Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 395 Give in [First Update]

"is her?"

Zhuo Bufan saw those clear eyes that he had not seen for a long time under the gauze.

He would never forget those eyes, those clear eyes with light blue irises.

The silky water is like autumn waves.

is her? Could it be her?

Zhuo Bufan asked himself, in his memory, there was only one person with those eyes, and that was Bai Su, the person he longed for.

"Do it!"

Without any hesitation, Zhuo Bufan stood up from the ground, and like an eagle, he cut through the sky and headed towards another mountain.

Lu Fei and others behind him saw Zhuo Bufan disappear before their eyes before they even recovered.

At this moment, the battle on another mountain has already entered a white-hot stage.

The disciples of the Su Nu Sect refused to give in. However, facing the domineering Tianwu Alliance, the result of not giving in would be the complete annihilation of their entire army.

Seeing the disciples of Su Nu Sect falling in front of him one by one, Bai Su was also touched by several of them.

She couldn't help it anymore and wanted to open the soul book.

However, the result of the attack was unimaginable.

As soon as she takes action, the Purple King will definitely be able to recognize her as the White King Bai Su.

Once recognized, the Su Nu Sect may really be doomed.

If we take action, the Su Nu Sect will suffer a heavy blow in the future.

If they don't take action, they may now be in danger of being annihilated.

At every turn, Bai Su fell into an unprecedented entanglement.

"Hey, you really don't want to do it? If you don't do it, they will really be doomed."

Zi Wang stared at Bai Su and said.

She could feel Bai Su's suspicion, but if Bai Su didn't take action, she couldn't tell the depth or identity of the other party.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

The two of them were locked in a stalemate.

On the battlefield, it was obvious that the disciples of the Su Nu Sect could no longer support themselves.

Just when these girls were looking desperate, suddenly a sword came from the horizon.

call out!

A black sword light came from the west with a devastating and lightning-like power.


The black sword light showed no mercy and penetrated the Purple King's body.

But before the Purple King could sense it, his whole body exploded on the spot with a bang and disappeared into ashes.

The sudden killing move caused the whole place to become silent instantly. The disciples of the Tianwu Alliance looked horrified after seeing their Purple King being killed instantly.

Then, everyone raised their heads and looked at the man wearing a black cloak and a crow mask in the sky above their heads.

"Are there hungry wolves coming again?"

The disciples of Su Nu Sect were not too excited.

Because in their eyes, the other party is obviously the oriole behind the mantis stalking the cicada.

The other party also came for the soul altar.

"Boss, you killed the Purple King instantly?"

Lu Fei and others who arrived later were greatly shocked by Zhuo Bufan's sudden feat.


Zhuo Bufan didn't talk nonsense and simply uttered one word.

The next second, Lu Fei led Fatty and the others into the battlefield and started killing everyone.

However, their target was not the disciples of the Su Nu Sect, but the people of the Tianwu Alliance.

For a moment, the people of the Tianwu Alliance began to abandon their helmets and flee, and their screams resounded throughout the world.

Their king was dead, so naturally their morale was shattered first, and then they became headless flies, at a loss what to do.

In the end, all they could do was wait for the members of the Kuangmen and Su Nu Sect to catch them all in one fell swoop.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he looked at Bai Su on the other side of the mountain.

Desire to see through!

He wanted to see through the veil and see the face inside.

However, that gauze bamboo hat is also a Horcrux, which can form a vague phantom and cannot be seen clearly at all.

And Zhuo Bufan just saw that startling glimpse through the gap.

Zhuo Bufan was looking at Bai Su, but Bai Su was looking at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan wanted Bai Su to take off the gauze hat on his head.

Bai Su didn't want Zhuo Bufan to take off the crow mask.

The two of them didn't say anything, didn't do anything, they just looked at each other quietly.

But at this moment on the battlefield, the disciples of the Tianwu Alliance were beginning to be unable to resist.

They can only retreat one after another.

Anyone who runs slowly will be killed on the spot!

But within half a stick of incense, the battlefield situation changed instantly.

The disciples of Su Nu Sect, with the help of Kuang Sect, achieved a great victory.

Then Lu Fei and others returned to Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Boss, it's solved. What should we do now?"

We have solved it, but do we still need the soul altar in front of us?

Now everyone was looking at Zhuo Bufan, just listening to him alone.

There are not many disciples left in the Su Nu Sect.

If Zhuo Bufan and the others wanted to seize the soul altar at this time, the other party would have no power to resist.

After all, the leader of the Crow Gang is a terrifying being who can kill the Purple King instantly.

The wind is calm, and so are the clouds!

At this time, Zhuo Bufan suddenly turned around and said.

"let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped off the cliff, then opened his cloak, and the crow feathers on the cloak turned into wings and glided away.

With Zhuo Bufan gone, Lu Fei and the others naturally had no choice but to follow orders.

One by one, the "crows" jumped off the cliff and flew into the distance.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan and the others leaving, the disciples of the Su Nu Sect looked surprised and happy.

"What's going on? Are they helping us?"

"It seems so. We don't even know who they are?"

"Yes, it's so strange! A group of mysterious people wearing crow masks. Who are they?"

For Zhuo Bufan's help, the disciples of Su Nu Sect can only be grateful.

Thanks to Zhuo Bufan's help, the entanglement of the Tianwu League, a powerful force, was eliminated.

Su Nu Sect finally got their first soul altar.

"Announcement, the camp 'Su Nu Sect' has been established, and 10,000 soul power points have been established as the basic construction of the sect."

For the first time, the three words Su Nu Sect spread across the sky.

This once infinitely glorious female sect finally ushered in the first step of their rise.

"Sister Bai, what should we do next?"

For Bai Su's refusal to take action before, Lingyu later figured out Bai Su's intention.

She didn't take action, but was actually protecting Su Nu Sect.

Lingyu felt deeply guilty about this. So she gave the decision to Bai Su.

However, they now have less than 20 disciples left, and one elder has also been sacrificed.

In the current state, it is not suitable to continue fighting.

For them, it is enough to get a soul altar.

Of course, it would be better if they could get a few more soul altars.

After hearing this, Bai Su was silent for a moment, and then said.

"Let's go to the next soul altar."

Bai Su has her own ideas, and this matter is not over yet.

She really wants to know who the man wearing a crow mask just now is.

In fact, she has already guessed, but she is not sure.


Zhuo Bufan took Lu Fei and others back to the "Kuangmen No. 10" soul altar. Lu Fei and others were naturally puzzled by Zhuo Bufan's actions just now.

"Boss, why did you give in? You can't feel sorry for her just because she is a girl!"

Lu Fei was just joking, but Zhuo Bufan took it seriously.

"Let's stop here today! I suddenly remembered that there is something important in the soul hall. Everyone dispersed."

Their Kuangmen has not opened today, and they didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to ask them to disperse.

But Zhuo Bufan said so, so they naturally dared not disobey.

Watching the disciples of the Kuang Sect leave one by one, Zhuo Bufan stayed behind.

He opened the Soul Book and summoned the "Clairvoyance" mirror.

Zhuo Bufan did not take back the eye of the Clairvoyance mirror, but followed the people of the Su Nu Sect.

The images of the Su Nu Sect disciples emerged in the mirror.

The last image was fixed on Bai Su.

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his fingers and gently stroked the figure of Bai Su in the mirror.

"So you came to the Su Nu Sect, I finally found you."


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