Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 394 It’s Her (Part 2) [Sixth Update]

When Fu Lei saw Zhuo Bufan and the others, he was almost scared to death by their costumes.

The Night Crow suit is really weird and creepy.

"Master, what are you dressing up like?"

Fu Lei only recognized Zhuo Bufan and the others after Zhuo Bufan took off his mask.

Zhuo Bufan took out a package and handed it to Fu Lei.

"Put on."

"This will be our Kuangmen's operational attire from now on."

Dressing uniformly, in addition to appearing organized, can also hide your identity.

When Fu Lei heard this, he quickly put on the Night Crow suit that Zhuo Bufan handed him.

Only then did Zhuo Bufan ask.

"What's the situation now?"

Zhuo Bufan and the others were at the top of a mountain.

After hearing this, Fu Lei raised his hand and pointed in the west direction.

"Master, look."

Zhuo Bufan looked in the direction he pointed and saw that there seemed to be a fierce battle taking place on another hilltop two or three kilometers away.

"I have followed the Su Nu Sect all the way here. Because I was worried about being discovered, I have been hiding far away."

"There seems to be a soul altar on top of that mountain. It's just that the people from the Su Nu Sect had just killed the guardian soul beast of the soul altar, and suddenly the people from the Tianwu Alliance came out and killed them."

"The two sides are now fighting fiercely."

Fu Lei briefly told Zhuo Bufan and the others about the situation.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he hissed.

"Hush, this Tianwu Alliance is really insignificant! Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger, reaping the benefits."

Lu Fei on the side said after hearing this.

"Boss, this guy from the Tianwu Alliance has always been very mean. What should we do now?"

Zhuo Bufan touched his chin, thought for a moment, and then said.



"That's right, wait! The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind. Since the people of the Tianwu Alliance can reap the benefits, why can't we?"

After everyone heard this, they felt that what Zhuo Bufan said was reasonable, so everyone sat down and decided to wait.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan called out the Soul Code and took out a "Clair Eye" from the Soul Code.

"Clairvoyance, go!"

Clairvoyance is a level 35 Horcrux, its shape is a bronze mirror.

But the breast button behind the bronze mirror is an eye with wings.

When Zhuo Bufan said "go".

The winged eye flapped its small dragonfly-like wings and flew up, then flew towards the top of another mountain.

The picture seen by those eyes will be displayed through the bronze mirror in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

As the little eye slowly approached the hilltop opposite, the battle taking place on the top of the hill was in full view.

For a moment, Lu Fei and the others gathered around, staring at the bronze mirror in Zhuo Bufan's hand, and began to watch the battle.

I saw a fierce battle taking place on the hilltop opposite.

There were more than two hundred disciples from the Tianwu Alliance, swarming up and killing the female disciples of the Su Nu Sect.

Among them, the leader of the Tianwu Alliance is a woman wearing purple clothes.

She was sitting on the back of a purple phoenix, eating grapes leisurely.

On the other side, the person in charge of the Su Nu Sect is their head, Ling Yu.

The leader looked very young, Zhuo Bufan just glanced at him.

Then his eyes fell on the woman wearing a veil and hat standing next to the leader Lingyu.

"Damn it, these beasts from the Tianwu League are really going to kill such a cute girl with such a cruel hand!"

In the picture, many disciples of the Su Nu Sect were beheaded on the spot.

If it weren't for the "blessing of pure Yang" in their bodies, perhaps they would have been wiped out long ago.

"Are they blessed?"

Only then did Zhuo Bufan notice.

In the entire Yunmeng Realm, only the first three camps have the blessing of the Heavenly Lord.

Among them, two camps belong to Zhuo Bufan, namely "Sealed True Name" and "Sealed True Name One", and one belongs to "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter".

As for the Su Nu Sect, there was only a pure Yang blessing on their body, and their identity was ready to be revealed.

