Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 444 Boom [First Update]

The sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly.

Huge sky warships flew through the sky, attracting the attention of people on the earth.

"Hey, look, what is that?"

Everyone looked up and saw a huge fleet flying through the sea of ​​clouds.

Every sailing ship raised its tall black sails.

The earth is covered with their dark shadows.

Everyone looked at this huge fleet in disbelief and shouted in shock.

"This, this isn't the Sky Battleship, is it?"

"Oh my god, eleven. There are eleven sky battleships in total. Which force's battleship is this?"

"It's hard to imagine that with such a fleet of sky warships, it would be able to dominate the Yunmeng Realm, right?"

The sky battleship fleet in the sky attracted countless people's eyes and attention for a while.

Some people followed, wanting to see where this huge fleet was going.

"It's incredible. One battleship has 200 million soul power. There are eleven of them here, requiring 2.2 billion soul power."

"What force has so much soul power?"

With 2.2 billion soul power, poverty simply limits their imagination.

Such a powerful battleship fleet is definitely the most powerful force in Yunmeng Realm so far.

"Hurry up and take a look, they feel like they are going to do something big!"

"I also have this premonition. In the past, one sky battleship was enough to shock people. Now eleven of them appear at once, which is simply suffocating."

Many people are following behind this fleet, and they will witness with their own eyes the start of a camp battle.

"Boss, I'm so excited, so excited! Let me take the lead, okay? I'll fire the first shot."

Lu Fei piloted the Sky Battleship for the first time and controlled this huge war weapon. He felt indescribable excitement in his heart.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan responded.

"Okay, I'll let you fire the first shot. Everyone, please pay attention. In another twenty miles, we will reach the Tianwu Alliance's Soul Altar sphere of influence."

"Our goal is to sweep away all the camp soul altars of the Tianwu Alliance and blast us all the way to their main altar."

This time, Zhuo Bufan was really serious.

He has never hated this disgusting force of the Tianwu Alliance so much.

His children will be personally protected by him, the father.

"Thank you, boss. I will definitely fire a beautiful shot and completely eradicate the Tianwu Alliance."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he piloted his battleship and began to separate from the side of the fleet, then accelerated his speed and flew towards the front.

"Look, there is movement in that fleet."

Those following the fleet discovered that a Sky Battleship broke away from the team and rushed to the front.

For a moment, everyone's souls became inexplicably nervous and excited.

On the earth, there is a city built around the Soul Altar, called Martial Saint City!

This city is one of the soul altar forces of the Tianwu Alliance.

After so long of construction, they built a soul altar into a city.

From the soul altar to the city, this is the correct development path.

Although Wusheng City is not very big, it already has the prototype of a city.

The lord of this Martial Saint City is a generalissimo of the Tianwu Alliance.

His strength is not weak and he has reached the golden elixir realm.

Marshal is a position in the Tianwu Alliance, second only to the Eight Tianwu Kings.

There are nearly a hundred marshals in the Tianwu Alliance, and each marshal has outstanding military achievements.

Therefore, it is not unusual for them to be the lords of a city in Yunmeng City.

On this day, the Generalissimo Zhennan of the Tianwu League entered the Yunmeng Realm to inspect the development of the city as usual.

After scanning around, he nodded with satisfaction and was about to leave.

However, at this moment, a group of black cloud-like things flew in from the end of the sky.

For a moment, everyone in Wu Sheng City ran out of the room and gathered together.

Then he looked at the "black cloud" floating at the end of the sky.

"what is that?"

someone asked.

"Not sure, it looks like a thunderstorm."

Everyone thought a storm was coming. Not too much of a shock.

But not long after, they discovered that what was coming was not dark clouds, but battleships.

"Look, it's a battleship, a sky battleship."

Those with sharp eyes saw huge black sailing warships flying towards them.

They have all seen battleships in this form.

After all, the Tianwu Alliance has two sky battleships used to guard the main altar.

It is the altar-suppressing artifact of their Tianwu Alliance.

"Impossible, Sky Battleship, this is a fleet, right?"

"My God, it seems like it really is a fleet of sky battleships. What kind of fleet is this?"

"When did Yunmeng Realm have such a powerful fleet?"

A group of Tianwu League disciples speculated one after another.

"Could it be our Tianwu Alliance's fleet? In the entire Yunmeng Realm, perhaps only our Tianwu Alliance is qualified to build such a huge fleet."

Someone said in surprise.

"City Lord, do you think this is the fleet of our Tianwu Alliance?"

Someone asked the city lord.

The city lord shook his head blankly, and then said.

“I don’t know, I haven’t heard that the top management has formed a fleet.

Although he is the Grand Marshal, he is not at the top of the Tianwu Alliance.

The top of the Tianwu League is the Eight Heavenly Kings. Only they are qualified to form a fleet of this level.

However, the Grand Marshal knew very well.

Even the Tianwu League is not qualified to form such a powerful fleet now.

The Tianwu League can only exchange four sky battleships at most if it gathers all the soul altar soul power.

However, there are eleven ships in front of it, which is a fleet.

"They are coming in our direction. Maybe it is really our Tianwu League fleet."

Some Tianwu League disciples saw the sky battleship fleet flying over, stepped on the flying boat excitedly, flew into the sky, and then welcomed the arrival of the fleet.

"Boss, the Tianwu League camp is ahead. We are here."

Lu Fei drove his sky battleship to the front and saw Wusheng City.

Zhuo Bufan answered without hesitation after hearing this.

"Don't be polite, just bomb them."

"Okay, I've been waiting for you to say this, boss. I will definitely bomb the Tianwu League into ashes."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he activated more than 200 soul cannons.

Dada dada da...

For a moment, all the soul cannons on both sides of the warship began to lower their muzzles, change directions, and calibrate their positions.

"Boss, do we need to give them a formal verbal declaration of war?"

Lu Fei was ready and asked at last.

"What's the waste of words, bomb them!"

Zhuo Bufan would not give the Tianwu League any verbal declaration of war.

The so-called war is to attack them by surprise.

After hearing this, Lu Fei stopped asking questions. He slapped the launch button.

The next second, the muzzles of all the soul cannons began to gather black energy substances.

At this moment, those who were preparing to welcome the arrival of the fleet in Wusheng City suddenly found that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

"No, why do I feel like they are coming to attack us?"

"Damn it, they are coming to attack us, get ready to fight."

"How to fight? Fighting a sky battleship, are you sane? Why don't you run?"

Some disciples of the Tianwu League were ready to escape.

However, Lu Fei's soul cannons rained down in the next second.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Two hundred soul cannons bombarded continuously at a speed of less than one second.

"All warships, line up, bomb!"

Lu Fei only fired the first shot, and then Zhuo Bufan issued an order to let all eleven warships line up.

For a time, more than two thousand soul cannons began to bombard Wusheng City.

Boom boom boom boom!

The official war with the Tianwu League started from this moment!

The war started, please subscribe!

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