When Zhuo Bufan heard that his child was in the Su Nu Sect, he needed the protection of his father.

He rushed towards the Su Nu Sect non-stop.

It would take more than half a month to rush from Temple City to Su Nu Sect.

During this period, Zhuo Bufan was not idle either.

He began his revenge against the Tianwu Alliance in the Yunmeng Realm.

The Tianwu League wants to capture Bai Zifan and Bai Zinian, after all, they are Bai Su's sons.

Regardless of whether Bai Su is dead or alive, her child cannot be kept.

Unfortunately, the Black King and the Green King were unable to snatch the child away from the disciples and elders of the Su Nu Sect due to serious injuries.

They can only contact Wu Meng for help.

Zhuo Bufan anticipated what the Tianwu League would do, and he had to protect his children.

So he came to Yunmeng Realm and put on the white shadow armor.

Then, he used all of his nearly two billion soul power to exchange for the Sky Battleship.

He exchanged 200 million soul power for one battleship for ten sky battleships.

Including his original one, the current Zhuo Bufan, he has a total of eleven sky warships.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan contacted Lu Fei and the others.

Lu Fei's spaceship was rushing to the Su Nu Sect with full force.

Zhuo Bufan asked Lu Fei to contact nine trustworthy disciples of the crazy sect, and then went to Yunmeng Realm to gather.

In front of Lu Fei and the others, Zhuo Bufan did not intend to hide his identity.

Among the nine people Lu Fei brought, five were former partners who had worked with Zhuo Bufan several times before.

They are Fu Yueban, Murray, Zhou Shan, Zhou Hai and Sun You.

In addition to the five of them, Lu Fei also brought four newcomers.

These four newcomers are all ardent fans of Zhuo Bufan.

As soon as they heard that they wanted to meet their idol, they all followed Lu Fei to Yunmeng Realm.

"Boss, I won't introduce Fatty and the others. These four guys are the other four heads of our Eighth Hall of Madness."

"Gaofeng, Hanwen, Yi Xiaoshan, and our Kuang Sect's only female hall leader, Ju Xiaoyue."

"You guys haven't met the sect master yet."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the other four people immediately paid their respects to Zhuo Bufan.

"I've met the sect master."

Zhuo Bufan saw this and said quickly.

"You're welcome. Lu Fei must have told everyone about my situation."

"This matter is my family matter. You don't have to get involved at all. I won't stop anyone who quits now."

Zhuo Bufan said to the nine people in front of him except Lu Fei.

Although Zhuo Bufan made it clear, no one left.

"Boss, your matter is Kuangmen's matter and the matter of all of us."

"We will follow you without complaint."

Lu Fei said on behalf of the other nine people.

Of course Zhuo Bufan trusted Lu Fei.

I remember back then, Lu Fei took Fatty and the other six of them, regardless of life or death, to resist the pressure of the Demon Lord for himself.

There is no need to doubt Zhuo Bufan's feelings and intentions.

"Well, that's the case. I won't be polite to you anymore."

"I have called you here for only one mission, to officially start a war with the Tianwu Alliance."

When Lu Fei and others heard this, they were excited and gearing up.

"Boss, we have been waiting for your words for a long time."

"Great, we can finally officially declare war on the Tianwu Alliance under your leadership."

Most of the crazy sects formed by Lu Fei are people who have a grudge against the Tianwu Alliance.

They dreamed of starting a war with the Tianwu Alliance.

"It's just the sect master. Just relying on eleven of us to declare war on the Tianwu Alliance doesn't mean we don't have enough manpower?"

Fatty Fu asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan called out the Soul Code and opened the page.

Hua Hua Hua Hua!

The soul code was opened, and on the page where it stayed, a pattern of a sky battleship appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan thought and summoned the Sky Battleship.

For a moment, a huge battleship appeared in the sky.

When everyone saw this, their eyes widened and they shouted excitedly.

"The Sky Battleship, boss, you really have this thing. The Sky Battleship is a strategic artifact for attacking the camp!"

"Wow, is this the Sky Battleship? This is the first time I've seen it. I heard that this thing can easily destroy an entire camp."

"With this Sky Battleship, we will definitely be able to let the Tianwu Alliance taste the power of our Kuang Sect."

After everyone saw the Sky Battleship, they felt a lot more confident.

Of course, one sky battleship is far from enough.

"The Tianwu Alliance seems to have two Sky Battleships, and we only have one. I'm afraid we won't be able to get any advantage."

The older Murray said seriously.

He is older and naturally behaves calmly.

After hearing this, Lu Fei and others who were in high spirits were obviously a little unhappy.

"So what if there are two ships? We can't let others' ambitions destroy our own prestige. Boss, you said what I said is right!"

Lu Fei looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan said to Luffy.

"Murray is right, a sky battleship is definitely not cheap."

Lu Fei couldn't believe that Zhuo Bufan actually agreed with Murray's words.

But then, Zhuo Bufan changed the subject and continued.

"But who told you that I only have one boat?"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he continued to open the soul book in front of him.

Hua Hua Hua Hua!

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes as they looked at the Zhuo Bufan Soul Book, page after page of battleships in the sky appearing in front of them.

Lu Fei couldn't help but count.

One, two, three, four...nine, ten, eleven!

When Lu Fei counted to eleven, he opened his mouth and looked up at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief.

Not only Lu Fei, but everyone was dumbfounded.

"Now do you know why I want to gather ten of you?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Lu Fei.

Lu Fei couldn't help but say.

"Could it be that each of us has one?"

Lu Fei said it, and even he himself couldn't believe it.

But Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"That's right, each of you has a Sky Battleship. I want you to follow me and flatten the Tianwu League."

Zhuo Bufan's words made everyone present feel emotional and turbulent, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

After a long time, Lu Fei still stuttered.

"Boss, are you saying, really?"

"I, each of us, each of us has a Sky Battleship?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and nodded again in affirmation.

"One per person, you're welcome. From now on, you are the drivers of these sky battleships."

"Come out!"

Zhuo Bufan's voice fell, and his mind moved.

All the sky battleships in the Soul Classic flew out and floated above the sky.

For a moment, the sky above their heads was covered by eleven huge sky battleships.

This is the first battleship fleet in Yunmeng Realm so far.

"Everyone, get on board! Go teach Tianwu League a painful lesson."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he flew into the sky and boarded the cockpit of the leading sky battleship.

After hearing this, the others couldn't wait to fly to other battleships.

In the cockpit, there was a conch shell for communication.

When Lu Fei and the others boarded the battleship, they all exclaimed excitedly.

"Boss, it's great to follow you!"

Lu Fei shouted excitedly.

After they almost calmed down, Zhuo Bufan said this.

"Okay, everyone, listen to my command and put the Yunmeng Map in front of you."

"Identify the camp soul altar of the Tianwu League. All the soul altars of the Tianwu League, bomb them!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he drove this huge fleet and swept towards the camp soul altar where the Tianwu League was located!


That's all for today, and we'll continue tomorrow. Thank you all for your support.

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