Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 380 The Fourth Transformation [Fourth Update]

Zhuo Bufan stood in front of the file-loading door, stared at it carefully, and finally shook his head with regret.

The file-loading door was not as simple as he imagined.

He only knew now that the file-loading door was made of "Sand of Time" like the Tianxuan Tower.

It's just that the Tianxuan Tower used "Black Sand of Time", while the file-loading door used "White Sand of Time".

The Black Sand of Time has the power of the future.

The White Sand of Time has the power of the past.

One speeds up the flow of time, and the other can make time go back.

These two substances are obviously extremely magical.

Zhuo Bufan learned from the Chaos Bell that "White Sand of Time" and "Black Sand of Time" are actually grains of sand in a river called "River of Time".

And this River of Time is one of the legendary creation artifacts, born before the innate artifact.

In other words, the River of Time is a much higher level existence than the Chaos Bell.

Such an existence is naturally not something that Zhuo Bufan can study simply once.

He tried to use his fingernails to scrape some "white sand of time" from the file loading door, and wanted to take it out for research.

But it was obvious that he thought too much. How could he scrape off this "white sand of time"?

Later, he wanted to bite it with his teeth, but then he thought about it again, wondering if he was too weird.

In the end, he gave up the stupid idea of ​​wanting to take off the "white sand of time".

After thinking hard, Zhuo Bufan finally pushed open the file loading door in front of him.

The next second, he returned to the Tianxuan Tower.

After returning to the Tianxuan Tower, Zhuo Bufan did not practice immediately, but began to study the Tianxuan Tower.

Now both the white sand of time and the black sand of time are on Zhuo Bufan.

It's just that the "white sand of time" can only be seen when you die, while the "black sand of time" can only be seen when you are alive.

This seems to be enlightening Zhuo Bufan.

When alive, look forward, the future is full of hope.

When dead, look back, whether there are any regrets in this life.

These two substances cannot meet at the same time, and are cut off in two completely different time and space.

Otherwise, perhaps the superposition of the two substances would produce some changes.

Zhuo Bufan did not continue his research. He was not qualified to study these two substances now.

Perhaps, only when he reached the height of Emperor Xuan, he would be qualified to study these two magical substances.


After calming down, Zhuo Bufan sat down again.

He began to practice the fourth turn of the Nine Turns of Life and Death.

The fourth turn of the Nine Turns of Life and Death, nine deaths and one life.

According to Zhuo Bufan's inference, the so-called nine deaths and one life means splitting the death ring into nine

Nine death rings revolve around a living ball, which should be the so-called nine deaths and one life.

In order to avoid unnecessary death, Zhuo Bufan began to study how to split the death ring before practicing.

After determining the splitting idea, he began to pick up the plum saliva wine again and began to drink it.

Feeling pot after pot of plum saliva wine poured into his stomach, Zhuo Bufan began to quietly wait for the appearance of the little man of the technique.

Soon the golden light condensed, and the little man of the technique gathered and took shape in Zhuo Bufan's stomach.

Then, the little golden man began to control Zhuo Bufan's meridians.

The death ring and the life ball of the Xuan Palace of Life and Death began to rotate rapidly.

"Here it comes."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to die.

He firmly believed in this idea and began to use the power of his soul to suppress the rotation speed of the two yin and yang of life and death in his body.

"Then the first step is to split."

Zhuo Bufan began to control the splitting of the death ring. This is a meticulous process.

Because if you don't pay attention, the balance will be broken.

Once the state of the life ball and the death ring is broken, a terrible runaway will occur.

The result is that Zhuo Bufan will explode and die again.

Fortunately, this is not the first time Zhuo Bufan has done this.

Under his control, the death ring split into a second death ring smoothly.

Then, the third, fourth, fifth...

Zhuo Bufan split nine death rings in a row.

For a while, nine black death rings, surrounding the white light ball in the center, slowly rotated.

It was like a huge armillary sphere, with nine black rings, rotating in different trajectories, speeds and directions.

For a moment, the field was magnificent.


Zhuo Bufan could feel that at the moment when the two forces of life and death in his body were about to collapse, the two forces reached a certain balance again.

This is the state of the fourth turn of the Nine Turns of Life and Death, nine deaths and one life.

When the state of "nine deaths and one life" stabilized, Zhuo Bufan slowly breathed a sigh of relief.


Success, save!

Because this is a memorable moment.

Zhuo Bufan covered the save of the second "Dream Pool".

Soon, he opened his eyes. Feel the state of his body again.

Then, he began to close his hands in the middle.

A little bit of white light was released from his left hand, and began to gather between his hands, and then formed a ball of light.

At the same time, strands of black light began to be released from his right hand, forming a black halo around the white ball of light.

And this scene is the unique balance of the mysterious energy of life and death in his body.

"I don't know how powerful it will be if I throw this out."

When the new and unique "Life and Death" appeared on Zhuo Bufan's right hand, Zhuo Bufan suddenly had an urge to throw it out to test its power.

However, this place is Meicheng. Zhuo Bufan really doesn't dare to throw it.


It is impossible to try the new "Life and Death", Zhuo Bufan retracted the idea of ​​trying new tricks.

Then he felt his current physical condition.

Just by clenching his fist, he felt that he was more than twice as strong as before.

The strength of every cell in his body doubled.

"Great. This time is not as miserable as I imagined. Although I died once, it is much better than the previous three times."

Zhuo Bufan was happy that he did not die again this time.

Indeed, repeated deaths made him numb.

But he did not forget the pain of death.

Zhuo Bufan's concept is timely, if you can not die, you must not die.

Every death must have self-worth.

The success of the fourth turn of the Nine Turns of Life and Death Decision made Zhuo Bufan believe that as long as he found the right method, he might not be so miserable when practicing this technique in the future.

"It's a pity that there is no hundred-year-old plum saliva wine. It seems that the next practice can only rely on myself to find natural treasures to improve the strength of the body."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the two remaining pots of plum saliva wine in the third turn, and they were only three years old.

This means that he can't rely on plum saliva wine to improve his physical fitness for the time being.

Let Xiaomei brew two more pots of hundred-year-old plum saliva wine?

Zhuo Bufan can't do it, and he won't let Xiaomei do it again.

So in the future, he will rely more on himself.

"Anyway, the fourth turn is a success. I should go back to the temple and think about how to improve the realm of the soul."

Zhuo Bufan said, and got up and left the Tianxuan Tower.

He wanted to say goodbye to Xiaomei, but seeing that Xiaomei was busy there, he didn't disturb her and turned away.

Back to the dream pool, picked up the Xuan bone ring on the ground and put it on his hand.

Then, he walked out of the "dream pool".

After more than half a month, Zhuo Bufan finally felt the warm sunshine again.

The two guards guarding outside the cave saw Zhuo Bufan coming out and asked respectfully.

"Little Venerable, did you succeed?"

They saw the smug smile on Zhuo Bufan's face and couldn't help asking.

Zhuo Bufan heard it, patted their shoulders, and then said.

"Yes, I succeeded. You have worked hard these days."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking and left with a big laugh.

The two guards were left, looking at each other in surprise.

"You are worthy of being a little Venerable. The Palace Master spent more than half a year to comprehend the spell."

"Yes, I didn't expect him to do it in half a month."

"Do you think the rumors are true? Little Venerable, is he the reincarnation of the first generation Palace Master?"

"It's possible. Only the first generation Palace Master, the legendary God of Spells, can be so divinely assisted in the field of spells."


The fourth update! Sorry for waiting for you all. I went out for something at noon.

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