Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 432 The Power of a True Person [Subscribe]

The blood eyes of the Blood Eye Clan can see the great fear in a person's heart, and then magnify it infinitely to become the inner demon of the person.

I have to say that the ability of these blood eyes is too abnormal.

In a battle between masters, if you are suddenly hit by the blood pupil ability during the battle, it will be okay.

Once the inner demon is magnified, the soul will be out of control, and it will only sink.

At that time, all you can do is become a piece of meat on someone else's chopping board and be slaughtered by others.

Elder Mu knew very well that if the fight continued like this, all the disciples of the Su Nu Sect would probably be wiped out.

Therefore, the top priority is to retreat immediately.

However, it is not that simple to retreat.

When the leader of the Blood Eye Clan saw that the people of the Su Nu Sect were preparing to retreat, he suddenly waved his hand, and eighteen golden flags flew into the sky.

Then they fell in all directions.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Eighteen golden flags formed a huge ring, surrounding the entire town of Russell.

Immediately afterwards, eighteen golden light pillars rose into the sky, forming a huge barrier field.

Lingyu and his disciples tried to break out of the barrier.

However, the golden flag was seen, carrying powerful golden lightning, forming an indestructible wall.

Once touched, it will bounce back immediately.

It is even more impossible to fly out.

The light penetrated into the sky, forming a huge barrier that completely isolated this area.

"Want to run away? This is the secret treasure Xuanhuang Flag."

"It can form an extremely powerful barrier that even a real person cannot break."

"I said, all of you must die today, kill me!"

As soon as the leader of the Blood Eye Clan finished speaking, the group of demonic and bloodthirsty killers behind him rushed towards the disciples of the Su Nu Sect madly.

Not only the disciples of Su Nu Sect, but also the ordinary residents of Russell Town have become their targets for killing.

For a time, killings filled this small town that was preparing to welcome the New Year happily.

Mortals have absolutely no power to restrain a chicken. With a swing of the knife, the head rolls off.

Blood, screams, brutal killings.

The little boy lying on the horse woke up from his coma and saw the miserable massacre in front of him.

Two lines of bloody tears fell from his bloody eyes.

The brutal massacre filled the entire town of Russell with an extremely sad and sad mood.

The disciples of the Su Nu Sect were forced to retreat to the edge of the barrier. Rows of disciples fell one by one under the crazy counterattack.

See this tragic and sad scene.

Lingyu couldn't help crying.

"Sister Bai, save us, Sister Bai!"

They were helpless and watched the ordinary people in Russell Town die tragically one by one in front of them.

As the leader of the Su Nu Sect and the patron saint who protects the townspeople, at this moment, he is completely powerless to resist.

She could only cry and beg for Bai Su to appear.

Perhaps it was Lingyu's cries and prayers that penetrated the barrier of the Xuanhuang Flag.

Bai Su, who was taking a nap in the Suxin Pavilion of the Su Nu Zong, sensed Lingyu's cry for help.

Bai Su quickly counted with his fingers and figured out the crisis of Lingyu.

So she flicked her sword and flew away.

The White Emperor Sword turned into a sky-defying white light, penetrated the space, and crossed across the void.

call out!

But he saw a white light streaking across the horizon, and a sword coming from the west, instantly piercing the barrier of the Xuanhuang Flag.


That sword directly pierced the head of a Blood Eye warrior and nailed him to the snowy ground.

The Xuanhuang Flag barrier, which was said to be impossible for real people to break, was unexpectedly broken like this.

The leader of the Blood Eye Tribe looked at this scene in stunned silence.

The white holy sword was thrust into the ground.

After everyone saw the holy sword, they all felt an extremely sacred aura pouring into the depths of their souls.

"It's the Supreme Elder, our Supreme Elder."

Elder Mu covered his broken arm and cheered wildly with surprise.

After hearing this, the other Su Nu Sect disciples hugged each other excitedly.

"It is the Supreme Elder who has come to save us. We are saved. We are saved."

"The Supreme Elder?"

The big leader of the Blood Eye Clan said inexplicably.

But the shock in his heart could not calm down for a long time.

He knew very well how powerful the Xuanhuang Banner's barrier was.

However, the barrier that even a real person could not break was shattered by a sword.

Of course he didn't know that the sword in front of him was the White Emperor Sword, known as the Heaven-Sealing Divine Sword.

Barrier is just a type of sealing power.

Xuanhuang Qi is a scumbag in front of Baidi Sword!

"Sister Bai heard my voice. That's great, that's great."

Lingyu looked at the Baidi Sword and felt extremely grateful to Bai Su.

Before the man arrives, the sword has arrived.

At this moment, Bai Su's voice suddenly came from the sky.

"You, under my Su Nu clan, killed innocent people indiscriminately, and you should be punished for this crime."

This time, Bai Su was no longer merciful.

Although during her pregnancy, she tried her best to hide her murderous aura, fearing that it would bring bad consequences to her child.

But this time, she won't show mercy.

She will not forgive the indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

"Who dares to pretend in front of my Blood Eye Clan?"

"If you have the seed, I will kill you like a dog!"

The leader of the Blood Eye Clan was riding a horse and looking up at the sky.

He wanted to force Bai Su to show up, so that he could use the Blood Eye Technique to arouse the other party's inner demon.

However, this guy was not qualified to make Bai Su show up.

At this moment, Bai Su was still lying on the bed in the Suxin Pavilion of the Su Nu Sect.

She looked tired, her hair fell elegantly on her chest, her fingers entangled with her hair, and she was not moved at all.

But Bai Su opened her red lips and replied lightly.

"Disturb my peace, die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Baidi Sword, which was inserted diagonally in the center of Russell Town several miles away, began to tremble.

Before the leader came to his senses, the Baidi Sword flew away and pierced the opponent's head.

The Baidi Sword, along with the opponent's soul, was sealed in the sword body.

With one sword, just one sword, the Blood Eye Clan leader who was just so arrogant died tragically in front of his men.

He didn't even have time to scream.

After seeing this scene, his subordinates prepared to flee.

However, no matter how fast they ran, they could not be as fast as the White Emperor Sword.

The White Emperor Sword turned into a sword light, flying back and forth in Russell Town.

Dozens of members of the Blood Eye Clan were pierced through the body by the White Emperor Sword before they could run.

Their souls, along with their bodies, were sealed by the White Emperor Sword.

The disciples of the Su Nu Sect looked at what was happening in front of them in disbelief.

This was the second time they saw the Supreme Elder take action.

This time, the Supreme Elder did not even come to the battlefield in person.

She was lying lazily in the Su Xin Pavilion, while her sword was ten miles away, killing people like crazy...

The main plot of this volume is about Bai Su! About the name of the child. I thought of a name, Zhuo (Bai) Buhui, Bai Su's name, which means that she does not regret her past with Zhuo Bufan and does not regret giving birth to this child. And Zhuo Buhui is Zhuo Bufan's daughter! What do you think?

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