Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 386: Disciples of the Mad Sect [Second Update]

"Boss, these are the elite disciples I summoned."

"Boss, you said in the sound conch that you were preparing to cause trouble. What was it?"

After Lu Fei received Zhuo Bufan's notice, he immediately contacted several disciples of Kuangmen.

Then he arrived at the place Zhuo Bufan told him and met Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but smile as he looked at Lu Fei and the others who were arriving after a long journey.

"The soul altar in the central area of ​​Yunmeng Realm has not been occupied yet, has it?"

"How about it? Do you want to go have some fun?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Lu Fei and the others and smiled.

Lu Fei and others said excitedly when they heard this.

"No way, boss, are you really going to the central area?"

"Wow, he is indeed the boss of our crazy family. He speaks so boldly."

"Not everyone can go to the central area. The minimum level of the soul beasts there is level 70."

"What, you don't dare to go?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the people in front of him and said.

When Lu Fei heard this, he immediately shouted.

"Dare, why don't you dare to go? We are called Kuangmen, and arrogance is our personality. Boss, we will go wherever you go, or we may die."

Yunmengjie will not really die. The death of Yunmengjie only makes the soul reach a state of near death.

Lu Fei brought a total of five people, and they were all familiar faces.

The people who helped investigate and kill the Bai Su sect last time were the backbone elites of these crazy sects.

"Follow me and I won't treat you badly. Open your soul code."

When Zhuo Bufan disagreed, he just threw away money, no, it should be said that he directly threw away soul power.

He gave one million soul powers to each of the five disciples, and then gave five million soul powers to Lu Fei.

"You're welcome, these soul powers are used for you to buy props."

"You are right. The central area of ​​Yunmeng Realm is full of dangers. No one dares to enter easily without complete preparations."

After hearing what Zhuo Bufan said, everyone did not refuse, but quickly thanked Zhuo Bufan for his gift.

"As expected of our boss, he is so generous and spends so much money."

"Now you know how happy it is to hang out with our boss, right? You guys have been working so hard for a month, but you haven't earned more than one million souls in total."

Lu Fei said to the unknown disciple of the Kuangsect behind him.

The five people nodded repeatedly. Of course they knew Zhuo Bufan's generosity.

The last time he helped investigate the sect that was chasing Bai Wang, Zhuo Bufan directly gave two million soul power to each of them.

Speaking of which, these young men from crazy families are not fools.

In fact, they already suspected that the boss Zhuo Bufan was Mr. Baiyin.

After all, the boss investigated those sects on the front foot, and then a Silver Young Master appeared on the back foot and swept through all the major sects.

Who else could it be besides him?

Lu Fei also knew about this matter, and everyone knew it.

However, they all had a tacit understanding to keep this secret deep in their hearts.

They sincerely follow Zhuo Bufan, and they will naturally hide the secrets about him in their hearts.

"Okay, you all introduce yourselves! As the sect leader, I also need to get to know the elite cadres of our crazy sect."

Zhuo Bufan has begun to adapt to his identity as the leader of the Kuang Sect.

Of course, he regarded this crazy sect more as a brotherhood.

Treat these disciples as brothers.

"Then I'll go first, boss! My name is Lu Fei, and I'm a casual cultivator."

"By the way, boss, my current location is in Temple City. When will you come out and see me, boss!"

This Lu Fei is Zhuo Bufan's most loyal little fan. In order to chase Zhuo Bufan, he has now rushed to the Temple City.

It's just that Zhuo Bufan is holding a meeting of honorable people in the temple and will not leave the temple easily.

"Hahaha, if I get a chance, I'll sneak out and have a drink with you."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect Lu Fei to actually come. He also wanted to meet this cute little brother.

Zhuo Bufan took a look with the Xuanguang Mirror and found that Lu Fei's soul level had actually reached level 55.

Not low!

Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction.

After Lu Fei introduced himself, a tall, fat man wearing a black armor and looking very strong came out.

Then introduced.

