Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 375 Lingsu Zhenren [Third update]

"I am the Supreme Elder of the Su Nu Sect, Ling Su Zhenren. If you don't want to die, get out!"

Bai Su's words spread from the air of the Su Nu Sect, making everyone in the place change color.

Especially the Tomb King!

If you don't want to die, get out!

Such arrogant words immediately made the Tomb King angry.

But the Tomb King was not stupid.

Without knowing the other party's cultivation level, he was not stupid enough to rush into the hall and kill everyone.

"Is there really a Supreme Elder?"

The Tomb King frowned, not knowing why.

"Zhen Ling Su, I have never heard of it. If the Su Nu Sect really has a Supreme Elder of Zhenren level, why would the Su Nu Sect be reduced to not even being ranked in the Luosu Eighteen Mountains?"

The Tomb King did not act rashly, but he did not retreat easily.

He decided to test it, so he slowly fell from the air.

Then the Tomb King walked towards the hall step by step, and stopped less than fifty meters away from the hall.

He raised his hand, clasped his fists and shouted.

"I am Zhu Zhangping, the leader of the Tomb God Cult, and I would like to see the Supreme Elder of the Su Nu Cult, Ling Su Zhenren."

The Tomb King lowered his status and tone. He wanted to see with his own eyes what kind of person this legendary Ling Su Zhenren was.

"How can a mere golden elixir be qualified to meet this elder?"

Bai Su really has the style and prestige of a Supreme Elder.

She is the Great Elder of Zhenren, and she is indeed qualified to put on airs and mock the Tomb King.

The Tomb King gritted his teeth when he heard it.

"Damn it, don't show your flaws, otherwise I will make you pay."

The Tomb King thought in his heart, but he said it softly.

"Master Lingsu, I came here today to welcome you."

"Your Su Nu Sect leader has agreed to marry me and become my Taoist couple. Now everyone knows about it. You can't just write a letter and let it go, right?"

"Master has been in seclusion for a long time, so you may not know some things."

"I am fortunate to have inherited the legacy of your sect's founder, Baidi, and even got the precious Nine Bells Step-Shake, a token of the sect's inheritance."

"My Taoist couple with Master Lingyu is a match made in heaven, with no harm or benefit."

"I think that your sect's cancellation of the marriage has not only harmed its own interests, but also made my Tomb God Sect ashamed."

"After all, all the major sects in the Eighteen Mountains of Russell are waiting to drink the wedding wine of Master Lingyu and me. The invitations have been sent out. Now that the engagement is cancelled, there must be an explanation, right?"

Because the Tomb King didn't know what level of cultivation Bai Su in the hall was, he could only give in temporarily and asked tentatively.

And when he finished speaking, there was silence in the hall.

After a while, only two people came out of the hall.

The Tomb King recognized one of them at a glance, it was the head of the Su Nu Sect, Ling Yu.

Ling Yu was wearing a plain dress today, which looked elegant and simple.

She supported another woman and walked out of the hall.

As for this other woman, the Tomb King had never seen her before.

She was also wearing a white dress, which was whiter than snow.

More importantly, she wore a veiled hat on her head.

The edge of the hat was surrounded by a layer of white gauze as thin as a cicada's wing.

You couldn't see her face under the white gauze at all.

Bai Su would naturally not hold a black umbrella again, after all, the black umbrella was too conspicuous.

Bai Su with a veiled hat showed a hazy beauty.

And her identity was the Supreme Elder, and being supported by Ling Yu could conceal the fact that she was blind.

In the Tomb King's opinion, this person wearing a veiled hat was probably really a hidden elder of the Su Nu Sect.

Otherwise. Ling Yu is the head of the sect, how could he personally help him?

Now the Tomb King believes that the Su Nu Sect may really have such a Supreme Elder.

After all, many ancient sects have some old monsters who have been in seclusion for hundreds of years and have not been seen for a long time. No one knows their existence.

As one of the oldest sects, it is not surprising that the Su Nu Sect has such a Supreme Elder who has been in seclusion for hundreds of years.

Although he already believes that Bai Su is the Supreme Elder of the Su Nu Sect, the Tomb King still wants to find out about her cultivation.

If this Supreme Elder is only in the Jindan realm, then he is not afraid.

What's more, he has more than 10,000 elite followers.

Today, he has come to the Su Nu Sect with a large army, and he can't go back in disgrace.

"What is certain now is that she is definitely not a real person. If she is a real person, she would not need to talk nonsense with me and could have slapped me to death."

"Even the 10,000 elite believers in my sect are not to be feared."

"What I am afraid of is that she may be a great and powerful person of the Great Unleaked Golden Core."

"But this woman needs someone to support her even when she walks. Is it because she has not broken through the Great Unleaked and her life is coming to an end?"

"She wears a bamboo hat, which may be because she is old and ugly, and dares not show her true face to others."

"From this point of view, she may be a powerful person of the Golden Core who failed to break through the Great Unleaked Golden Core."

Based on Bai Su's condition, the Tomb King calculated and reasoned in his mind.

It must be said that he still has some IQ, and his reasoning is also reasonable.

Of course, he would never think that Bai Su needed Lingyu to support her because she was blind.

She needed to wear a bamboo hat because she did not dare to show her true face for fear of being recognized.

The reason why Bai Su did not kill him in the previous move was because she was pregnant and would not kill easily.

All the calculations of this tomb king were just self-righteous.

After his own calculations, the tomb king slowly straightened his back and stopped being submissive.

Instead, he changed his previous humble attitude, smiled at Bai Su, and said.

"Are you Lingsu Zhenren of the Su Nu Sect? Then I dare to ask this Zhenren, how to solve the problem between your Su Nu Sect and my Tomb God Sect?"

This tomb king didn't know where he got his confidence from, maybe he didn't feel how strong the murderous aura was from Bai Su.

He had also been to the Blood Desert, and he had seen the majesty of some Zhenren.

When a Zhenren appeared, even the aura of the entire small world would be affected by him.

For example, the Thunder Emperor Nie Huanzhen, when he appeared, the entire small world was filled with violent thunder and lightning.

Everyone present would be furious.

This is the momentum of a Zhenren's appearance.

However, this woman who called herself Lingsu Zhenren did not have a strong aura when she appeared, and was even worse than an ordinary silver elixir master.

Thinking this way, the Tomb King was more certain that this Lingsu Zhenren was just a stupid trick used by the Su Nu Sect to intimidate him.

The Su Nu Sect wanted to fabricate such a Lingsu Zhenren to make the Tomb God Sect retreat, and at the same time return the "Nine Bells Step-Shake".

"A bunch of stupid women, am I so easy to fool?"

"Today's kiss, you have to agree, and you have to agree. Otherwise, I will destroy your Su Nu Sect."

The Tomb King had a very proud thought in his heart.

However, at this moment, Bai Su suddenly shouted at him.

"Give me back the Nine Bells Step-Shake, the token of the head of my Su Nu Sect, and then get out!"

The Tomb King was furious when he heard it.

He suddenly widened his eyes, glared, and was furious.

"You still dare to pretend in front of me, old witch, die for me."

The Tomb King suddenly made a move, and attacked Bai Su's lower abdomen with a soul-destroying claw.

The speed was as fast as lightning. Ling Yu, who was standing next to Bai Su, had not recovered at all.

"Go to hell!"

The black claws, like a black tiger digging into the belly, bloody hands digging out the heart, with the power of breaking the sky and splitting the earth, crushing gold and breaking jade, went straight to Bai Su's abdomen...

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