Yu Nuo quickly rushed back to Russell Town with Su Yue and Mo Xue.

When they returned to Russell Town, they found that the other party had captured the little boy.

The little boy seemed to be knocked unconscious and fell on the back of the wolf horse.

The shopkeeper who took in the little boy has been brutally murdered.

"Leave no one alive!"

As soon as the leading man in black finished speaking, the people around him rode on wolf horses and drew their long knives, preparing to start massacring the town.


Yu Nuo and the others arrived in time and stopped each other.

"Who dares to commit murder in Russell Town?"

Yu Nuo glanced at the unconscious little boy lying on the horse and the leading man on the horse, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Looking for death! Kill her for me."

The other party didn't hesitate at all. The two men in black under his command rushed out from behind him on wolf horses, and then rushed towards Yu Nuo and the others.

Seeing this, Yu Nuo took out the ice and snow talisman sword in his hand.

It was a talisman sword covered in ice crystals.

The sword was filled with cold air and was frozen three feet.

Seeing the two men in black riding horses and slashing at him, Yu Nuo's eyebrows slightly flattened, and the ice sword in his hand turned into an ice wheel, blooming like a snow lotus.

For a moment, dozens of rays of frost sword light were swirling in the air.

"It's Suxue Sword Technique. Senior Sister Yu perfected Suxue Sword Technique."

"Suxue swordsmanship is an advanced swordsmanship passed down by the Supreme Elder. When practiced to the extreme, it can transform into three thousand sword energy of ice and snow."

Su Yue and Mo Xue, who were behind Yu Nuo, looked at Yu Nuo with admiration.

Suxue swordsmanship is an advanced swordsmanship passed down by Bai Su to the Sunu Sect. Very few of the current disciples of the Sunu Sect can practice it.

Yunuo is one of those few.

Although her Suxue swordsmanship has just begun, she can already show stunning fighting postures even at the beginning.

Puff puff puff puff!

The ice sword in Yu Nuo's hand transformed into sixty sword lights.

Due to the sword light, huge ice cones struck at the two men in black who were attacking.

Before the two of them had time to react, their bodies were pierced, and their entire bodies were instantly frozen.

Bang bang!

The next second, the two ice sculptures exploded instantly and turned into countless ice flowers.

Seeing this scene, the leader in black had a murderous look in his blood-red eyes.

"A mere pill formation was able to kill two masters of the same level instantly. It's interesting!"

The other party could tell at a glance that Yu Nuo's cultivation level was in the realm of pill formation.

However, the two men who had just killed Yu Nuo were also in the Core Formation realm.

Unexpectedly, two against one of the same level were killed instantly.

Obviously, the superb sword skills displayed by Yu Nuo surprised the other party.

Of course he didn't know that Suxue's sword technique was created by Bai Di himself.

This sword technique abandons all complicated moves and is simple and unpretentious. But the simpler the move, the more terrifying the power.

Combined with Su Nu's spirit body and Su Xin Gong, it can exert unimaginable power.

The Su Nu Sect is indeed powerful.

If everything had changed, Yu Nuo might not even be able to defeat the opponent just now.

But now, she is able to kill two powerful enemies with one sword.

"Chason, go try it."

After the leader finished speaking, a young-looking man next to him jumped up from the wolf horse.

Then he said to the leader.

"It's Master!"

After saying that, he pulled out a dark broadsword from his horse, then stepped on the deep snow footprints, facing the heavy snow in the sky, and walked towards Yu Nuo.


The long knife pointed, and the surrounding wind and snow suddenly flew wildly.

"Senior sister, be careful!"

Su Yue and Mo Xue stood behind Yu Nuo, secretly worried about her.

They could feel that this young man was completely different from the previous two.

"You guys stand back."

Yu Nuo was afraid of harming the two junior sisters, so he advised them to retreat.


Before Su Yue and Mo Xue could retreat, suddenly the man named Chason slashed at Yu Nuo with a knife.

"Get out of the way!"

