Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 385 The Devil Returns [First Update]

Speaking of Zhuo Bufan, he kept practicing to elevate his soul to the Possession Realm.

Finally, after practicing over and over again for half a month.

Zhuo Bufan's soul was able to completely integrate into the pottery bowl.

After integrating into the pottery bowl, the pottery bowl floated in the air. It was as free as if it had small wings.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that he was a bowl, a bowl that could fly freely.

If he could possess a bowl, he could naturally possess a stone, a piece of wood, or an iron sword.

"It's done, Possession Realm, it's done."

Compared to breaking through to the Yuanshen Realm, the Possession Realm is obviously much easier.

Just practice diligently and add a little talent, then breaking through to the Possession Realm is just a matter of time.

It must be said that Zhuo Bufan has a talent for cultivation.

After half a month of diligent practice, he has mastered the secrets of the Possession Realm and successfully promoted to the Possession Realm.

After reaching the Possession Realm, he felt that his soul had indeed reached a higher level.

Now his mind can easily control the surrounding objects.

Mind control is also a capability of the Possession Realm.

Integrate your soul into other objects, such as flying swords and flying knives.

Then you can control them freely with your mind.

After the soul was raised to the Possession Realm, the first thing Zhuo Bufan thought of was to enter the Yunmeng Realm and raise the soul of the Possession Realm to the peak.

The Yunmeng Realm is a world for cultivating souls. Its most humane feature is to digitize soul power.

It allows cultivators to use soul power as a universal currency to exchange power like doing business.

As the king behind the largest camp in the Yunmeng Realm, Zhuo Bufan naturally would not lack any soul power.

He left his soul immediately and returned to the Yunmeng Realm.

Back in the Yunmeng Realm, he looked through his accumulated soul power.

You don’t know until you see it, and you’ll be shocked when you see it.

His soul power has now accumulated to 1 billion.

Now his homepage is as follows

Soul Code: Code of Life and Death

Cultivation: Possession Realm

Level: Level 60

Soul Power: 1,021,285,750 points

Soul Power Required for Promotion: 18,900,000 points

After not returning to Yunmeng Realm for a month, he has gained another 1 billion soul power.

In the entire Yunmeng Realm, I am afraid that only Zhuo Bufan is so rich.

This is a man who does nothing and waits for time to make money for him.

His soul power level is also 59th level Yuanshen Realm, breaking through the threshold of 60th level, Possession Realm.

"Then let's cultivate the soul power of the Possession Realm to the maximum first!"

What is rich?

Zhuo Bufan is rich.

Without a word, he directly cultivated the soul power of the Possession Realm to the maximum.

Cultivating the Possession Realm means directly upgrading from level 60 to level 69.

It takes nearly 300 million soul power in total.

However, for Zhuo Bufan, 300 million is just soul power, which is what he can earn by doing nothing and sleeping for ten days.

Perhaps for Zhuo Bufan, the simplest practice is the practice of the soul.

He does not need to hunt soul beasts and earn soul power every day like other people.

And he has to risk his life because he will be killed by soul beasts if he is not careful.

All he needs to do is wait.

One day, two days, three days!

Well, 100 million soul power is in hand.

Because he is not short of soul power, Zhuo Bufan did not begrudge soul power and directly completed the possession realm.

The soul was upgraded from level 60 to level 69.

Every time he upgraded, he could feel the surging power like the sea pouring into the depths of his soul.

His soul is constantly growing.

If his soul is described as vitality.

Then his soul has grown from a weak reptile to a strong beast.

He upgraded to level 69 in one breath.

And level 69 is a threshold, touching the threshold of the possession realm, and can no longer be upgraded.

The possession realm is not as simple as the possession realm.

It takes a special technique to break through the possession of a body.

After continuously improving nine levels, Zhuo Bufan only had more than 680 million soul power left.

Zhuo Bufan put all the remaining soul power into his sword of life and death.

Zhuo Bufan's life and death sword, his life and death artifact, is now exactly level 80.

It can instantly kill all soul cultivators, soul beasts, and soul tools below level 80.

The level 80 soul tool is the highest level soul tool in Yunmeng Realm so far.

It is different from the level of the soul!

The level of the soul is based on the level of the soul cultivator, and the starting point is different.

For example, a cultivator in the Yuanshen realm enters Yunmeng Realm for the first time, then his soul level is directly more than 50 levels.

And a cultivator in the Yinshen realm enters Yunmeng Realm for the first time, then his soul level is more than 10 levels.

But they have the same starting point, that is, the life artifact.

The life artifact is a soul tool unique to Yunmeng Realm.

Whether you are the head of a sect or an entry-level apprentice, the starting point is level 1.

In terms of soul level, Zhuo Bufan is definitely not the highest.

Because the leaders of the major sects are at least level 70 or 80, and some even have souls above level 90.

But in terms of the natal artifact, Zhuo Bufan is undoubtedly the first.

Unfortunately, Yunmeng Realm has not yet announced any ranking of natal artifacts.

Otherwise, everyone would have seen that the first place was Zhuo Bufan's Life and Death Sword, which had reached level 80.

And the second place was only more than 50 levels.

This is the gap, the gap between the super-rich players and other mediocre players.

Even at level 80, Zhuo Bufan still felt that it was not strong enough.

After all, there are still many old monsters whose soul cultivation is more than level 90.

When encountering those old monsters, Zhuo Bufan is helpless.

So Zhuo Bufan simply threw all the remaining soul power on the Life and Death Sword in one breath.

The level of the Life and Death Sword was directly upgraded from level 80 to level 88.

However, after the upgrade, Zhuo Bufan regretted it.

With the increase in level, the soul power consumed by using the Life and Death Sword will also increase.

When he was at level 80 before, he needed to consume 10 million soul power to use the Life and Death Sword once.

Now that he has upgraded to level 88, he needs to consume 20 million to use it once.

In other words, he wants to kill a soul cultivator below level 80.

Before, he only needed 10 million soul power, but now he needs 20 million.

He forgot to consume this.

This is like using a cannon to hit a fly, it's absolutely not worth it!

"Damn, you're such a prodigal. One billion soul powers, just played with me like this?"

After upgrading the soul level and the life and death sword level, Zhuo Bufan took a look and found that he only had more than 30 million soul powers left.

In the eyes of others, this is an unimaginable wealth, but for Zhuo Bufan, it can only be used once by him to kill the magic skill.

"It seems that my soul power is still not enough!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know how hateful his words were.

A man who did nothing in a day and made 30 million net income. He actually felt that his soul power was not enough.

"I wonder if the soul altar in the central area of ​​Yunmeng Realm has been completely occupied?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes rolled around.

He found that his soul power growth rate was still too slow, so he had another trick.

"Contact the disciples of the Crazy Sect, and get ready to make trouble."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out the sound transmission conch and contacted Lu Fei directly.

"Xiao Lu, where are you?"


The former occupier of the altar has returned again!

The central area of ​​Yunmeng Realm will be a bloody storm again!

A new day, please subscribe!

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