Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 367 Gentle Killing [Third Update]

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Bai Su came for Su Nu Sect. This was the instruction given to her by Bai Di and Bai Di Sword.

Of course, Bai Su came for her own life experience.

After the trip to the Bloody Desert, her life experience seemed to be about to be revealed.

She and Bai Di have an indelible relationship.

It was to explore the secret behind this that Bai Su came to Su Nu Sect.

After all, the only thing Bai Di left in this world was this sect that was almost completely decayed.

I didn't expect that I would hear such a thing as soon as I arrived at the foot of Su Nu Mountain.

"Bai Di's Tomb, the King of Tomb Robbers?"

Bai Su was a little shocked. After all, it was the legendary Bai Di's Tomb. Could anyone really steal her tomb?

Let's not talk about whether Bai Di's Tomb really exists.

Even if there is such a tomb, it must be buried by Xuan Di.

Xuan Di, a man who can seal the world, made a tomb for his lover. Can ordinary people steal it?

This matter was full of doubts, but it made Bai Su very interested.

As long as it was related to Baidi, Bai Su had to keep it in mind.

After finishing the unpalatable meal in the restaurant, Bai Su reached out and touched her belly.

Feeling the vitality of the baby's growth, a faint smile appeared on her face.

At this time, she could still feel the lovesickness of another person from the depths of her soul.

Bai Su frowned slightly, and in the face of Zhuo Bufan's increasingly deep thoughts, she bit her thin lips gently.

Just like Zhuo Bufan didn't know how to face Bai Su.

Similarly, Bai Su didn't know how to face Zhuo Bufan.

For what happened in the Chaos Bell, she knew that there was no reason to blame Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Zhuo Bufan was also a victim.

There was no hatred between the two.

On the contrary, their relationship became more ambiguous because of that spring flower and autumn moon.

Yin Yang He Dao Jing, the world's number one dual cultivation manual.

Even if two people have no feelings, once they practice dual cultivation, they will slowly develop feelings.

Therefore, Bai Su did not feel angry or actively reject Zhuo Bufan's yearning.

On the contrary, she felt that she was finally cared for.

It was so good to be cared for, cared for, and missed by others!

Especially when she was pregnant and her maternal love was overflowing, she needed the care of her child's father.

She frowned at first, then her brows relaxed and she smiled.

Then she slowly got up and left the restaurant.

She enjoyed Zhuo Bufan's longing for her. The deeper the longing and the deeper the love, the stronger the care she felt.

Perhaps, it was because of Zhuo Bufan's longing for her that Bai Su began to have a good impression of him.


After leaving the restaurant, Bai Su prepared to go directly to the Su Nu Sect.

Regardless of whether the Su Nu Sect was preparing for a big event at this time, Bai Su's arrival would obviously bring a huge storm to the Su Nu Sect.

However, not long after Bai Su walked out of Russell Town, a group of people stopped her in front of her.

"Young lady, where are you from and where are you going?"

These guys who blocked the road were the group of Tomb God Cult members who had been secretly watching Bai Su in the restaurant before.

They expected Bai Su to go to the Su Nu Sect, so they ambushed on the way to the Su Nu Sect early.

These guys obviously wanted to do something bad to Bai Su.

Of course, they obviously found the wrong target this time.

"Get out of the way, I don't want to kill anyone."

Facing the seven or eight strong men on the other side, Bai Su just said very calmly.

She didn't want to kill anyone, at least she didn't want to kill anyone in front of the baby.

She wanted to accumulate some blessings for the child, and she would not kill easily during pregnancy.

However, if these guys were not deterred, they would only pester and even become more daring.

"Hey, young lady, please don't scare me?"

"Hahaha, do you think we were scared?"

"Young lady from the Su Nu Sect, your leader will become our leader's woman in three days."

"I think it's better for you to become our woman before that?"

These wretched guys really had evil intentions towards Bai Su.

Bai Su suddenly felt fortunate that she was blind and could not see the ugly appearance and disgusting faces of these people.

"If you bother me again, I will not be polite."

These people don't know how gentle Bai Su is now.

You have to know that four months ago, she killed people without blinking an eye, and countless silver dan realms died in her hands.

Pregnant Bai Su completely restrained her murderous intentions.

Otherwise, these people would have no chance to talk to her.

Four months ago, these people would have been crushed to ashes by her.

However, in the eyes of these people, Bai Su's gentleness was a sign of weakness.

Seeing Bai Su's arrogant look, these people became even more aggressive.

"Oh, you're welcome? How can you be rude to us, young lady?"

"Come on, don't be polite, don't be gentle to me."

One of the slightly fat and wretched men walked forward and prepared to lift the black umbrella in Bai Su's hand.

But the next second...


An arm, spurting bright red blood, drew a bloody streak in the air, and then fell to the ground with a snap.

And the guy who intended to tease Bai Su realized that his hand was gone!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

What followed was the guy's hoarse scream.

"you wanna die!"

When the other people saw this, they all started to kill Bai Su.

Bai Su could kill tens of millions of people with just a thought of a bunch of rubbish that hadn't yet arrived.

The peerless power of seeing the true state is beyond the imagination of these ignorant things.

Those people sacrificed talismans, knives, swords, spears or halberds.

However, before they could rush in front of Bai Su, their hands exploded into a ball of blood mist.

For Bai Su, who is already a little real person, he doesn't even need to move to kill these ignorant guys.

She cultivates Shuiyuan Dao, which is as good as water. All water in the world is affected by her will.

In the human body, two-thirds of the ingredients are water.

It was Bai Su's kindness to let these bad guys' arms explode.

In the past, these people would have exploded on the spot, leaving no residue behind.

For a moment, the screams like crazy pigs shook the world.

Bai Su, on the other hand, looked like it had nothing to do with him. He held a black umbrella and left slowly.

In the end, Bai Su did not kill these people.

Maybe she won't kill anyone until the child is born.

As a mother, let her have compassion.

Seeing Bai Su's leaving figure, the members of the Tomb God Sect whose arms were crippled were filled with resentment.

But is hate useful?

There are so many people who hate Bai Su, and they are the oldest.

If you save a dog's life, you must learn to cherish it.

And Bai Su, after cleaning up a group of mad dogs blocking the road.

As if nothing had happened, I slowly walked along the mountain road to the Su Nu Sect.

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