Yu Nuo pushed away the two junior sisters behind him.

When she came back to her senses, she found that the ten-meter-long sword energy transformed from the black knife had landed on top of her head.


Yu Nuo drew his sword and blocked it with difficulty.


The next moment, the sword energy struck the ground, creating a ten-meter-long ravine.

That scene happened so fast that no one could react.

After the snowflakes fell, drops of bright red blood fell on the white snow.


Su Yue and Mo Xue exclaimed.

They saw Yu Nuo standing there, motionless.

A long wound was cut across the entire arm.

Blood stained her snow clothes, dripping down her left arm and onto the ground.

"Don't come over, I'm fine."

Yu Nuo gritted his teeth and shouted to the junior sisters behind him.

Just now, she used the ice sword to remove most of the sword energy from the opponent's sword.

Although he was still injured, this was the best result.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Yu Nuo didn't dare to be careless again.

She used the Suxue sword technique first.

White sword lights transformed into shapes in the air.

Puff puff puff puff!

Another round of ice swords shot out, and Yu Nuo followed closely behind, pointing the ice sword directly at the opponent's head.

Upon seeing this, Chasen quickly waved his sword and chopped the flying ice swords into pieces one by one.

Clang, clang, clang, clang!

The ice sword was broken, but hiding behind the ice sword was Yunuo.

The ice sword in Yunuo's hand drew sword lights, and a large blizzard was brought to Chasen.

The blizzard was extremely powerful, and all hit Chasen.

Chasen retreated step by step, and was finally wrapped in the blizzard, thrown dozens of meters away, and fell heavily to the ground.

And Yunuo, like a fairy in a dream, stood alone in the snow.

"Senior Sister Yu won, Senior Sister Yu won."

After seeing this scene, Su Yue and Mo Xue shouted excitedly.

The strength displayed by Yunuo far exceeded the imagination of these junior sisters.

"Interesting, a small Jindan realm actually showed a combat power that was not weaker than the Yindan realm."

"Your swordsmanship is very interesting."

Even the leader of the other party looked at Yunuo with admiration.

Then, he said coldly.

"Chasen, I will give you one more chance. If you lose again, I will cut off your arms."

Originally, I thought that Chasen was severely injured by Yunuo and could never get up again.

But I didn't expect that a black figure flew out from the snow pile in the next second.

Then he fell heavily to the ground.

That Chasen was not dead yet, and he was not even seriously injured.

However, his whole body was covered with ice and snow, and he looked a little embarrassed.

"It's Master, I will kill her now!"

After saying this, Chasen tightened his grip on the black knife in his hand again and walked towards Yunuo.

This time, Yunuo was shocked to find that the aura of Chasen had obviously changed.

What's more terrifying is that there was a faint blood-red light flashing in his eyes.


The word "kill" roared, and suddenly a murderous aura colder than ice and snow attacked Yunuo.

Seeing this, Yunuo immediately raised the ice sword in her hand.

However, at the moment she raised the ice sword.

Chasen's blood-red eyes stared at her eyes.

At that moment, Yunuo froze in place.

The next second, she seemed to fall into an endless bloody abyss.

In the abyss, she saw a memory that she could never forget, but never wanted to recall.

The huge fire, the burning town, the bloody massacre, the tragic death of her parents in front of her, and a bandit with a big knife slashed at her...

Horrible scenes flashed through Yunuo's soul.

A fear from the depths of the soul began to be infinitely magnified.

"Senior sister, be careful!"

Su Yue and Mo Xue, who were standing behind Yunuo, shouted at Yunuo. They found that Yunuo was standing there like a wooden chicken, motionless.

However, the big knife of Chasen had already chopped down from the sky.

"Senior sister!"

The two shouted, wanting to rescue Yunuo, but it was too late.

The big knife of Chasen was just above their heads.


At that critical moment, a beam of white light fell from the sky and poured into the top of Chasen's head.

Chasen was instantly reduced to scum!

I have seen all the names you have given, thank you very much. You have worked hard!

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