Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 431 The Ancient Blood Eye Clan

Chasen was killed with a sword!

Immediately afterwards, a group of goddesses fell down in the heavy snow.

Ling Yu, the leader of the Su Nu Sect, personally led several elders to arrive in time and saved Yu Nuo, whose life was hanging by a thread.

"It's the sect master, the sect master and the others are here."

Su Yue and Mo Xue were overjoyed when they saw the people flying in the sky.

"Senior Sister Yu, are you okay?"

A group of people rushed forward and supported the shaky Yu Nuo.

At this moment, Yu Nuo seemed to have lost his soul. He held his forehead, his body went limp, and he fell into the arms of his junior sisters.

"You, kill my disciple?"

Seeing his beloved disciple being killed by the Su Nu Sect members who suddenly arrived, the leader was immediately furious.

At this time, an elder from the Su Nu Sect stood up and frowned.

"You are killing innocent people indiscriminately in the jurisdiction of our Su Nu Sect. That sword blow just now was just a small punishment."

"His soul is still there, and he can reshape his body and practice from scratch. But the mortals you killed will never live again."

As soon as he said this, the leader on horseback became furious.

"You dare to compare my blood-pupil clan with mortals who are inferior to pigs and dogs. You are tired of living."

After a disagreement, the man who claimed to be from the Blood Eye Clan suddenly became angry.

"Today, we will eradicate your Su Nu Sect."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man from the Blood Eye Clan suddenly widened his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, his pupils began to release scarlet blood light.

Not only him, but everyone behind him opened his bloody eyes.

At this moment, the Black King and the Green King, who were hiding in the Russell Town Inn, were sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight.

The Black King and the Blue King are hiding in Russell Town, waiting for the day when Bai Su will give birth.

Among them, King Qing frowned slightly after listening to the words of the leader of the Blood Eye Clan.

"The Blood Eye Clan, I seem to have heard of this race before."

"Could it be one of the hundreds of ancient tribes?"

After hearing this, the Black King on the side touched his chin and said.

"Hundreds of ancient tribes, haven't they disappeared long ago?"

"Disappearing, that's just because history has cut off records. In fact, they just lived in seclusion."

"It is rumored that Emperor Xuan did something crazy before he sealed the heaven. That was to massacre hundreds of ancient tribes."

"He wiped out all the millions of ancient races and cut them off. These races have not recovered to this day."

The words of the Green King made the Black King a little confused.

"Why did Emperor Xuan do this?"

After hearing this, King Qing replied.

"It is said that in ancient times, the human race is the weakest. Worse than animals."

"In ancient times, hundreds of tribes had the power of life and death over human beings."

"Humans are just slaves and playthings of other races."

"In the post-ancient era, a heaven-defying madman was born among humans. He began to trample all races that claimed to be above the heads of humans. He flattened hundreds of ancient races and cut off their inheritance."

"This person is none other than Emperor Xuan."

Qing Wang is a knowledgeable person and naturally knows more than Black King.

After hearing this, the Black King said with some enthusiasm.

"This Emperor Xuan is really powerful. One man can conquer hundreds of tribes."

"Yes, he is indeed very powerful. Hundreds of tribes were ravaged by him so much that they could only hide underground and live in darkness."

"The races that were once at the top have now all hid under the feet of the human race."

"I heard that they are hiding in the underground world and dare not come out. Since Emperor Xuan, humans have become stronger and stronger."

Emperor Xuan has created too many myths.

"If I guess correctly, this Blood Eye Clan is one of the hundreds of ancient tribes. And their race ranks high before the ancient times."

"It is said that their pair of blood pupils can see through their eyes what they fear most in the souls of other creatures. Then they can magnify them infinitely and create inner demons."

"The stronger the blood pupil's power, the stronger the inner demon it creates."

"The girl from the Su Nu Sect just now was hit by the blood pupil technique of that boy named Chasen."

After some explanations from the Green King, the Black King suddenly realized.

"This blood pupil is so powerful? It can actually create other people's inner demons."

"You must know that inner demons are the most terrifying difficulty in soul cultivation!"

Although they have reached the realm of the Great Golden Elixir, they are still afraid of inner demons.

Especially in the virtual realm, inner demons are the most terrifying existence in the virtual realm.

"We'd better hide. The disciples of the Su Nu Sect may not be able to resist. Bai Su will definitely help. But we can't let that woman discover us."

King Qing calculated.

The two of them must not expose their identities now. Once exposed, Bai Su will definitely kill them without hesitation.

"Do you think this guy will be Bai Su's opponent?"

The Black King looked at the leader of the Blood Eye Clan.

Seeing this, King Qing shook his head slightly.

"It's just a golden elixir. His blood pupils have no effect on Bai Su. Bai Su is a person who has passed through the virtual realm. Ordinary inner demons can't do anything to her."

"A hundred more of these guys are no match for Bai Su alone. Let's retreat first."

The Green King said to the Black King cautiously.

Afterwards, the two of them quietly left Russell Town.

On this side, the leader of the Blood Eye Clan led his men to attack and kill the disciples of the Su Nu Sect.

Just like what King Qing said.

The people of the Blood Eye Clan can see other people's fears due to their gaze and amplify them into inner demons.

Some of the Su Nu Sect disciples who looked directly at them froze on the spot.

As a result, he lost consciousness for a moment and then was brutally killed.

"No, don't look them in the eye."

Yu Nuo, who had just recovered from his inner demons, immediately shouted when he saw his fellow disciples being killed one by one.

"Don't look them in the eye. Don't!"

Yu Nuo shouted loudly, he knew deeply what the result would be if he looked at these people.

Once the inner demons are amplified, your soul will involuntarily begin to resist the inner demons.

In this way, there is no way to fight back.

However, once the battle begins, it cannot end so easily.

The disciples of the Su Nu Sect showed tenacious fighting prowess.

This is a group of sonorous roses. Even if they die, they will kill an enemy together.

In the heavy snow, corpses were lying on the snow.

Blood flowed into a river, dyeing the white snowflakes red.

"Are you the leader of the Su Nu Sect? Go to hell!"

The leader of the Blood Eye Clan appeared in front of Lingyu.

Lingyu didn't have time to avoid it, and her eyes couldn't help but look at the opponent's blood pupils.

The next second, she froze in place.

Deep in his soul, his inner demons began to amplify rapidly.

Seeing Lingyu stiffen, the leader raised the sword in his hand and slashed it down from the sky with invincible power.

"Master, be careful."

At this moment, an elder rushed over like a flying bird and pushed away Lingyu who was stunned.


As a result, the elder was struck with a knife and one of his arms was severed.

"Elder Mu!"

Being pushed by Elder Mu, Lingyu came back to his senses instantly.

However, looking at Elder Mu again, he found that one of her arms had been severed.

"Master, take the disciples back to the sect quickly. The opponent is not simple. Hurry!"

This elder Mu is the only elder who followed Lingyu.

He is also the elder with the highest cultivation level here.

Now she has one arm cut off. He is no match for the opponent at all. This battle will be difficult to win.

The top priority is to retreat, return to the Su Nu Sect, and seek help from Taishang Elder Bai Su.

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