Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 391 Ready to make a move [Third update]

Zhuo Bufan occupied the soul altar and named it "Kuangmen No. 1".

Kuangmen, this is the third faction organization under Zhuo Bufan after "Seal True Name" and "Anti-Tianwu Alliance".

After Zhuo Bufan's ingenious plan to kill Qianshou Yu, their road to occupying the altar was obviously much easier.

However, the Evil Ghost Forest is still full of dangers, and death is a matter of seconds.

Under the leadership of Zhuo Bufan, they steadily advanced at the rate of two or three soul altars a day.

Every time a soul altar is occupied, a new mark will appear on the Yunmeng Map.

The appearance of Zhuo Bufan and his team soon attracted the attention of other major forces.

"Purple King, look, someone has moved the soul altar in this area of ​​the Evil Ghost Forest."

At the Tianwu Alliance headquarters, the Purple King and the Red King, who were responsible for promoting the occupation of the soul altar in the central area, looked at the several new faction marks that appeared on the Yunmeng Map and frowned.

"Kuangmen? Isn't this Kuangmen the force under the command of that kid?"

The Purple King is the only queen among the eight kings of Tianwu.

There was a White King Bai Su before, but Bai Su left their Tianwu League.

"That's right, this Kuangmen was established by that kid named Lu Fei in the name of that stinky boy Zhuo Bufan."

"Kuangmen is just a group of rabble, how could they possibly move the inner soul altar?"

Red King pointed at the soul altars on the Yunmeng Map and said.

The Purple King pointed to one of the soul altars when he heard it.

"I remember this 'Kuangmen No. 1' soul altar was guarded by a very powerful soul beast. Green King died here."

"Yes, I asked Lao Lu, he said there was a soul beast called Qianshou Yu there, which was bigger than a mountain, and it was no match for it."

"A hundred miles around, it's all its territory. Once you enter, you will definitely die."

"This place was marked as a restricted area by our Tianwu League, but I didn't expect that this Kuangmen actually occupied this place. It's really too suspicious."

Red King and Purple King stared at the Yunmeng Map in front of them, obviously a little anxious.

"Your Majesty has stipulated to us that we must occupy at least one thousand soul altars in the inner layer to make up for our failure in the middle layer."

"If we fail again this time, we may lose our lives."

The Red King looked worried.

In the middle layer of Yunmeng Realm, there are more than one thousand soul altars planned by their Tianwu League. However, most of them were seized by Zhuo Bufan.

Bai Su was one of the commanders at the time, and her fate was witnessed by all the Heavenly Kings.

So this time, they must not fail.

"What should we do? We now have less than four hundred soul altars in the inner layer." Zi Wang said worriedly.

Thinking of Bai Su's fate, they began to worry about their own fate.

"The soul altars in the Storm Plateau have been occupied almost, I think we must also take the risk and enter the Evil Ghost Forest and the Inner Sea of ​​Hundred Continents."

Finally, the Red King gritted his teeth and decided to lock the next target on the Evil Ghost Forest and the Inner Sea of ​​Hundred Continents.

When Zi Wang heard it, he didn't say much.

"It can only be like this."

They have no way out. If they cannot complete the domineering order of the Northern Emperor, they will only live a life worse than death.


At this moment, in the main altar of the Ancient Temple in Yunmeng Realm.

Xuanyuan Hao and his sister, who rarely enter Yunmeng Realm, specially rushed to Yunmeng Realm today.

"Brother, I heard that Sister Bai came to Yunmeng Realm. I want to find her."

Xuanyuan Hao was pulled here by her sister Xuanyuan Mo.

Xuanyuan Mo had already regarded Bai Su as her sister-in-law.

She really wanted to match her brother with Bai Su.

As soon as she heard that Bai Su appeared in Yunmeng Realm, she immediately pulled Xuanyuan Hao to Yunmeng Realm.

However, as soon as he arrived in Yunmeng Realm, Xuanyuan Hao was pulled by the elders who stayed in Yunmeng Realm to discuss important matters.

"Palace Master, the Soul Altar in the Soul Desert has been occupied almost. Which direction should we expand now?"

Xuanyuan Hao rarely manages the affairs of the Ancient Temple, but fortunately, the Ancient Temple has a group of very capable elders.

"The elders should make their own decisions on this matter!"

The arrogant Xuanyuan Hao left a message and left the main hall.

"Brother, you said you would help me find Sister Bai, go find her!"

"Ask the God of Heaven to help me find Sister Bai, quickly!"

The woman Xuanyuan Hao feared most in his life was his sister.

Because he loved her, he was afraid that his sister would be angry.

As a last resort, Xuanyuan Hao summoned the God of Heaven mentioned by Xuanyuan Mo.

The ancient mysterious magic of the Xuanyuan family is a kind of soul trick. In Yunmeng Realm, he has a special ability that others do not have, summoning ancient gods.

I saw Xuanyuan Hao's soul move, and a huge ancient god's Dharma image rose from behind him.

That ancient god only had one eye.

But that eye occupied its entire face, which looked extremely scary.

I saw the God of Heaven sweeping around in all directions.

Finally, it raised its hand and pointed towards the central world of Yunmeng Realm.

"Great, Sister Bai is really in Yunmeng Realm. Brother, take me to find Sister Bai."

Xuanyuan Mo didn't wait for Xuanyuan Hao to come back to his senses, and took her brother's hand and teleported to the soul altar in the central area.


At this moment, on the soul altar named "Kuangmen No. 1" occupied by Zhuo Bufan, white lights suddenly flashed.

From the white light, women in plain clothes walked out.

These women were the disciples of the Su Nu Sect.

They followed Bai Su to the inner layer of Yunmeng Realm, preparing to occupy several soul altars belonging to their Su Nu Sect.

The girls were dressed in uniform and in an orderly manner. They made way for Bai Su to walk out of the soul altar.

Then, Bai Su, wearing a veiled hat, slowly walked out of the soul altar.

She was elegant, with lotus steps swaying gently, and came slowly.

The reason why they chose to teleport to this soul altar was completely coincidental.

After they were ready to enter the inner layer of Yunmeng Realm, they began to prepare to teleport to an occupied soul altar in the inner layer.

But choosing where to teleport to was a problem.

Because if the soul altar they were teleported to had steep terrain and was surrounded by dangers, it would probably harm these girls.

As the leader, Bai Su naturally did not want to take these girls to die.

After some analysis, she locked her target on the Evil Ghost Forest.

Because in the past few days, an organization calling itself the Crazy Sect began to frantically occupy the soul altar in the Evil Ghost Forest.

In just three days, they occupied from Crazy Gate No. 1 to Crazy Gate No. 9.

Bai Su analyzed their order and route and found that this mysterious team was very efficient in occupying the Soul Altar, far higher than the people from the Ancient Temple and the Tianwu League.

Someone was exploring the way ahead, so they, the Su Nu Sect, could naturally seek opportunities on the road left by others.

So, Bai Su decided to teleport to this Soul Altar.

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