Bai Su killed the Tomb King, and the people of the Tomb God Cult were completely finished.

They had a mighty force of 10,000 people, but they were no match for a real person who had mastered the power of the Tao.

If Bai Su wanted to kill these 10,000 people in a second, it would be effortless.

Then, Bai Su picked up the ring belonging to the Tomb King from his body, and found the "Nine Bells Step Shake" in the ring.

It was a purple crystal hairpin, and at one end of the hairpin, there were nine purple bells the size of little fingers.

When the wind blew gently, the Nine Bells Step Shake would emit nine different tones, which was intoxicating.

At this moment, Bai Su was the only one who made the decision.

The Tomb God Cult believers knelt on the ground and trembled, waiting for Bai Su's decision.

But Bai Su, supported by Ling Yu, slowly walked to the eight hall masters.

Then he asked.

"Did this person really rob the tomb of the White Emperor?"

Bai Su was so angry that she acted too quickly and killed the Tomb King without asking anything.

She really wanted to know where the Tomb King got this Nine-bell Step-shaking.

After hearing this, the eight hall masters shook their heads and said they didn't know.

However, Bai Su heard the thoughts of one of them.

Bai Su mastered the soul-awareness spell that Zhuo Bufan had comprehended, and it was easy for her to eavesdrop on other people's thoughts.

"We can't let her know that we robbed the ancestral tomb of their Su Nu Sect, otherwise we will all die."

When Bai Su heard this, her soul immediately locked onto the hall master.

Then she twisted the neck of the hall master through the air.

"You robbed the ancestral tomb of the Su Nu Sect? Was this Step-shaking stolen from the ancestral tomb?"

When the hall master heard this, his face showed an extremely frightened look.

He never expected that Bai Su could actually hear his voice.

The real person is indeed powerful and omnipotent.

"Master, spare me, Master, spare me! It was our leader who asked us to do this, not that Zhu Zhangping."

"He led us to rob the ancestral tomb of your Su Nu Sect. This Nine Bells Step-Shake was found in one of the ancient tombs."

"What? The damned Tomb God Sect actually dared to rob the ancestral tomb of our Su Nu Sect."

After hearing this, the elders of the Su Nu Sect were furious and had the urge to kill.

Each sect has its own ancestral tomb, which is used to bury the deceased leaders and disciples who have made great contributions.

The ancestral tomb of the Su Nu Sect is in a valley ten miles away from their Su Nu Sect.

The ancestral tomb is even guarded by special disciples, but it was still taken advantage of by this group of tomb robbers.

"Master, spare me, Master, spare me! We were also harmed by that Zhu Zhangping. He took us to rob the ancestral tomb of your Su Nu Sect."

"Yes, ladies, not only your Su Nu Sect, but also many tombs of surrounding sects, he has secretly robbed."

"That's right, he didn't rob the Bai Di tomb at all, nor did he get the Bai Di inheritance. He lied to you."

"Ladies, I want to tell all the crimes of that Zhu Zhangping, can you spare my life!"

"I will tell you, as long as Master can spare me, I am willing to tell all the crimes of Zhu Zhangping."

"I am willing to leave the Tomb God Sect immediately, and I will never help the evil again."


In order to survive, these hall masters began to tell the crimes of Zhu Zhangping.

It turned out that he had quietly robbed many ancestral tombs of the sect without knowing it.

Robbing ancestral tombs is an irreconcilable hatred.

If this is known by other sects, it will definitely cause a war.

"I don't want to see the Tomb God Sect again."

"Return all the things you stole from the major sects, and then disband it."

In the end, Bai Su did not kill again.

But the Tomb God Sect, which makes a living by digging other people's ancestral tombs, can no longer be tolerated in the world.

"Thank you, Master, thank you for your help. Even if you didn't say it, we would have disbanded the Tomb God Sect immediately."

"Having stolen the ancestral tombs of so many sects, the Tomb God Sect can no longer exist."

"Thank you, Master, for sparing my life. I will leave the Tomb God Sect immediately and will never do such sneaky things again."

"Master, don't worry, I will send people to return all the items stolen from the ancestral tombs of major sects in the past few years."

These people are all people who cherish their lives, and no one is injustice for the dead Tomb King.

This is the world of immortal cultivation, and everyone lives for their own interests.

Now that the Tomb King is dead, there is no need for the remaining people to be loyal to the dead.


This storm ended with Master Lingsu killing the Tomb King.

The leader was dead, the tree fell, and the birds flew away in panic.

The followers of the Tomb God Sect threw away their weapons and armor and rushed to leave the Su Nu Sect.

Seeing the Tomb God Sect retreat like a tide.

For a moment, thousands of female disciples of the Su Nu Sect cheered.

This was the first time they felt the power of their sect.

And this power came from their supreme elder, Ling Su Zhenren.

This supreme elder came to the Su Nu Sect suddenly.

But no one doubted her identity, because even the head and the elders were extremely respectful to her.

After this battle, the name of the supreme elder of the Su Nu Sect, Ling Su Zhenren, quickly spread to the ears of the disciples of the 56 sects in the Eighteen Mountains of Russell.

At this moment, in the talisman temple in the center of the distant world.

Zhuo Bufan sat cross-legged on the edge of the dream pool of the Soul Temple, comprehending the "dream person" spell.

To comprehend the "dream person", he needs to constantly miss the person in the dream pool, that is, Bai Su.

Zhuo Bufan sat here and had missed that person for more than ten days.

He found that what Soul Master said was right. The more he missed Bai Su, the more he couldn't extricate himself, and the more his soul was devoted.

There were many times when he even felt that his soul had flown to Bai Su.

"She killed someone."

Just now, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt Bai Su's anger and murderous intent.

At that moment, it was as if Zhuo Bufan had killed someone himself.

His soul had been fully integrated into Bai Su.

Buzz buzz buzz...

At this time, suddenly his eyes lit up, and in the depths of his soul, the amber door opened again.

The amber door, the door of all wonders, contains the true meaning of the world and the paradise of spells.

There are countless spells in it, and each spell represents a kind of power.

And this time, Zhuo Bufan felt that the spell power about missing behind the door began to stir.


But a golden light flew out from behind the spell door, and finally deeply engraved in the depths of Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes immediately.

"Dream man!"

Zhuo Bufan exclaimed.

He realized the mysterious spell in the dream pool, the dream man.

This spell can reflect the person that others miss the most in their hearts.

"So that's it, missing is a very strong past consciousness. This spell can detect the deepest past consciousness in the depths of others' souls."

"Speaking of which, when I thought about her, I seemed to feel a very weak soul power."

"That power is actually connected to both me and Bai Su at the same time. What the hell is that?"

Zhuo Bufan pondered, and his mind had not yet associated it with the child.

So today’s update, as I said in advance, is based on subscriptions. The total subscriptions yesterday were close to 8,000, so today there will be eight updates. Thank you for your support. Tomorrow’s update will also depend on subscriptions.

As long as you continue to support, there may be eight updates tomorrow.

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