Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 421: Calming down the disturbance

When everyone saw Su Yao falling from the sky, they all stood up to welcome the arrival of the deputy master of Tianyi Sect.

Later, Zhuo Bufan and the others were taken to the banquet table and sat down.

This is no ordinary symposium.

Since the Tianyi Sect has promised to the whole world in Yunmeng Realm that it will protect Zhuo Bufan, it must keep its promise.

This is crucial to their rise.

Saving Zhuo Bufan can at least prove one thing, their Tianyi Sect is stronger than the Talisman Temple.

The Tianyi Sect can protect those who cannot be protected by the Talisman Temple.

After everyone was seated, Su Yao grabbed the crystal wine glass on the banquet table in front of her and stood up.

"Princess of the Demon Race, please!"

The first person she invited was the demon princess, Donghuang Qin.

Obviously, Donghuang Qin is the only hostile target among everyone present.

Facing Su Yao's invitation, the demon princess was not afraid, but picked up the crystal wine glass in front of her and said.

"Do you, the Tianyi Sect, really think you can protect our little lord?"

After hearing this, Su Yao smiled flatly.

"Princess of the Demon Tribe, I will discuss how to deal with Mr. Zhuo later. I, the leader of the Tianyi Sect, will naturally discuss the best solution with the Demon Lord."

"This is Nongyue Tower, and those who come here are guests. No matter the grudges or grudges here, we only discuss romance."

Su Yao's face seems plain and gentle, but it carries an irresistible domineering majesty.

It’s hard to imagine that a woman could have such a powerful aura in her mouth.

"Then, let me reintroduce you."

"I am the left holy envoy of the Tianyi Sect and the deputy sect leader of half of the Tianyi Sect, Su Yao!"

Su Yao finally introduced her status in Tianyi Sect.

The left holy envoy and deputy sect leader of the Tianyi Sect.

Obviously, if there is a holy envoy on the left, there is also a holy envoy on the right.

"Lanlan, listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation!"

"Liar, what can you explain? Explain to me how many women you, the prince of the demon clan, have?"

"Then which woman am I that you have played with?"

On this side, Su Yao is persuading the demon princess to calm down the trouble.

On the other side, the trouble with the demon prince has come out of nowhere.

Lan Miaoren, who Donghuang Haotian finally caught up with, couldn't stand Donghuang Haotian's deception and teasing, so he left the table angrily and decisively left Nongyue Tower.

Donghuang Haotian was obviously confused.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he quickly shouted: "Why are you still standing there in a daze? Let's chase him!"

Zhuo Bufan was worried about this "young couple".

From the moment Donghuang Haotian pursued Lan Miaoren, Zhuo Bufan was the best divine assist.

Huang Haotian concealed his identity as the prince of the demon clan, which was indeed unacceptable.

However, Zhuo Bufan understood it very well and was very happy that he accidentally met a demon prince.

"Brother Zhuo, then I'm going to chase Xiao Lanlan."

"Aunt, you go back with dad! Brother Zhuo is my best friend and you are not allowed to hurt him."

Donghuang Haotian left these words and disappeared into a stream of light with a hiss.

"day by day!"

The demon princess was obviously a little distressed when she saw Donghuang Haotian pursuing a human girl in such a lowly manner.

"Let this matter go, my royal brother will handle it on his own. See you later."

The demon princess doesn't want to pester Zhuo Bufan anymore. After all, it's not her who has the final say on Zhuo Bufan's affairs.

So, she stood up to say goodbye and caught up with Donghuang Haotian.

For a while, Nongyue Tower became quite quiet.

Apart from Baihua from Nongyuelou, only six people from Zhuo Bufan, Gao Yangxu, Zu Jiuling, and Lu Fei's Kuangmen were left present.

"Master Hunjue, someone is waiting for you at Baihua Pavilion, go!"

After Donghuangqin, Donghuang Haotian and Lan Miaoren left, Su Yao suddenly raised her glass and said to Zu Jiuling.

"Is there someone waiting for me?" Zu Jiuling was stunned for a moment, "Who?"

"You'll know when you get there, Qingluo, take Master Hunjue with you!"

After hearing this, Xiao Qingluo, who was standing aside, stepped forward.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to already know who was waiting for Zu Jiuling in Baihua Pavilion, so he smiled at Zu Jiuling.

"Teacher, go!"

"Xiao Fan..."

"Go ahead, there's no problem here, I can handle it."

Zhuo Bufan knew that Zu Jiuling was worried about him.

However, Zhuo Bufan was still very calm as he settled for what he had come.

As a result, Zu Jiuling was also taken away from the banquet.

"I want to talk to Mr. Zhuo alone, how about it?"

Finally, after drawing Zu Jiuling away, Su Yao decided to talk to Zhuo Bufan alone.

They come, the security!

Zhuo Bufan did not refuse. He wanted to know what the Tianyi Sect's purpose was in sparing no effort to protect him.

Then, Zhuo Bufan stood up and replied.


Seeing Zhuo Bufan readily agreed, Su Yao smiled slightly and said.


"Fengya, Qiu Shui, Murong, Xia Jin, please entertain the distinguished guests well on my behalf."

Su Yao has not forgotten the friends who followed Zhuo Bufan.

Especially Gao Yangxu, the sworn sworn ceremony between him and Zhuo Bufan can be said to be heart-stirring and destined to become a masterpiece that will be sung by the world.

What kind of brothers are they? They are willing to die together. They don’t seek to live together, but they seek to die together!

Under the suppression of the Demon Lord, Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu became sworn brothers, which was truly touching.

"Brother Fan, is it okay?"

Gao Yangxu couldn't help asking when he saw Zhuo Bufan being taken away alone by Su Yao.

"Don't worry, it's no problem."

"You guys wait here, I'll be back later."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he followed Su Yao and left Nong Yue Tower.

Then, Zhuo Bufan followed Su Yao. The two of them once again came to the top of the tower where Zhuo Bufan was imprisoned by Feng Ya last time.

Standing on the top of the tower, the view of the Temple City was unobstructed.

"Saint Zuo, please speak frankly! I am very grateful to you for fulfilling your promise and protecting me."

Zhuo Bufan was obviously very grateful for the Tianyi Sect's actions to protect him.

But gratitude is gratitude, he does not believe that Tianyi Sect will help him unconditionally.

After hearing this, Su Yao did not say much, but just smiled faintly.

Then she asked a question that Zhuo Bufan did not understand at all.

"Mr. Zhuo, do you remember what I said to you before, also on this tower?"

"Do you believe in God's will?"

Zhuo Bufan recalled that about half a year ago, he was imprisoned on the top of this tower by the angry Feng Ya with a black lotus.

Later, Su Yao rescued him, and Su Yao did ask Zhuo Bufan this question at that time.

Now thinking back, Zhuo Bufan finally understood why the deputy owner of Nong Yue Tower always talked about the will of heaven.

Zhuo Bufan thought for a while, then said.

"I believe more that man can conquer nature."

Su Yao frowned slightly after saying this, but it was only for a moment before her brows relaxed.

"Mr. Zhuo, do you know the origin of our Tianyi Sect?"

Su Yao did not respond to Zhuo Bufan's "man can conquer nature", but changed the subject.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

"I also want to know the origin of Tianyi Sect. This is a mysterious sect."

"Yes, this is the oldest and most mysterious sect in the world."


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