"Reporting to the boss, my name is Fu Yueban. Boss, you can just call me Fatty. I am a casual cultivator and now work as an urban administrator in Fuyang City."

Zhuo Bufan took a look at Fatty Fu, who worked as an urban management officer, with a Xuanguang mirror. His soul cultivation level was at level 51. It has broken through the Yuanshen realm.

"Boss, my name is Murray. Boss, you can just call me Lao Mu. I am also a casual cultivator, and I am currently studying spells at Storm City Talisman Castle. Boss, you are the person I admire the most!"

Murray was obviously very excited and almost rushed forward to grab Zhuo Bufan's hand and worship him.

It is no longer a secret that Zhuo Bufan is a young gentleman.

All spell masters admire this little venerable man even more.

This Murray is a spell master, and the person he admires most is Zhuo Bufan.

Being able to become Zhuo Bufan's younger brother was something he never dreamed of.

Zhuo Bufan took a look and saw that this Murray had a thin face and was also wearing a black armor. He looked somewhat handsome.

But at this moment, I was so excited that I was speechless and choked.

Zhuo Bufan took a look and found that his cultivation level was actually level fifty-four.

A little lower than Lu Fei, but he has broken through the Yuanshen realm and has a bright future.

"Here, it's my turn! Door, door master, my name is Zhou Shan! I'm coming, coming..."

"Oh, let me say it!"

Seeing that Zhou Shan was hesitant for a long time, another sunny and handsome man standing next to him stood up and said.

"Report to the boss, my name is Zhou Hai, his name is Zhou Shan, we are brothers. He is my elder brother, and he stutters a little, please don't mind. We two brothers are from the North Shura Sea. We were disciples of Shura Sea, and later left that place of right and wrong. Now we are independent cultivators."

Compared to that Zhou Shan, this Zhou Hai spoke in a rapid-fire manner.

"Yes, yes! He, he is my younger brother."

That Zhou Shan stuttered a little and couldn't say a word for a long time.

The interesting thing is that this is the Yunmeng world. The defects in reality should not exist here.

But this Zhou Shan is used to the stuttering way of speaking, even the soul speaks like this.

"Zhou Shan, Zhou Hai, I remember. You two brothers are very powerful."

Zhuo Bufan looked at their souls, both of them were at level 53. It seems that the people Lu Fei has found are all elites of the Kuangmen.

Soon, four people have been introduced.

Zhuo Bufan knows Fu Yueban, Murray, Zhou Shan, and Zhou Hai.

Finally, he set his sights on the man with white hair.

Unlike others, this man seemed very calm when he saw Zhuo Bufan.

He had white hair draped over his shoulders, which was naturally white, pouring down like a white waterfall.

When Zhuo Bufan looked at him, he took a step forward and said.

"My name is Sun You, a casual cultivator."

This buddy spoke very little, and when Zhuo Bufan saw his cultivation level, his eyebrows trembled slightly.

This Sun You's cultivation level has reached level 73.

"Possession realm?"

When the soul reaches the Possession realm, generally speaking, the current cultivation level is at least the Golden Core realm, or even the Great Unleaked Golden Core.

You should know that when Zhuo Bufan first met Bai Su, Bai Su's soul was only level 73 at that time.

They actually have such a person in the Kuangmen.

"Are you a casual cultivator?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little unconvinced. A casual cultivator in the realm of possession is rare.

At this time, Lu Fei stood up and explained to Zhuo Bufan.

"Boss, Sun You is the backbone of our Kuangmen. This guy doesn't talk much, but he does things very cleanly and neatly."

Sun You is indeed a suspicious person. He has the kind of aura that makes people not want to get close to him.

"This guy is only suspicious on the surface, but he is trustworthy."

Since Lu Fei said so, Zhuo Bufan couldn't refuse, but he was more cautious.


Zhuo Bufan saved the file in time.

With a powerful person in the realm of possession who he didn't know at all, Zhuo Bufan had to take some precautions.

Saving the file is his best defense.

The second update!

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