Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 376: Killing to Establish Authority [Fourth Update]

The Tomb King suddenly attacked Bai Su, leaving everyone in the audience unable to react.

The sneak attack at the Golden Core Realm is naturally as fast as lightning, almost in an instant.

Even Bai Su, who saw the true state, couldn't come back to his senses.

In an instant, the sharp claws of the Tomb King were almost touching his lower abdomen.


As a result, the next second, the Tomb King was knocked out and landed on his chariot with a thud.

The disciples of the Tomb God Sect who were guarding outside the mountain saw the leader flying out and rushed into the Su Nu Sect.

"Leader, Leader, you are not, are you?"

Several leaders of the Tomb God Sect supported their leader.

But when I saw the tomb king, his right hand was completely bloody and his fingers were gone.

"Damn it, is there a divine weapon to protect your body?"

The Tomb King gritted his teeth and looked at Bai Su and said.

At the same time, Bai Su took two steps back in panic.

Faced with the sneak attack from the tomb king just now, she was stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect that the other party would attack suddenly, and it would attack her lower abdomen.

In her arms, there is still a little life!

If it weren't for Bai Su asking Baidi Sword to protect the child in her belly.

Maybe the Tomb King just now will really succeed.

If it really succeeds, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Bai Su couldn't help but reach out and touch his belly."

"The next second, she was filled with rage and murderous intent."

"you wanna die!"

Three cold words exploded in the air.

Everyone's souls suddenly felt as if they were struck by thunder, so outrageous!

Bai Su didn't want to kill anyone, but the tomb king just now almost killed her child.

Bai Su, in a rage, finally showed her terrifying power of seeing the truth.

Buzz buzz!

For a time, the entire small world was filled with extremely terrifying pressure.

The moisture in the air suddenly began to solidify.

The so-called state of seeing the truth is to see the true meaning of the path you cultivate.

The so-called real people are those who have embarked on the true path.

And such people have already mastered part of the divine power of Taoism.

And Bai Su is the real person who has mastered the divine power of the true Supreme Good Water Elemental Dao.

Compared with his previous performance in the ruins of the Imperial City in the bloody desert, Bai Su now has completely transcended an unknown amount of power.

Everyone present was unable to move. To move would be to die, because the power of water in their bodies was completely controlled by Bai Su.

These people were only affected by Bai Su's power.

And that Tomb King is now suffering from the destruction of Bai Sushui Yuandao.


He let out a heart-rending cry, and his body was no longer under the control of his soul.

Then he was even more horrified to see that his body was beginning to collapse and shrink.

The water element in his body began to leave his body.

"No, who are you anyway? Don't kill me."

Now, he finally felt the terrifying power coming from a real person.

How terrifying it is to be annihilated from the Tao.

How could he, a mere golden elixir, be able to resist the great power of Dao Zhenren?

There was nothing he could do when the water in his body was stripped away.

His body was unable to react in any way, and his soul was unable to resist the force of this force.

"Master, Master Lingsu, spare me, spare me!"

The Tomb King screamed, and he could only watch as his body began to shrink.

Bai Su began to strip the water from his body.

That feeling was simply worse than death.

However, will Bai Su forgive his plea?


Bai Su originally had no intention of killing the tomb king from the beginning.

But he actually did something to the baby!

Inexcusable, simply inexcusable.

The tomb king, under the destruction of Bai Su Daoze's power, could only stay in place and watch with his own eyes the water in his body being stripped out of his body.

From his blood, his guts, his fat, his skin, his hair, even his marrow.

Every drop of water, every particle of water, has been extracted.

Finally, the tomb king's body collapsed.

From a tall, seven-foot man, he collapsed into a skinny skeleton.

Eventually, the hair on the body begins to fall out, the teeth begin to fall out, the skin begins to dry out, and the bones begin to break.

Even two eyeballs fell out of their sockets.


The leader of the Tomb God Sect of a generation, a powerful person in the Golden Core Realm, a formless dead body with extremely tenacious vitality.

It turned into a mess of bones.

"Damn it, damn it! I will not let you go, I will never let you go."

The soul of the tomb king flew out from his collapsed skeleton, and then let out a terrifying roar towards Bai Su.

Even if the body dies, the soul will never die!

Bai Su destroyed his body, but his possessed soul would not be destroyed so easily.

The state of possession means that his soul can attach itself to other things to survive.

Moreover, the soul in the possessed state is already powerful enough.

Not to mention the Soul Transformation Bottle, even ordinary secret treasures cannot deal with it.

Generally speaking, after the death of a strong person in the Golden Core Realm, it is difficult to erase the soul.

Therefore, strong men above the Golden Core will not easily start a war. Once a war begins, they must be prepared with means that can obliterate the opponent's soul.

Although the body of this Tomb King was obliterated, his spirit was extremely difficult to destroy.

"I will definitely take revenge, I will definitely take revenge."

The spirit of the tomb king was hovering in the air.

Suddenly a white sword light pierced his soul's forehead.

"You can't even think of killing me with a broken sword. How can you kill my possessed soul?"

However, before the tomb king could show off his arrogance, his soul suddenly began to twitch.

"How could this happen? What's going on? This sword, this sword!"

"No, don't kill me, hate it! Hate it!"

The spirit of the Tomb King began to scream.

Then it began to twist and deform, and finally turned into a ray of light and was swallowed up by the white divine sword.

The White Emperor Sword is known as the Heaven-Sealing Divine Sword.

The most powerful sealing artifact in the world, it is not easy to seal a mere soul.

First, Shuiyuan Daoze destroyed the body of the tomb king.

Then came the White Emperor Divine Sword, which sealed the soul of the tomb king.

That's a powerful golden elixir!

The power above the golden elixir is said to be immortal in a hundred battles and is difficult to destroy.

But in less than two minutes, this powerful golden elixir was wiped out without any resistance.

In the world, there is no longer this leader of the Tomb God Cult, no more this king of tomb robbers.

After destroying the Tomb King, Bai Su regained the true power of Taoism.

Only then did the disciples and elders of the Su Nu Sect and the church leaders of the Tomb God Sect come to their senses.

They had just seen with their own eyes how the Tomb King was eliminated by the Lingsu Master without moving.

A real person, this is a real person.

The elders of Su Nu Sect were obviously equally shocked.

It was also the first time that they saw how terrifying the legendary Bai Wang Bai Su was in killing people.

The rumors about her are all true, she kills golden elixirs like a dog.

In front of her, the golden elixir was no different from ordinary people.

She is a real person, a real person.

Real people cannot be insulted.

The power of a real person cannot be disrespected

For a moment, the believers of the Tomb God Sect felt sad and let go of the swords, spears, swords and halberds in their hands.

The weapon in his hand clattered to the ground.

More people knelt directly on the ground.

They now believe that the true person of the Su Nu Sect is real.

Even their leader was easily wiped out. Do they, the little minions, still dare to make a noise?

As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, capture the king!

Bai Su killed their leader, and these believers naturally surrendered.

Kill the leader and establish your authority!

"There really is a real person in the Su Nu Sect!"

After today, the Su Nu Sect will rise again!

I took a rest early today and will start updating tomorrow!

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