Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 420 Nong Yue Tower Tian Yi Sect

After Donghuang Haotian, another strong man emerged from the sky and said that he would try his best to protect Xiao Zunren.

Those who come can only hear his voice but not see his shadow.

But its powerful aura made the entire temple city feel a suffocating energy.

That is a power that is not weaker than the Demon Lord.


"Who dares to tell the Demon Lord to return to the Demon Realm?"

"I don't know, but it's such a powerful aura, comparable to a demon king. Is there such a person in Temple City?"

"Could it be the master of the Talisman Temple?"

The sudden appearance of a strong man is exciting.

Strong people can sense each other's level of cultivation.

The Demon Lord hiding in the Golden Crow Realm immediately sensed that the person who issued the mighty divine voice came from the sky.


The Demon Lord said calmly.

The divine voice comes from the holy realm, which means that the opponent's cultivation level has reached that of a real person.

In today's world of cultivation, there are very few people who can enter the holy realm.

"If it's not Feng Wanli, who could it be?"

From the opponent's aura, Demon Lord felt that the opponent was far stronger than Feng Wanli, not even weaker than him.

"I am the leader of Tianyi Sect! Demon Lord, I have a request from the Holy Domain."

Just when the world was discussing who the other party was.

The panic-stricken sky sound fell from the sky again.

"From the Holy Land?"

Zhuo Bufan was also shocked.

Of course he knows what the sanctuary is. That was a world that only saints were qualified to visit in ancient times.

But since Emperor Xuan sealed the sky, the Holy Domain has become an absolute realm.

There are almost no saints living there anymore.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the Tianyi Sect has been living in the Holy Domain.

The Demon Lord was invited by the leader of the Tianyi Sect to go to the Holy Land to talk about it.

The Demon Lord did not hesitate, and took the Golden Crow Realm with him, turned into a golden light, and flew into the sky.

As soon as the Demon Lord left, Zhuo Bufan immediately felt the powerful demon power pressing on him and was relieved.

Then, everyone raised their heads and looked at the dome.

"The Master of the Tianyi Sect is actually the Master of the Tianyi Sect. I didn't expect that the Tianyi Sect really wanted to protect the little lord."

"It came from the Holy Realm. Could it be that Master Tianyi is a false saint?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a saint. According to legend, only a saint can break Emperor Xuan's incredible power."

"In this era, no saint has been born yet."

"There is a pseudo-sage-level sect leader. This Tianyi Sect is probably about to rise."

The appearance of the Tianyi Sect Master caused exclamations in the temple city.

People were surprised that the legendary leader of the Tianyi Sect actually lived in the Holy Land.

After the Demon Lord was invited to the sanctuary, he temporarily let Zhuo Bufan and the others go.

Zhuo Bufan was temporarily relieved from the crisis, and then looked at the friends who came for him.

Teacher Zu Jiuling, brother Gao Yangxu, friends Donghuang Haotian, Lu Fei, Fu Yueban, Murray and so on.

The appearance of these people moved Zhuo Bufan very much.

"Brother Fan, do you know the master of Tianyi Sect?"

Gao Yangxu patted Zhuo Bufan on the shoulder and said.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head in confusion.

"I don't know him, but the Tianyi Sect has indeed contacted me in private."

"I thought they were joking, but I didn't expect that the Tianyi Sect Master is really so powerful."

Zhuo Bufan looked up at the dome. Now he wanted to know who the leader of the Tianyi Sect was.

As soon as the Demon Lord left, everyone in the entire temple city was at a loss.

Even Zhuo Bufan doesn't know what he should do now?

Should we stay where we are and wait for the Demon Lord to come back, or should we go back to each house to find our respective mothers?

At this moment, a little girl wearing a long green dress flew in from a distance, stepping on some green leaves.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and found that he looked slightly familiar.

"Who are you……"

Before Zhuo Bufan could ask, he saw the little girl making a voice as sweet and refreshing as a mountain stream.

"Little girl Qingluo, Sister Su asked me to come here and invite Mr. Zhuo and all of you to come to our Tianyi Sect for a talk."

"Heaven's Will Sect?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately recalled that he had seen this little girl in Nongyue Tower.

She is the host of that oiran contest.

Little green radish, exquisite and cute.

Qing Luo comes from Nong Yue Lou, and she calls herself a member of the Tianyi Sect, so her identity is self-evident.

The so-called Nongyuelou is the Tianyi Sect.

The leader of the Tianyi Sect had just invited the Demon Lord away alone, and the Tianyi Sect came to invite Zhuo Bufan again.

Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment, looked at his friends around him, and then said.

"Okay, please lead the way."

Zhuo Bufan did not refuse this time, he was already ready to turn back.

"Princess of the Demon Clan, please invite us too!"

Little Qingluo has not forgotten the demon princess Donghuangqin.

Donghuangqin was obviously a little surprised, but both Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian were invited to Tianyi Sect.

She also wanted to see what the so-called Tianyi Sect was.

She didn't think much and followed.

Along the way, Donghuang Haotian desperately tried to please Lan Miaoren.

His identity as the demon prince was exposed, and it was obvious that Lan Miaoren still couldn't accept it.

Zhuo Bufan, Gao Yangxu and the others followed Xiao Qingluo to Nong Yue Tower.

For a moment, everyone entered the Nongyue Building.

"Nongyuelou, is it the Tianyi Sect?"

Everyone was shocked.

Especially Lu Fei and the others, they have long heard that Nongyue Tower is the most romantic place in the world.

But they never expected that the Tianyi Sect, as the number one sect in the world, would be Nonyuelou.

"Tianyi Sect, no way! Is Nongyuelou the Tianyi Sect?"

