Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 379 A narrow escape from death [Third update]

After chatting with Xiaomei for a few words, Zhuo Bufan went to Tianxuan Tower!

Xiaomei glanced at Zhuo Bufan who was leaving, and didn't say much, continuing to be her small contractor.

After Zhuo Bufan returned to Tianxuan Tower, he went directly to the second floor.

The time flow rate on the second floor was four times faster. All the plum wine was also placed on the second floor.

"I don't know if one pot is enough."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

His physique has been in the third turn for nearly half a year, which can be regarded as a solid foundation.

And his physique is also growing slowly.

Especially after experiencing the dual cultivation with Bai Su, his physique has also soared.

However, it has not yet reached the conditions for entering the fourth turn of cultivation.

Zhuo Bufan has always been in a passive state in the cultivation of the Nine Turns of Life and Death.

Once his physique reaches the conditions for cultivation, the magic power in his body will operate automatically.

It will not give Zhuo Bufan a chance to prepare.

"Save it first!"

Zhuo Bufan said, saving it in advance.

Zhuo Bufan's three archive doors are now: the second floor of Tianxuan Tower, Dream Pool, and Mass Graveyard.

Every time he practices the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death, it is a process of dying over and over again.

So Zhuo Bufan will save in advance every time, because he knows that he will definitely die and come back to life again and again.

However, after practicing three times, Zhuo Bufan has gained experience.

From the initial fear of death, he can now face every death calmly.

He can accept death, but cannot accept meaningless death.

Every death must be valuable.

After the save, Zhuo Bufan did not drink the plum saliva wine immediately, but first felt his current physical condition.

He is now in the third turn of the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death, and the life and death aura in his body is in a very mysterious state of balance.

The vitality forms a ball in the center, and the death aura surrounds it in a ring.

This stage is called survival from death.

The vitality is in the center of the death aura, full of vitality, and it is indeed a state of survival from death.

At this stage, Zhuo Bufan also learned an extremely powerful move, the two yin and yang of life and death.

With his current cultivation, he could flatten an area of ​​about 100 meters.

After a preliminary review of his current physical condition, Zhuo Bufan picked up the pot of 100-year-old plum wine.

Then he drank it all without thinking too much.

Gurgle gurgle gurgle!

This pot of plum wine, with the 100-year-old magic power of Xiaomei, can improve the physical condition to a higher level.

The sweet and delicious plum wine, with a powerful energy, was directly poured into Zhuo Bufan's body.

Those energies were continuously absorbed by Zhuo Bufan's life and death body.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that after the plum wine entered his stomach, every cell of his body was desperately absorbing the energy in it.

Then he continued to grow stronger.

Every cell was growing and undergoing qualitative changes.

Interestingly, because of the four times the time flow rate of the Tianxuan Tower, his metabolism in his body was also accelerated by four times.

Whether it was the blood flow rate, the heart beat, or the absorption of cells.

After drinking a pot of plum wine, Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Not even close."

Obviously, this pot of plum saliva wine did not allow his physique to reach the point where he could practice the fourth turn.

However, Zhuo Bufan was unwilling to give up. He could feel that he was just a little bit away.

Ninety percent of his physique had undergone a qualitative change, just a little bit away.

As a last resort, Zhuo Bufan took out another pot of plum saliva wine.

However, this pot of plum saliva wine did not have the effect of a hundred years, only less than three years.

They were brewed by Xiaomei a year ago.

Later, they were placed on the second floor of the Tianxuan Tower for less than half a year. According to the four times time flow rate of the Tianxuan Tower, they were only three years old.

Three years of age was obviously not enough for the medicinal effect.

But Zhuo Bufan could not care less.

He now wanted to break through to the fourth turn of the Nine Turns of Life and Death.

So, he picked up another pot of plum saliva wine and drank it all.

However, the three-year-old plum saliva wine was obviously not comparable to the one that was a hundred years old.

In desperation, Zhuo Bufan simply gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

He picked up two pots of plum wine again and drank them all at once.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan drank five pots in a row, and he was already a little drunk.

There were only two pots of plum wine left.

However, after five pots in a row, his physique finally responded.

And Zhuo Bufan's body began to undergo a qualitative change.

Soon, a golden airflow began to appear in Zhuo Bufan's body, and the golden airflow slowly formed a golden little man.

The little man of the Nine Turns of Life and Death appeared again.

Once the physique reaches the standard recognized by the practice, the little golden man of the practice will appear again, forcibly dominate Zhuo Bufan's body and force him to practice.

Zhuo Bufan has become accustomed to it.

Under the control of the golden little man, all the meridians in Zhuo Bufan's body began to tremble, and the mysterious energy of life and death began to rotate rapidly.

"Here it comes, the fourth turn of the Nine Turns of Life and Death, a life of nine deaths."

From the little man of the practice, Zhuo Bufan felt the artistic conception of the fourth turn of the practice.

"A narrow escape from death? Damn, I'm afraid I'll die too many times this time!"

Just hearing the name, Zhuo Bufan knew that he would definitely be doomed again this time.

"It doesn't matter, it's great to drink more plum wine. Come on!"

Zhuo Bufan is not afraid of death. If he dies, he can drink five pots of plum wine again. Why not?

As soon as he finished speaking, the meridians in his body suddenly began to beat rapidly.

Then, the life and death in his life and death palace began to rotate rapidly.

"Nine deaths and one life, what is nine deaths and one life, give me some hints! Damn!"

Zhuo Bufan's body began to tremble violently.

The life and death in his body rotated rapidly, like a motor out of control.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Like a whirlwind, it kept spinning.

But unexpectedly, this time Zhuo Bufan did not explode and die instantly.

"Wait a minute, nine deaths and one life? Nine deaths and one life? Now I only have one death ring, can I split nine death rings?"

Zhuo Bufan, who has practiced the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death many times, began to master the nature of this technique.

Only by understanding the nature of the technique correctly, can you avoid a death.

"That should be it, Zhuo Bufan, you are so damn smart."

"It must be like this, split the death ring into nine, so that it is a life of nine deaths."

"Nine death rings, one life ball. This is the understanding of a life of nine deaths."

This time, Zhuo Bufan really guessed it right.

But it was too late.

The life and death in his body had gone berserk because he didn't have time to control it.


With a bang!

His eyes went black, and he was still dead!

"Fuck, I got too proud."

Returning to the archive space again, Zhuo Bufan seemed much calmer.

Then he looked up at the three archive doors in front of him.

I haven't been here for a long time, and he actually missed it a little.

Zhuo Bufan was about to push open the first door and start over.

Suddenly his hand stopped.

He then took two steps back and looked at the white archive door in front of him.

Then Zhuo Bufan touched his chin and looked at it thoughtfully.

"Speaking of which, what the hell are you guys?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he bent down and studied the archive door in front of him.

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