Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 401 The Yellow Bird is Behind (Part 2) [3rd update]

The demonic team led by Lord Tianmo drove dozens of sailboats and advanced towards the center of the inland sea.

What they were riding on was a large sailing ship on the water with no combat capability.

Naturally, it is far inferior to the strategic-level weapon, the Sky Battleship.

On the leading ship, a mysterious man wearing black gold armor and a bull helmet sat on an iron chair.

His helmet completely covered his face, leaving only a pair of eyes. The iron boots were as sharp as knives, and the weapons emitted cold light. The whole person gave people a terrifying feeling that was difficult to get close to.

"Report, Young Master! There is an island three thousand meters ahead. Visually, there is a new soul altar on the island."

This mysterious man in black gold armor is none other than the legendary Young Demon Lord, the agent of the sleeping Demon King.

The Demon King is one of the four supreme beings in the world.

Because of the battle with the Evil Emperor, I heard that he was seriously injured and has been sleeping for almost a thousand years.

Not long ago, the Demon King suddenly appeared, descended to inherit, and chose a spokesperson. This person is now the young master of Demon Island.

He is the spokesperson of the Demon King, so he is naturally respected by everyone in the Demon Dao.

And this time in the Yunmeng Realm's inner sea soul altar competition, the devil's path suddenly became so high-profile, precisely because of the decision made by this young demon king.

Who is Mr. Tianmo? no one knows.

He suddenly appeared and became the spokesperson of the Demon King.

Now he leads a group of demons into the Yunmeng Realm and takes over the Soul Altar. Obviously with a very strong momentum.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, the Demon Lord was silent for a moment.

Then a hoarse and deep voice came out from under the cold and terrifying bull-headed mask.

"Are the blood demon, poison demon, and bone demon here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people standing behind him who looked crooked but had extraordinary momentum stood up.

Three powerful men in brown cloaks stepped forward and answered.


When Mo Shaojun heard that day, he said coldly.

"The three of you will take the lead. Find out the weak points of the guardian beasts."

"Where are the crazy demons, the flower demons, the snow demons, and the night demons?"

After calmly and calmly announcing the mission, four more big demons stepped forward.

These people were all famous big devils, but now they actually listened to the orders of this young devil and obeyed them.

"As the main force, you will deal a heavy blow to the guardian beasts."

"Where are the beast demons, corpse demons, ghost demons, golden demons, eye demons, and fire demons?"

As soon as these words came out, six more old devils stood up.

"You are responsible for responding to the demon lords and giving the guardian beast a fatal blow. Go!"


Thirteen old devils flew out with their elites.

For a time, hundreds of demonic people surrounded the island.

The three demons responsible for the investigation began to try to bomb the island ahead.

However, after some simple testing, it seemed that there were no powerful soul beasts on the island.

But at this moment, the air suddenly became cold.

Immediately afterwards, a thick fog floated above the sea.

Obviously, these people have entered the domain of the guardian beast.

There really are guardian beasts on this island.

At this moment, a demon suddenly exclaimed in the mist.

"Look, what is that?"

Everyone looked for the sound and saw a huge black outline slowly rising from the bottom of the sea in the silent mist in front of them.

The black outline was truly terrifying, comparable to a mountain.

What came to my ears was the sound of crashing waves, and it was vaguely like hearing a terrible breathing sound.

"Stay in formation and prepare to fight."

Everyone is already familiar with such a huge spirit beast.

Along the way, the soul beasts they encountered were getting stronger and stronger, so they had already been mentally prepared for what kind of soul beast they would encounter next.

"Ready to fight!"

One person shouts, and a hundred people answer.

All the demon elites summoned the soul codes one after another and picked up their own soul weapons.

call out!

At this moment, a purple ray suddenly flew from the fog.

The purple ray was as thick as a thigh, and a ray directly hit a sailboat in the fleet three thousand meters away.


In an instant, the piercing sailboat exploded in the air, and thousands of demonic people on the ship were wiped out on the spot.

This move alone made everyone stunned.

"What kind of ray is that?"

"It's scary. It was released by the soul beast in the mist. Everyone, be careful."

"Why are you so petty? Give me a blast!"

Seeing that the soul beast in the mist launched the attack first, all the demonic people picked up their soul weapons one after another and used various fancy abilities to attack the mist.

Boom boom boom boom!

For a time, the sound of thousands of explosions, large and small, was heard in the fog.

The muffled sounds finally caused the soul beasts in the fog to launch a terrifying counterattack.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

Suddenly, a howl was heard in the mist.

The next second, a thunderous storm struck.

Those demonic elites who were flying in the air on flying boats were immediately blown away and flew up and down.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo…

At the same time, dozens of purple rays shot out from the mist.

These thigh-thick rays, wherever they passed, were reduced to ashes.

The fleet three thousand meters away was obviously the biggest victim.

"Young Master, retreat quickly."

The young master of the demon on the leading sailboat sat calmly on the boat.

Several rays passed by his sailboat but did not hit him.

"Run? Hide? Hide?"

"The demon has been running for a lifetime, seizing for thousands of years, and hiding for tens of thousands of years. Do you still want to escape now?"

"Let me see the real strength of you old demons."

This young master of the demon was very courageous and refused to run away.

His words aroused the fighting spirit of all the old demons.

"Okay, where are the demon disciples? Kill them!"

A group of old demons no longer mentioned retreating and rushed towards the soul beast in the fog.

After the roar of the soul beast just now, the powerful storm blew away all the thick fog.

At this time, everyone saw the true appearance of the soul beast.

It was hundreds of meters high, like a mountain.

Or, like a black demon shadow.

However, on top of that demon shadow, there were eyeballs one after another.

These eyeballs all had purple pupils and gray eye whites.

They were densely packed, large and small, and there were hundreds of them, which made people's scalps numb and their hair stand on end.

Some people quickly called out the Xuanguang mirror to check the target's information.

As a result, everyone was shocked when they saw it.

"Qianmu Yu, a level 85 soul beast, each eye can release a deadly death ray..."

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