Not only Lu Fei and the others, but other people watching the theater in Temple City also looked very shocked.

They all followed Zhuo Bufan and others, wanting to see what kind of sect the so-called Tianyi Sect was.

But as soon as they reached the airspace of Nongyue Tower, a giant magic circle suddenly activated, blocking everyone from the magic circle.

Xiao Qingluo turned around and looked at those who wanted to follow to watch the show, and then said coldly.

"Everyone, stay!"

After saying that, she took Zhuo Bufan and the others and flew towards the island in the middle of the lake in the center of the Nongyue Tower.

A group of people were left behind, looking at the situation in front of them inexplicably.

"What's the situation? Nong Yue Lou, Tianyi Sect? Isn't this relationship so wonderful?"

"How could Nonyuelou be the Tianyi Sect?"

"It's so interesting. The legendary Tianyi Sect is actually a place of romance?"

However, as soon as these words were spoken, a black light suddenly shot out from the Nongyue Tower in the center of the island in the middle of the lake, instantly piercing the speaker's head.


The man who laughed at Tianyi Sect as a Fengyue field suddenly had his head exploded, his soul was torn into pieces, and disappeared into ashes.

The people next to him were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders trembled, and they were stunned.

"Everyone, please be careful! Our Tianyi Sect is the Tianyi Sect, and Nong Yue Lou is the Nong Yue Lou."

"From now on, our Heavenly Will Sect will rise immediately and be unstoppable."

"Anyone who harms my divine will and power can be killed with a single thought from all corners of the world."

The speaker came from above the Nongyue Tower.

It was a woman wearing a bright red dress, and she had an indescribable aura of being the queen of Fengyi World.

"It's the deputy landlord of Nongyue Tower, Su Yao!"

"Su Yao, she is so powerful?"

"I'm afraid only a real person can do that thought of killing him just now. This Su Yao is a real person."

"Su Huanzhen? The Madam of Nongyue Tower is actually a Huanzhen Realm Master?"


Another person said bluntly that Su Yao was the old bustard of Nong Yue Lou.

This time, not even the black light was present.

The man exploded on the spot, splattering blood and internal organs all over the others around him.

"Killing with one thought! This Su Yao is probably not just as simple as a real person!"

"Oh my god, are all the people in the Tianyi Sect so scary?"

"A false saint is located above the sky. A real person is dominating under the sky."

Everyone deeply understood that behind Su Yao, there was another leader of the Tianyi Sect.

"Everyone, please speak with respect. Nongyue Tower can be your place of mischief and mischief. But Tianyi Sect is a sacred and inviolable holy land of heaven."

"Anyone who dares to make irresponsible remarks about our Heavenly Will Sect must be prepared to accept 'God's punishment'."

Su Yao, who has the temperament of a queen, has changed from the gentle temperament of the former deputy landlord of Nongyue Tower.

He became the majestic deputy sect leader of Tianyi Sect.

She knew very well that the sect master was above the Holy Domain and would not interfere in the management of the affairs of the Tianyi Sect.

Therefore, the important task of revitalizing the Tianyi Sect almost fell on her.

The power of the sect cannot be insulted. This once gentle queen must abandon all kindness in her body.

The rise of Tianyi Sect must be iron-blooded and domineering.

Su Yao's thought of killing really frightened everyone, and they no longer dared to comment on the Tianyi Sect.

A group of people left timidly!

At this time, Su Yao looked at Zhuo Bufan and the others who had been brought downstairs by Xiao Qingluo.

Then he said expressionlessly.

"Master Zhuo, we meet again."

Zhuo Bufan looked up at Su Yao on the roof. He could feel that after seeing Su Yao again, Su Yao had a strong murderous aura.

The first time he saw this woman, he felt that there was something extraordinary about her.

However, what I didn't expect was that the other party turned out to be the deputy sect leader of Tianyi Sect.

"Miss Su, you are polite."

Zhuo Bufan responded politely.

"Qingluo, please Mr. Zhuo, please go to the inner hall first."

Su Yao asked Qing Luo to take Zhuo Bufan and the others into Nong Yue Tower.

As soon as I entered the lobby, I saw a group of human characters sitting dignifiedly in the lobby.

Among them, a black silhouette made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

"Heartless person, you're still here."

In that black silhouette is the annoying little elf, elegant.

She stood up and faced Zhuo Bufan. The people behind Zhuo Bufan were stunned.

"Brother Fan, you are really blessed!"

Gao Yangxu and Zhuo Bufan are now considered brothers.

"Big brother is joking. But then again, are you really older than me?"

Gao Yangxu didn't give Zhuo Bufan a chance to choose. He was his brother and Zhuo Bufan was his younger brother.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu laughed loudly and said, "Of course, I am definitely older than you."

"From now on, I will be the elder brother and you will be my younger brother. Brother Fan, don't worry, no one will dare to touch you as long as you are your elder brother."

"If anyone dares to touch you."

Gao Yangxu said, his eyes involuntarily looking at Donghuangqin who was walking at the end.

"I'll cut her!"

Gao Yangxu's eyes were fixed on Donghuangqin.

Donghuangqin, on the other hand, rolled her eyes at him and didn't want to talk to him at all.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at it and said nothing more. When he looked back, he saw Donghuang Haotian explaining something to Lan Miaoren earnestly.

"Everyone, welcome to my Tianyi Sect."

At this moment, Su Yao's voice suddenly came from above everyone's head.

Everyone looked up and saw Su Yao, like a fire phoenix, slowly falling from the sky.

For a moment, all the flowers bloomed!


Two updates today! I won't explain the reason, I'm a little excited! Wait for you to finish class, don't leave after school, see you in the grove, let's play together!

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