Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 411 Leaving the Temple [First Update]

Zhuo Bufan did not want to implicate the Talisman Temple, nor did he want to hand over the Donghuang Bell.

He made his own choice and bore the Demon Lord's wrath alone.

But at this time, Lei Zun shook his head and said.

"Master Guangying, are you thinking too simply?"

"Now everyone in the world knows that our Talisman Temple wants to protect you. Do you think that after the arrival of the Demon Lord, our Talisman Temple can really just sit back and watch?"

"You can be a hero on your own, but let the Talisman Temple face the rejection of the world?"

"Obviously, you don't have that option."

Lei Zun's words made everyone in the room nod.

They agreed.

Now it is not a question of whether Zhuo Bufan is willing to bear the responsibility alone.

Now the Talisman Temple has made it clear that it wants to keep Zhuo Bufan.

After the arrival of the Demon Lord, the Talisman Temple must stand on the same front as Zhuo Bufan, otherwise the Talisman Temple will only be despised by the world.

"In other words, now we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, in the same boat. Unless you jump out of the rope, jump out of the boat."

"Otherwise, I, the Talisman Temple, will face everything together with you."

On the surface, Lei Zun looks like a big and thick madman.

But after communicating with him, you will find that Lei Zun's language art is the most powerful person Zhuo Bufan has ever seen.

If anyone else heard what Lei Zun said just now, they would think that Lei Zun was thinking about Zhuo Bufan.

I, Talisman Temple, will face anything together with you. I don’t know how many people were moved by this sentence.

However, it was only to Zhuo Bufan that it clearly meant something else.

Lei Zun was hinting to him that he should leave the temple so that he would not implicate the temple.

Sure enough, whoever can reach this point is not a genius or an old fox.

This Lei Zun saw Zhuo Bufan's heart to protect the Talisman Temple, and knew that Zhuo Bufan would not harm the temple.

Therefore, his words undoubtedly triggered Zhuo Bufan's final decision in his heart.

"Okay, I'll leave the temple now."

When Zhuo Bufan said these words, the whole place was silent.

Everyone stared at Zhuo Bufan with their eyes widened and their mouths agape.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to give up the Chaos Clock, and he didn't want to implicate the Talisman Temple. Leaving the Temple seemed to be the best choice.

This was a helpless choice. After all, the Talisman Temple had always been his support and support.

Once he leaves the temple, Zhuo Bufan will inevitably have a lot of trouble in the future.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan saved it in advance.

He wanted to see if the worst choice he had made was as bad as he imagined.

This is the worst option and the best option.

"I disagree!"

Before anyone could react, Hunjue Zunren Zu Jiuling, who was sitting next to Zhuo Bufan, was the first to express his refusal.

Although Zu Jiuling never admitted that he was Zhuo Bufan's teacher.

But in his heart, Zhuo Bufan has long been a closer relationship than his students.

The two are both teachers and friends, and it is even difficult for them to know each other.

He was the first to stand up and express his opposition.

However, it is not the temple that makes the decision now. The clever Lei Zun did not take the initiative to fire Zhuo Bufan, but let Zhuo Bufan choose to retreat despite the difficulties.

"My dear Master is a rare spell genius in my world of spells. To be honest, no one wants to see him leave the temple. That will be our loss."

"So my opinion is that I would like to ask you to reconsider and give up the Chaos Clock."

Lei Zun spoke again and actually expressed his objection.

But he knew very well that Zhuo Bufan would not give up the Chaos Clock easily.

As expected, Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing this.

"No, I will not give up the Chaos Bell. It is my own choice to withdraw from the temple."

"The temple has protected me many times, this time, let me protect it!"

Zhuo Bufan truly loved the Talisman Temple and had no intention of compromising the temple.

"Everyone, I hereby declare that from now on, I will no longer have anything to do with the Talisman Temple."

"Take off my honorable laurels and take off my honorable clothes. May the truth be with you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at Zu Jiuling aside, and then said.

"Teacher, once you are a teacher, you will always be a teacher. But this time, please respect the student's choice."

Zhuo Bufan chose to leave the Talisman Temple without any complaints.

But this time, not even Zu Jiuling could stop it.

They could only watch helplessly as Zhuo Bufan took off the venerable crown on his head and the white gold robe on his body.

Then without saying a word, he turned and left.

Once you leave, there is no looking back!

Seeing this scene, Zu Jiuling turned around and looked at all the venerable people and palace masters present.

He roared wildly.

"What are you doing? What are you guys doing? Are you going to force a child to die?"

"Old man of Guangdian, aren't you the most supportive of Xiaofan? You speak!"

"Hey, you old guys, are you all dumb? Speak!"

Zu Jiuling shouted, but no one responded to his anger.

It’s not that these people are indifferent, it’s that the situation is such that they are completely helpless.

The master of the main hall is not here, and facing the Demon Lord, if Zhuo Bufan is forced to stay, the result will be that the entire Talisman Temple will be buried with Zhuo Bufan.

The Talisman Temple has been passed down for thousands of years. Is it really going to be destroyed because of Zhuo Bufan alone?

They are no longer hot-blooded men in their twenties or thirties. They have lived for hundreds and thousands of years. They cannot ruin the fate of the temple because of their momentary impulse.

It can be said that Lei Zun did nothing wrong in this matter. He was just protecting the temple.

Zhuo Bufan did not blame or complain about Lei Zun, because he knew that Lei Zun was protecting the temple.

Similarly, Zhuo Bufan had to make this choice to protect the temple.

Sure enough, you have to walk your own way.

The next day, Zhuo Bufan walked out of the gate of the Talisman Temple with clean sleeves.

On the same day, he announced in Yunmeng Realm that the Talisman Temple was officially launched.

This matter must be said from his mouth to avoid misunderstanding.

"I, Zhuo Bufan, the former Light and Shadow Master of the Talisman Temple, officially announced today that I will withdraw from the temple and have nothing to do with it from now on."

As soon as these words came out, the entire Yunmeng Realm was blown up.

"No way, the little master chose to withdraw from the temple at this time?"

"What is this operation? Doesn't he know that the Demon Master has gone north?"

"Leaving the Talisman Temple now, it is obvious that he wants to leave the protection of the temple and want to bear the anger of the Demon Master alone?"

"This drama is getting more and more exciting."

"Hurry, let's rush to the Temple City. This little master's behavior is too unexpected."

"Without the protection of the Talisman Temple, he will have a hard time in the future."

The fact that Zhuo Bufan left the temple caused quite a stir in the Yunmeng Realm.

After Zhuo Bufan announced the end, he was about to leave.

At this moment, the sky suddenly exploded and a sentence came.

"Don't worry, my dear, the Talisman Temple dare not protect you, but I, the Tianyi Sect, will!"

This sentence, after Zhuo Bufan's announcement, once again exploded the entire Yunmeng Realm.


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