Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 412: God's Will Returns [Second Update]

Tianyi Sect!

This ancient and mysterious sect suddenly called out at this time to protect Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned immediately!

Not only him, but also the Yunmeng Realm was boiling.

"Tianyi Sect, what kind of sect is that?"

"What an arrogant tone, if the Talisman Temple is not protected, he Tianyi Sect will protect it."

"Tianyi Sect, dare to fight against the Demon Lord?"

For this mysterious sect that suddenly appeared, no one knows what its background is.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

Tianyi Sect, he had heard about it from the disappeared Grand Master.

It is the oldest sect in the world of immortal cultivation, and it is also the greatest sect.

The four emperors who sealed the sky and the earth in the legend are disciples of Tianyi Sect.

And the first master of the Talisman Temple is the last master of Tianyi Sect.

But after the first master Ji Xuanhao established the Talisman Temple, Tianyi Sect suddenly disappeared.

But recently, Tianyi Sect seems to have a sign of rebirth.

The Grand Hall Master has even made it clear that Tianyi is about to return!

"Tianyi Sect, are you going to protect me?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that under his situation, there would be a sect willing to protect him regardless of the crisis.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't believe it immediately.

Tianyi Sect is too mysterious.

Zhuo Bufan knows too little about Tianyi Sect.

He has no idea what the purpose of this mysterious and treacherous Tianyi Sect is.

If Tianyi Sect has no other purpose, how could it risk the world's disapproval and the anger of the demon lord to protect Zhuo Bufan?

"Little Venerable, my Tianyi Sect will keep its word and will definitely protect you through this difficulty."

"You are the pride of the talisman world and the prophet closest to the truth. My Tianyi Sect would like to invite you to become the most supreme little sage of our sect."

Tianyi Sect continued to extend an olive branch to Zhuo Bufan.

After the little sage, Zhuo Bufan actually has another vest, the little sage!

"What our Tianyi Sect pursues is the origin of Tianyi and the truth of the world. The Talisman Temple is just a product of the last generation of our Tianyi Sect, and has embarked on an evil path of putting the cart before the horse."

"Here, on behalf of Tianyi Sect, I will solemnly invite you to join Tianyi Sect. In Tianyi Sect, you will find the secret of immortality!"

This Tianyi Sect is obviously sincere.

Waves of sugar-coated bombardment were launched against Zhuo Bufan.

"My Tianyi is back, unstoppable! The door of Tianyi is waiting for you to open it."

Tianyi Sect not only solemnly invited Zhuo Bufan in Yunmeng Realm, but also officially announced to the world.

They will officially return to Tianyi Sect.

For a while, Tianyi Sect took this opportunity to start all kinds of publicity in Yunmeng Realm, all kinds of self-explosion information.

And the world began to understand what Tianyi Sect was all about after Tianyi Sect's self-introduction.

It turns out that Tianyi Sect is the oldest sect in the world of immortal cultivation, and its inheritance is so long that it is unimaginable.

The four legendary emperors all came from the Tianyi Sect.

Even the first master of the Talisman Temple was from the Tianyi Sect.

The Tianyi Sect is so awesome, but no one has ever heard of it.

It turns out that the Tianyi Sect has very strict requirements for accepting disciples. In a great era, which lasts for ten thousand years, there are no more than ten disciples.

But every person recruited is a child of destiny, and can dominate the world for ten thousand years.

"Oh, I understand. This Tianyi Sect is actually the predecessor of the Talisman Temple."

"So, Tianyi Sect was the first sect to explore the true meaning of talismans?"

"It is said that the first master of the Talisman Temple mastered countless talismans. It turns out that his knowledge of talismans all came from Tianyi Sect?"

"The inheritance of Tianyi Sect is difficult, and the number of disciples is limited. I guess the first master felt that Tianyi Sect was about to decline, so he changed his face and created the world's number one force, the Talisman Temple."

Information about Tianyi Sect spread all over the mountains and rivers, and all over the world.

Not only ordinary cultivators, but also many giants of cultivation were shocked.

"Tianyi Sect is indeed mentioned in the oldest classics of my sect."

"That is the oldest and most mysterious sect. It is said that they uphold the will of heaven and earth, and in a single thought, the sea changes and the sea dries up and the rocks crumble."

The major ancient sects jumped out and began to cheer to welcome the return of Tianyi.

The return of Tianyi Sect was unexpected by everyone.

However, almost all the forces welcomed his return.

After all, it was Tianyi Sect, a legendary sect.

"Little Venerable, remember my words, we will meet soon. It is God's will that you leave the Talisman Temple, and it is God's will that you join my Tianyi Sect."

"My God's will is unstoppable and has returned!"

Above the sky, the Tianyi Sect's announcement was finally heard.

After that, there was no news!

And Zhuo Bufan left Yunmeng Realm after a moment of silence.

After leaving the realm, Zhuo Bufan woke up from the hotel room where he stayed.

Zhuo Bufan did not leave the Temple City. People from all over the world came to the Temple City to watch the show. Zhuo Bufan could not let so many people down.

And if he wanted to run, could he run faster than the Demon Lord?

That was the Demon Lord, not to mention the best in the world, but also one of the best.

Running away would only lead to pursuit. Instead of that, it is better to face it directly.

Zhuo Bufan left himself a backup plan and saved the game in advance just to prevent the choice he made from being a dead end.

"Tianyi Sect? Could the disappearance of the Grand Hall Master be related to this Tianyi Sect?"

"And Hun Zun, could she also be from Tianyi Sect?"

"Now Tianyi Sect has said that they will help me escape this disaster. Do they really have the ability to do so?"

Zhuo Bufan did not respond to Tianyi Sect's invitation.

His current situation is a bit complicated.

And Tianyi Sect is willing to wade into the muddy water for him, obviously with ulterior motives.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking about what Tianyi Sect's purpose was, someone suddenly knocked on his door.


Zhuo Bufan asked.

The other party did not wait for Zhuo Bufan to answer, but pushed the door open directly.


The door opened, and a woman in black tights walked in.

When the familiar and slender figure appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Feng, Fengya?"

The person who came was none other than Fengya, who had been cursing Zhuo Bufan as a heartless man.

After Feng Ya entered the room, she turned around and closed the door again.

Then, with a girl's little thoughts, she turned around and looked at Zhuo Bufan who was sitting on the couch.

"Unfaithful man, I finally found you."

Feng Ya looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

This beautiful woman like a black lotus always has a temperament that Zhuo Bufan can't describe.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Feng Ya again, when he saw that meaningful smile, he always felt creepy and a little chilling.

The afternoon update has begun!!!

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