"It seems that their Su Nu Sect has occupied my second soul altar."

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that the Su Nu Sect was still a force under his command.

"Now that you have joined my camp, why do you still risk your life and go to the inner layer to snatch the new soul altar?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused.

Is his extraordinary treatment not good enough?

"Boss, are we really not going to take action? These girls are so pitiful. They are completely being ravaged by the beasts of the Dog League."

Lu Fei couldn't stand it anymore.

Although the death in Yunmeng Realm is not real death, once you are killed, you will not be able to get out of bed for several months!

He could only lie on the bed like a corpse.

"Don't worry, let's see again! Even if we want to help, we can't have a head-on conflict with the people of the Tianwu Alliance."

"Listen to my orders later and I will kill that Purple King. You are responsible for killing the leaders of the Tianwu Alliance."

Zhuo Bufan thought that Lu Fei was right and could not ignore death.

This Su Nu Sect is, after all, a disciple of his camp.

Part of the soul power I receive every day is enshrined by the female disciples of the Su Nu Sect!

Zhuo Bufan is ready to take action, but he must seize the opportunity.

At this moment, on the top of another mountain, the battle was intensifying.

"Sister Bai, what should we do? The disciples can't hold on any longer."

As the leader, Lingyu looked very anxious.

Yesterday, when they were competing for the Soul Altar, they met people from the Tianwu Alliance.

As a result, more than 40 of the more than 100 disciples they brought died.

And today they met the people of Tianwu League again, and they were completely targeted by the people of Tianwu League.

The most important thing is that Bai Su did not make a move twice.

Lingyu's implication is that she hopes Bai Su will make a move.

However, Bai Su cannot make a move.

Once she makes a move, the opponent's Purple King will be able to immediately see through her identity.

Seeing through her identity is a small matter, but exposing herself and bringing greater disaster to the Su Nu Sect is definitely not what Bai Su wants.

Now she doesn't make a move, and the opponent's Purple King doesn't make a move either. This is the best situation.

"Give it up!"

Facing Lingyu's pleading, Bai Su could only answer helplessly.

"Give it up? But Sister Bai, we finally killed the guardian soul beast, I am unwilling."

They have paid a lot of efforts and costs to obtain this soul altar.

Now she is asked to give up, not to mention that she is unwilling, even the disciples are unwilling.

Why did they come to the inner layer?

"Sister, you can't give it up."

This time, Lingyu seemed very determined.

In order to give the Su Nu Sect a better future, they risked their lives to come to the inner layer, just wanting to seize a soul altar of their own.

But the people of the Tianwu League repeatedly made things difficult for them.

They were unwilling to give up, and they would never retreat even if they died.

But Bai Su couldn't do it.

If she did, the Su Nu Sect would be finished.

"Sister Bai, maybe this is the only chance for our Su Nu Sect. Whether it succeeds or not, I will fight for it once."

After Ling Yu finished speaking, he summoned his own soul book.

Then he picked up his own soul weapon "Su Xin Sword" and rushed into the battle circle.

For a while, only the Purple King of the Tianwu League and Bai Su of the Su Nu Sect had not joined the battlefield in the whole sky.

The Purple King looked at Bai Su with interest, and then smiled.

"Are you worried about something?"

"If you don't take action again, the people of your small sect will be wiped out."

Facing the ridicule of the Purple King, Bai Su ignored it.

At this moment, Bai Su suddenly discovered Zhuo Bufan's clairvoyance, that is, the small eye with wings.

She turned her head and looked towards the small eye.

At that moment, the veil in front of her revealed a gap.

And it was that gap that gave Zhuo Bufan a glimpse of a pair of clear eyes.

The moment he saw the pair of eyes, Zhuo Bufan's soul trembled.

He couldn't help but murmured: "Is it her?"


Six updates are over! Thank you for watching. Tomorrow, continue, as usual, watch the subscription update. Come on, everyone, come on too! Good night!

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