broken.

Now, the Tomb Robber King came to tell the Su Nu Sect leader Ling Yu that he had obtained the inheritance of the White Emperor.

As long as he became a Taoist partner and practiced together, the Su Nu Sect would be able to continue the inheritance of the White Emperor again.

This is indeed a chance for the Su Nu Sect to come back to life.

After hearing this, the elders of the Su Nu Sect fully supported this marriage.

And Ling Yu, who had just succeeded the leader for less than a year, could not decide her own future at all.

If she did not agree, she would be regarded by the elders as an unfilial ancestor and unworthy of being the leader.

After all, this is the only chance to continue the inheritance of the Su Nu Sect.

However, if she agrees, then her life will be even less free.

It is ridiculous that she wants to become a Taoist partner with a man she does not love at all.

However, in the face of the interests of the sect, what does her love matter?

In the end, with the matchmaking of the elders in the sect, the Su Nu Sect agreed to the marriage with the Tomb God Sect.

These days, the Su Nu Sect is decorated with lights and is very lively.

Seeing that three days later is the day when the leader of the Su Nu Sect will get married, the people of the Tomb God Sect have already come early to prepare for the wedding.

Bai Su sat quietly in the corner, chewing the tasteless food in small bites.

It tasted tasteless to her, but it was necessary nutrition for the baby in her belly.

Now, for the sake of her baby, let alone eating these unpalatable meals, she would not hesitate even if she had to eat dirt.

From the conversations of people in the restaurant, she more or less understood the situation of the Su Nu Sect.

And this time, she came for the Su Nu Sect!

Welcome new friends. Let's talk about the update! Old book friends know that my update is not too bad! I updated 500,000 words in the month of listing. There will be a limited free for the next two days, and four updates every day. After the limited free is over, there will be a burst of a few days. How much is the burst, to be determined, it depends on whether the book friends give support! Hehe, the next plot may be more about the heroine, and the hero's plot makes me want to vomit. I underestimated the plot of the Talisman Temple.

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