Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 390 Worship [Second Update]

After reloading the file, Zhuo Bufan returned to the "Lambo God" soul altar.

Looking back at the surroundings, Lu Fei and the others were following him on their flying mounts.

After loading the file, these friends were naturally resurrected at the same time.

Zhuo Bufan was very touched that Lu Fei and the others sacrificed their lives to save them when they were in danger.

"Boss, why do you look at me like this? It makes me a little nervous!"

Lu Fei felt Zhuo Bufan's earnest gaze and seemed a little panicked.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he laughed.

"Don't think too much. Okay, in this soul altar, replace all the mounts you are sitting on and replace them with flying boats."

After reading the file again, Zhuo Bufan naturally knew what would happen next.

On the way forward, the flying mounts they sit on will not be of much use, but will actually hinder them.

So Zhuo Bufan asked everyone to buy Feizhou.

However, others did not understand Zhuo Bufan's meaning and just asked.

"Boss, why do you want to change the flying boat? My old gryphon is so majestic and domineering, it can also be used as a powerful fighting force when encountering soul beasts."

"Change it if I ask you to, don't talk nonsense."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense to him.

Naturally, no one dared to disobey Zhuo Bufan's orders.

Ever since, everyone changed into a flying boat, including himself.

The flying boats in the Yunmeng Realm are different from those in the Immortal Realm.

The flying boat in Yunmeng Realm is more like a surfboard!

Everyone stepped on surfboards, oh no, on a flying boat, heading towards the Evil Forest again.

Before entering the Evil Ghost Forest, I heard bursts of roars, accompanied by a disgusting fishy smell.

Faced with this roar, Fatty Fu became timid again.

"I understand why the sect master asked us to change to flying boats."

At this time, Fatty Fu on the side said.

"Why?" Lu Fei asked.

"Boss Lu, think about it! This place is already the territory of high-level soul beasts. When our flying mounts get here, they will be scared to death and dare not move forward."

"But Feizhou is different. Feizhou will not be affected by this terrible aura."

Fu Yueban realized Zhuo Bufan's intention from his timidity.

When Lu Fei heard this, he even showed his admiration for Zhuo Bufan.

"Boss, I admire your foresight so much."

"It turns out that the boss asked us to switch to flying boats for this purpose."

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him and said, "Stop flattering me. But Fatty is right, flying mounts have no use here."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he continued to be the leader and led everyone to fly.

At this moment, he vaguely saw the familiar mountain top.

The moment Zhuo Bufan saw the top of the mountain, he immediately called out the Soul Code.

Hua Hua Hua Hua...

The soul book was opened, and Zhuo Bufan's eyes revealed a fierce look.

"Boss, what's wrong? Are you ready to fight?"

Lu Fei asked in surprise.

He could feel that Zhuo Bufan had already made a fighting stance.

"You guys wait here, don't follow me without my order."

Only Zhuo Bufan knew what would happen next.

The seventy-fifth level Senju Yu was definitely not something they could deal with.

Lu Fei and others were puzzled.

But after hearing Zhuo Bufan's order, they could only stay where they were.

Waiting for Zhuo Bufan's return.

For a moment, everyone looked at Zhuo Bufan, who was flying far away, and saw their sect master flying about five or six hundred meters away.

Then he suddenly summoned a black sword from his soul book.

Without saying a word, Zhuo Bufan moved his soul and drove the black sword towards the mountain peak a thousand meters away.

"What are you doing, boss? Why did you suddenly attack a mountain?"

Lu Fei and others looked at Zhuo Bufan inexplicably.

Because in their opinion, it was indeed the mountain that Zhuo Bufan attacked.

"No, use the Xuanguang Mirror to take a look."

At this time, the older Murray summoned the Xuanguang Mirror and pointed it at the mountain.

After hearing this, others quickly took out the Xuanguang Mirror.

When they pointed the Xuanguang Mirror at the mountain, a message that stunned everyone appeared in the Xuanguang Mirror.

"A seventy-fifth level soul beast, Thousand-Hand Yu?"

"Damn it, is this mountain a soul beast?"

Lu Fei and the others shouted.

No one could have imagined that that mountain peak was actually a spirit beast.

"I see, the boss must have noticed something weird about that mountain, so he took action against it."

"Brothers, what are you waiting for? Let's go up and help the boss!"

Lu Fei and the others realized belatedly and were about to rush forward to help Zhuo Bufan defeat the soul beast together.

However, it was not until everyone came to their senses.

Under Zhuo Bufan's control, the flying death sword had blasted through the mountain.

The next second, a deafening roar was heard from the top of the mountain.

Ouch! Ouch!

The sound was like thunder, making everyone shake like a small boat on the sea.

Wait until that roar is over.

The mountain peak in front of me suddenly collapsed.

The soul beast Qianju Yu just disappeared in front of everyone.


A group of people looked at the result in stunned silence.

Their sect leader single-handedly killed a level 75 spirit beast in an instant!

"Oh, mother, our sect master, is he so powerful?"

A group of people secretly pointed the Xuanguang mirror at Zhuo Bufan and found that the Xuanguang mirror showed that Zhuo Bufan used a level 68 dark light mirror.

It can block the prying of ordinary Xuanguang mirrors.

They didn't know how high Zhuo Bufan's level was. Zhuo Bufan was full of mystery.

Even Sun You looked at Zhuo Bufan's back with confusion.

After destroying "Qian Shou Yu", Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and flew towards the collapsed mountain.

You know, there is a soul altar in it.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan flying towards the ruins, after a while, a report came from the sky.

"Report, the camp "Kuangmen No. 1" has been established, and 10,000 soul power points are specially awarded for the basic construction of the camp."

"Kuangmen No. 1?"

When the report from the Tianzun came from the sky, Lu Fei and others were stunned at first, and then shouted wildly.

"It's our Kuangmen, Kuangmen No. 1."

"The boss has occupied a soul altar."

A group of people quickly flew towards the ruins of the mountain and found that there was indeed a black soul altar on the ruins.

And Zhuo Bufan was standing on the soul altar and gave them a thumbs up.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fei and others excitedly flew towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Boss, you are so awesome."

"How do you know there is a soul altar here?"

"And, how do you know that the mountain is a soul beast?"

"Boss, you are simply a genius, I admire you so much."

Zhuo Bufan just smiled slightly at the cheers of the crowd and didn't say much.

After this incident, Lu Fei and others admired and respected Zhuo Bufan even more.


Second update!!!

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