Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 389: Group Annihilation (Part 2) [First Update]

Zhuo Bufan was furious when he saw Lu Fei being slapped into ashes.

He opened the Soul Book in front of him!

Wow! Wow!

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to summon the Sword of Life and Death, suddenly, dozens of huge black sticks fell from the sky above his head.

"Master, be careful!"

Another disciple rushed up and knocked Zhuo Bufan away.

This time, it was Murray who was sacrificed.

Bang! Wow!

It wasn't over yet. Dozens of black sticks rose and fell, like drumsticks, constantly hitting Zhuo Bufan and his friends.

However, now, there was only one disciple left from the Crazy Sect brought by Zhuo Bufan. That was Sun You, who was in the Possession Realm.

He fled around and struggled to hold on in the storm of falling sky sticks.

"What on earth is that?"

Zhuo Bufan was angry. Until now, they didn't even know what kind of soul beast the other party was.

Was it one or a group?

What kind of ability did it have?

They knew nothing. In the fog, they could not see their hands in front of them. They could only let themselves be slaughtered.

Because they could not see the target, Zhuo Bufan did not dare to release the Life and Death Sword.

His current soul power was only enough for him to use the Life and Death Sword once. If he missed, he would be really finished.

Zhuo Bufan thought about using the Sky Battleship.

However, he looked at the situation in front of him and was afraid that the Sky Battleship would be smashed to pieces.


Just as Zhuo Bufan was hesitating, he saw Sun You, who was dodging like a fly not far away, was still hit by the rising and falling black stick with a snap.

This time, Zhuo Bufan vaguely saw the true appearance of the "black stick".

It was a black tentacle that four people hugged together. Zhuo Bufan had never seen such a large tentacle.

But the flesh wall, the sucker, and the mucus all indicated that it was a huge tentacle that only an octopus had.

What a joke, this is a forest, there are octopuses in the forest?

Just as Zhuo Bufan was confused, the fog slowly dispersed due to the beating of the tentacles.

Zhuo Bufan survived this crazy bombardment.

However, he turned around and looked at everyone, and found that none of the disciples of the Mad Sect survived.

They were wiped out!

Zhuo Bufan looked down and saw that the ground was completely ravaged into a muddy land of hundreds of hectares.


At this time, a terrible roar came from in front of him.

With a rolling fishy smell, it hit his nose, making Zhuo Bufan's soul tremble and his internal organs churn.

When he raised his head, he was stunned by what he saw in front of him.

The mountain they just saw stood up from the ground and instantly rose hundreds of meters.

More than 30 huge black tentacles grew from the mountain.

And the soul altar was at the top of the mountain.

No, to be precise, it was on the head of the tentacle monster.

Zhuo Bufan was confused. Aren't soul beasts not allowed to approach the soul altar?

How could such a huge soul beast be hidden under the soul altar?

The soul beast, as huge as a mountain, had two caves side by side on the mountainside.

From the cave, two scarlet lights flashed.

Zhuo Bufan realized that those were the two eyes of the soul beast, and it was staring at him.

"Xuan Guang Jing!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much about it, and immediately summoned the Xuan Guang Jing to check the information of the soul beast.

Even if he died, he had to die for a good cause, at least to know what kind of soul beast it was.

After illuminating the soul beast, which was as huge as a mountain and had more than 30 black tentacles all over its body, the Xuan Guang Jing quickly displayed the other party's information.

"Soul beast: Qianshou Yu, level 75. Its hands can grow up to a thousand at most. Each tentacle carries a deadly poison that makes everything wither and die. Touching it means death."

"Level 75, can kill!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't care about the introduction later. He only needed to look at the opponent's level.

Zhuo Bufan's Life and Death Sword can kill the level 75 Qianshou Yu instantly.

"Kill my brother, go to hell!"

Zhuo Bufan said nothing, condensed the sword in the void, and the Death Sword turned into a black light, blasting towards the mountain-like beast.

The opponent's target was so big that Zhuo Bufan couldn't miss it.

However, at the moment when Zhuo Bufan's Death Sword was heading towards Qianshou Yu, the soul beast suddenly launched an attack on Zhuo Bufan.

The speed was as fast as Zhuo Bufan's Death Sword.

Bang bang bang bang!

For a moment, dozens of huge tentacles came from all directions and slapped towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan had no way to avoid it. Seeing so many tentacles coming at him, Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened.

"Quick, quick, quick!"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes were fixed on his death sword. As long as the death sword could kill the opponent first, he would be saved.


The black death sword, like a stream of light, penetrated one of the cave-like magic eyes of Qianshou Yu under Zhuo Bufan's gaze.

However, at the same time.

Snap Snap Snap!

Dozens of tentacles slapped Zhuo Bufan's body like slapping flies.


At that moment, Zhuo Bufan's eyes went black.

Unexpectedly, the final result was that they would perish together.


When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he appeared in the save space.

"Damn, what a bad start! Did you get wiped out just after you left the house?"

Zhuo Bufan looked confused.

As expected, the inner layer of Yunmeng Realm is completely different from the outer layer and the middle layer.

The inner soul beast is so powerful that it can only fight for its life.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan saved the file in advance and learned about this terrifying soul beast.

"Senju Yu, this name is so strange."

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

Then he stood in front of the archive door and frowned.

"Speaking of which, there is one issue that I have never paid attention to."

"Why can I read files in Yunmeng Realm? Isn't there no death in Yunmeng Realm?"

Just as Zhuo Bufan was about to open the save door, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and he thought of something.

"Is it possible that the condition for loading files is not death?"

In fact, Zhuo Bufan has not studied carefully what are the conditions for reading files.

Because every time he was killed, his eyes went black.

When I opened my eyes again, I came to this archive space.

However, the strange behavior in Yunmeng Realm made him feel that the archive door was not that simple.

"If the condition for loading is not death, then what is it? Is it that the soul is dying?"

Zhuo Bufan made an inference.

After all, death in the Yunmeng Realm means the soul is dying.

Zhuo Bufan can load files in Yunmeng Realm, which shows that the soul is near death and can enter this file loading space.

"Wouldn't it be great if you could enter the independent space without dying?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly lit up.

All this time, he has not dared to read files easily, because the price of reading files is death.

But now, he suddenly discovered that he did not need to die to load files.

"But, how can we make the soul enter the dying state? This is difficult to control!"

"Is there any similar spell that can make the soul near death?"

Zhuo Bufan's mind was spinning rapidly.

"There should be such a talisman. If I can find this dying talisman, then I can only read files in the future."

Zhuo Bufan dares to think and do.

After the incident in Yunmeng Realm is over, he may start to study the dying soul.

However, the top priority is to settle matters in Yunmengjie.

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he opened the archive door in front of him and walked out...

Let me tell you, yesterday’s subscriptions were about 6,000, so I’ll update 6 today! And the foreshadowing of reading the file was actually mentioned a long time ago, and some book friends also mentioned it in the group. The condition for loading files is not simply death. So it can be regarded as filling the previous pit.

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