Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 392 It’s Her (Part 1) [Fourth Update]

"Elder, I checked and found that the headquarters of this mad sect is in the south of the middle level of Yunmeng Realm. Look, it's right here."

The leader, Lingyu, opened the Yunmeng Diagram and pointed at the main altar of the Kuang Sect.

"Only one?"

Bai Su asked.

"Yes, there is only one. Among the many forces, this crazy sect is completely insignificant, or not worth mentioning."

"Before this, they only had one main altar. However, in the past few days, they have begun to occupy the sub-altars in this devil forest crazily."

"You must know that before this evil ghost forest, even people from the Ancient Temple and the Tianwu Alliance did not dare to enter."

"I really don't know what kind of force this crazy sect is."

Kuangmen's sudden outburst attracted the attention of many people.

But not many people know about Kuangmen.

Only people from the Tianwu Alliance knew that the Kuangmen was an alliance of casual cultivators established by a group of lunatics who followed Zhuo Bufan.

Even Bai Su doesn't know this.

Although Bai Su and Zhuo Bufan had practiced dual cultivation, their memories merged.

But Bai Su doesn't understand the memory about Kuangmen.

After all, even Zhuo Bufan only discovered the crazy family recently.

And Bai Su did not associate this matter with Zhuo Bufan.

Although Zhuo Bufan is a lunatic who loves to occupy the soul altar, but now everyone in the world knows that he is attending the Honorable People Conference, he should not have time to come to Yunmeng Realm to seize the soul altar.

However, the person no one expected came.

Now that there are fewer and fewer nameless soul altars in Yunmeng Realm, Zhuo Bufan will naturally not let go of any soul altar.

To rob the soul altar, he wants to rob more soul altars. Wherever there is a soul altar, there is his extraordinary presence.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know that the person he wanted to see would actually follow him.

Of course, it was not just Bai Su and the others who followed him, but also the Tianwu Alliance, the Ancient Temple and other major forces.

They all rushed to catch up, just to get an extra piece of the pie before Zhuo Bufan took over all the soul altars in the Evil Ghost Forest.

"Notice that the camp 'Crazy Gate No. 10' has been established. A special reward of 10,000 soul points will be provided for the basic construction of the camp."

The voice of the Heavenly Lord's announcement came again from the sky.

Suddenly, more and more forces began to notice this crazy sect.

Three days ago, this crazy sect was just a small and unknown force.

However, three days later, this crazy family has begun to gain fame.

Occupying ten soul altars in the Evil Ghost Forest in one breath is not something that just anyone can do.

It's quite a feat.

The tenth soul altar in the Evil Ghost Forest has been occupied.

At the "Crazy Gate No. 10" soul altar, Zhuo Bufan led Lu Fei and the others, stood on the soul altar, and shouted excitedly.

The guardian beast of this soul altar is a pack of soul-eating crystal wolves.

No matter how powerful Zhuo Bufan's Death Sword is, it cannot destroy hundreds of soul-eating crystal wolves.

This kind of crystal wolf is not high in level, only level 40.

In this inner layer, level 40 soul beasts are rare. But their ability to survive here is obviously not to be underestimated.

They are social creatures, with hundreds of wolves in a pack.

Their bodies are covered with crystals as thin as vellus hairs.

This kind of crystal will even float in the air, and once it is inhaled into the human body, it may attach to the human body.

Then the soul will be devoured madly.

He is called the Soul-eating Crystal Wolf at will.

Zhuo Bufan obviously couldn't deal with this den of wolves alone.

Fortunately, the friends under him are very capable.

Although everyone was in a mess in the end, the group of crystal wolves were finally eliminated.

"Boss, it's the tenth one. Our Kuang Sect's branch altar has ten."

Lu Fei lay on the ground and laughed.

"It's only ten seats and I'll make you happy."

"Our goal is one thousand seats."

Zhuo Bufan issued the target, which attracted incredulous looks from others.

"No way, a thousand seats, can you do it?"

"Boss, stop joking."

Lu Fei and the others looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan was really not joking, after all, he had occupied more than 2,600 soul altars by himself.

Of course, the inner soul altar is far more difficult to occupy than Zhuo Bufan imagined.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan has no confidence even if he has one thousand seats. But it all depends on people. If you don’t try it, how will you know it won’t work?

"Actually, not every guardian beast of the Soul Altar is as powerful as the 'Thousand Hands'. For example, I basically didn't take action against this pack of wolves."

"So you also have to have some confidence."

"That's it for today. I have a meeting tomorrow, so I have a day off. We will gather at Altar No. 10 at noon the day after tomorrow."

If Zhuo Bufan hadn't said anything, they would have almost forgotten.

Zhuo Bufan is a minor venerable member of the Talisman Temple, but he has to attend the venerable meeting.

Zhuo Bufan did not forget this honorable meeting.

After all, after he was absent from the last respectable meeting, he was notified and criticized.

"Okay then! Come on, boss, we will watch your meeting report."

A group of people said they would stay in front of the live broadcast crystal, watch the meeting broadcast, and cheer for Zhuo Bufan.

Fu Lei, who is also a spell master, said even more excitedly.

"Sect Master, will tomorrow's meeting still discuss the matter?"

"I have watched every Zunren meeting. Your duality of waves and particles in all things is so wonderful."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and said.

"Haha, thank you very much! If you have a chance, come to the temple and I will show you around the temple."

"Goodbye then."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stepped onto the "Crazy Gate No. 10" soul altar, and then chose to leave the realm.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan, who was in his room in the Talisman Temple, suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he stood up from the futon and stretched.

In the past few days, he would go to Yunmeng Realm every day, and then lead a group of younger brothers to occupy the soul altar.

When he thought about tomorrow's meeting of honorable people, he felt dizzy.

"Speaking of which, the teacher seems to have stopped coming to me in the past two days."

Zhuo Bufan thought of Zu Jiuling.

Ever since Zu Jiuling had a private chat with Soul Lord, this Zu Jiuling began to appear and disappear, just like Zhuo Bufan.

Not only Zu Jiuling, but also Zhuo Bufan discovered that Huang Haotian had also disappeared in the past two days.

Yesterday, he told Zhuo Bufan that his relationship with Lan Miaoren had made historic progress.

Zhuo Bufan didn't ask much about him.

"Now that my soul has reached the peak of possession state, I wonder if I can comprehend the soul-reading spell."

Zhuo Bufan did not forget his main mission.

His current mission is to find the soul-reading spell.

Then pass on the knowledge in your mind to the respected people of this era.

However, Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment and found that he had gained nothing.

Now Zhuo Bufan is faced with a lot of things to deal with and has no time to relax at all.

So now he wanted to understand the soul-reading spell, but he couldn't do it right.

So, he simply lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Until the next day's Zunren Conference started again.

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