Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 402 The Yellow Bird is Behind (Part 2) [Fourth Update]

Qianmuyu is another terrifying soul beast from the Qianzi generation.

Zhuo Bufan, who was hiding aside and watching from a distance, was frightened after seeing this soul beast.

He has already encountered three such strange soul beasts.

Thousands of hands, thousands of tails, thousands of eyes!

"Is this a series of soul beasts?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

This kind of soul beast has never existed in the world of immortality. It is only found in Yunmeng Realm.

But Yunmengjie is just a world created by the Creation Pearl. Since it is a creation, there is a basis for creation.

Zhuo Bufan suspected that these soul beasts were not as simple as he thought.

And this Qianmu Yu is obviously extremely crazy.

The thousand-eyed beast in front of him only had more than a hundred eyes.

However, each eye is capable of releasing a terrifying death ray.

Zhuo Bufan could only hide far away and let the demonic people deal with this thousand-eyed beast.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo…

Qian Muyu's death ray is indeed extremely terrifying.

Wherever it shines, it turns into ashes and disintegrates directly.

Obviously, this is the most powerful soul beast that everyone has encountered so far.

"Hit it in the eye."

I don't know who shouted, and for a moment, all the firepower attacked Qian Muyu's eyes.

In order to deal with this thousand-eyed beast, more and more magic masters joined the battlefield.

And the Demon Young Master was already sitting on the leading sailboat, calmly directing the battle.

"Its weak point is its eyes, hit it in the eyes."

The old demons have rich fighting experience, and they soon discovered that Qianmu Yu's eyes were his fatal weakness.

After the Qianmuyu's eyes were blinded, not only was he unable to release the terrifying death ray, but his reaction was also greatly reduced due to the severe injuries.

This soul beast has no hands or feet, only dense eyes.

Boom boom boom boom!

As the demonic people bombarded him more and more fiercely, Qian Muyu suffered unprecedented trauma and began to retreat.

"It's scared. Hit it, hit me hard."

Seeing that Qianmu Yu was retreating, the Demon Dao people began to pursue him fiercely.

This battle lasted for five or six hours.

Although Qianmuyu is powerful, how can a fierce lion withstand the siege of countless blood-sucking flies?

When Qianmu Yu's eyes were hit one by one, he saw that there were less than three eyes left.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan, who had been observing in secret, took action.

"Well done, the mantis is catching the cicada and the oriole is behind."

Zhuo Bufan flew out and opened the Soul Book.

Hua Hua Hua Hua!

I flipped through the Soul Code and finally stopped on a page with a battleship printed on it.

"Sky Battleship, come out!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the Sky Battleship emerged from the void.

A huge black battleship floats above the clouds. Dozens of sails were raised, blocking out the sky and sun like a fortress.

"Give it the final blow, quickly!"

Above the sea, the Demon Dao people were launching the final blow to the Thousand-Eyed Emperor.

And at this moment, the extraordinary sky battleship was floating above the heads of all the demonic people without even realizing it.

A black shadow began to cover the fleet on the sea.

The young Demon Lord who was sitting on the iron chair on the deck raised his head when he felt the black shadow shrouding him.

"what is that?"

The other demons on the deck were dumbfounded after seeing the sky battleship above their heads.

"It's the Sky Battleship, the super weapon, the Sky Battleship."

The demons shouted.

They have seen the Sky Battleship. There are two Sky Battleships in the Tianwu Alliance.

In order to withstand Zhuo Bufan's impact, the Tianwu Alliance had no choice but to spend all its reserves and exchange them for two Sky Battleships.

This is the most powerful strategic weapon that can be redeemed in the soul altar today, and it is a destructive soul weapon that can capture the camp.

"How is that possible? When did it come?"

Seeing Qianmu Yu falling under the bombardment of all the demons, but at this time, the Cangqiong Battleship appeared.

This terrifying battleship appeared in front of everyone like another Thousand-Eyed Warrior.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

Black electricity was wrapped around the Sky Battleship. Ordinary people wouldn't dare to get close.

On the battleship, rows of soul cannons have been calibrated and ready to fire at any time.

At the front of the battleship, a huge destructive cannon was condensing countless blue-white particles.

"What is he going to do?"

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling."

"Me too, it's not good, it's not good, this guy is going to shoot at us."

The demonic people on the sea felt the fatal crisis.

After the battle with Qianmu Yu, they were already exhausted.

Now that another sky battleship appeared, they already felt powerless.

"Damn it, do you want to come and snatch the soul altar?"

The young demon king sitting on the iron chair suddenly became furious.

He suddenly slapped the iron chair and roared.

"Follow me to the island and seize the soul altar."

Without saying a word, the Demon Master pulled out the gray sword from his waist and flew towards the island on the sea.

Obviously, they all felt that the sky battleship above their heads came precisely for the Soul Altar.

However, before they could rush to the island, suddenly, the Sky Battleship in the sky above them released hundreds of soul cannons.

Boom boom boom boom!

At one time, hundreds of soul cannons fired in volley.

The moment it landed on the water, it exploded instantly, creating a spray of water tens of meters high.

There are hundreds of cannons, firing a soul-power cannonball every less than a second.

In just an instant, the sea turned into a wreckage filled with artillery fire. .

The destruction cannon located at the front of the Sky Battleship has been fully charged.

"Young Master, run quickly!"

Seeing the colorful soul cannon falling from the sky that day, there was no way to avoid it. It completely formed a barrage and landed around the island.

Some old devils quickly protected the young devil from retreating.

call out!

The destructive cannon, after being charged, instantly shot out a blue light beam with a diameter of half a meter.


The destruction cannon fell on the sea surface, bombing the entire inland sea, making the waves rough and the water mist filling the sky.

"The opportunity has come."

Seeing the chaos in the scene, Zhuo Bufan immediately piloted the Sky Battleship, landed on the island, and then seized the Soul Altar.

"Information, the camp's 'Martial Alliance' has been established, and a reward of 10,000 soul power will be provided for infrastructure construction."

Soon, the Heavenly Master of Yunmeng Realm informed the name of the camp—Wumeng!

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate and left immediately.

Whirring whirring!

Several old demons calmed down the mist with great power.

Under the protection of several old devils, the young devil set foot on the island in embarrassment.

When they arrived at the center of the island, they found that the soul altar had been occupied first.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

That day, the Demon Young Lord looked up to the sky and roared, burning with rage.

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