Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 445 King Conference

After a round of bombing, Wusheng City was reduced to ashes.

In the end, only a lonely soul altar was left in the ruins.

Thousands of Tianwu League disciples in the entire Wusheng City were killed.

"It's great!"

Lu Fei shouted happily.

The spectators who had been following Zhuo Bufan and his men were deeply shocked by this scene.

"They bombed Wusheng City. Are they going to attack Tianwu League?"

"Who are these people? How dare they attack people from Tianwu League?"

"Incredible, I feel like a big war is about to start."

The spectators were also excited.

After bombing Wusheng City, Zhuo Bufan's fleet began to make new movements.

"Everyone, pay attention. We will split into four groups."

"Lu Fei and I will be in one group. We will bombard from Shenwu City in the middle all the way to their headquarters Tianwu City."

"Fatty, Zhou Shan, Zhou Hai, you will be in a group of three, and Fatty will be the captain. You will be responsible for all the soul altars on the route from Luowu City to Tianwu City."

"Sun You, Murray, Gao Feng, you will be in a group of three, and Sun You will be the captain. You will be responsible for all the soul altars on the route from Qingtian City to Tianwu City."

"Han Wen, Yi Xiaoshan, Ju Xiaoyue, you will be in a group of three, and Han Wen will be the captain. You will be responsible for all the soul altars on the route from Xianwu City to Tianwu City"

Zhuo Bufan announced the battle plan and decided to split into four groups.

Each route has three Cangqiong battleships, which are enough to bombard all the cities of Tianwu League along the way.

The more difficult ones are Zhuo Bufan and Lu Fei in the middle.

They only have two Cangqiong battleships, and they will definitely be targeted by the Tianwu League.

"Everyone remember, advance in a triangular formation. Time is limited, don't fight to the death, just bombard and don't give the enemy a chance to breathe. Let's meet up at Tianwu City."

After Zhuo Bufan issued the order, everyone obeyed the order, drove their own Cangqiong warships, divided into four groups, and began to advance towards Tianwu City, the headquarters of Tianwu League.

Along the way, it can be said that they were crushing with great force. All the cities they passed were turned into ruins.

Soon, the news that the mysterious fleet swept the Tianwu League camp spread wildly throughout the Yunmeng Realm.

At this moment, in the Tianwu League, it can be said that it was a mess.

Now there are only three kings left in the base camp of the Tianwu League.

Among them, the Black King and the Green King did not return to the Tianwu League, but still hid on a hill close to the Su Nu Sect and began to heal themselves.

Then the Blue King and the Green King, after receiving the situation report from the Green King and others, sent 30,000 Tianwu League soldiers to the Su Nu Sect to wipe out the Su Nu Sect.

At this moment, only the Red King, the Golden King, and the Purple King were left in the Tianwu League.

But at this time, something big happened in Yunmeng Realm.

The mysterious fleet began to sweep their camp in Yunmeng Realm.

In just three days, one-third of their Tianwu League camp had fallen.

And more than 100,000 Tianwu League disciples had died in Yunmeng Realm.

Although these people would not really die, their souls were dying, and they were dying and could only lie in bed.

More importantly, the panic caused by this incident made the disciples of Tianwu League almost dare not enter Yunmeng again.

The city they built with great effort was easily destroyed by the Sky Battleship.

This situation made the remaining three kings of Tianwu League a little overwhelmed.

Yunmeng Realm, Tianwu League headquarters!

The seven kings sat in the conference hall, looking at each other.

Now the situation in Yunmeng Realm is urgent, so the kings came to Yunmeng Realm and held such a small Tianwang Conference to discuss major plans.

"Damn it, who is it? Have you found out?"

King Jin was furious at one of his subordinates.

The subordinate replied tremblingly after hearing this.

"Replying to the king, yes, there is a result. Our people found that one of the pilots in the fleet is the boy from the Crazy Gate, Lu Fei."

"What?" King Jin widened his eyes after hearing this.

The other kings on the side slammed their tables after hearing this.

"Crazy Gate? Impossible, they are just a small faction in the Yunmeng Realm, how could they have so many sky battleships?"

Blue King, a handsome man with long blue hair.

Among the eight kings of the Tianwu League, he is not the one with the highest voice.

"Crazy Gate is impossible, but don't forget. Behind Crazy Gate, there is also that boy."

On the other side, the Green King, an ugly old dwarf.

With a green face and yellow teeth, he is not only ugly, but also very treacherous.

"You mean, that stinky boy, Zhuo Bufan?"

It's no secret that the person behind the Crazy Gate is Zhuo Bufan.

It's no secret that Zhuo Bufan has many soul altars.

It makes sense that Zhuo Bufan can exchange so many blue sky warships.

"That stinky boy, I didn't bother him, but he dared to take the initiative to bother our Tianwu League."

Lei was furious tonight.

"Everyone, since the other party's identity has been confirmed. Then we don't have to be polite to him."

"Now that the stinky boy has no Talisman Temple as a backing, we don't have to worry about it anymore. Pull that boy out and kill him."

Qing Wang, who was standing aside, looked extremely weak at the moment.

His soul was severely damaged by Bai Su, and even in the Yunmeng Realm, he looked quite weak.

However, he is also a think tank and military advisor. He must attend this meeting.

"Let's do this! I propose to activate the Wanzhi Building of our Tianwu League, and let you, King Zi, be responsible for finding the location of that kid and the core members of the Kuangmen in the Xiuxian World."

"Red King, Gold King, Blue King, Green King! The four of you can find a way to get two more Cangqiong warships. We will defeat them one by one and can't let them continue to be so arrogant in the Yunmeng World."

"Now that your majesty is gone, we must maintain the power of the Tianwu League."

Qing Wang proposed.

He is the military advisor among the eight kings of Tianwu. Now that the Northern Emperor Wang Xingbadao is gone, he has become the core figure in the operation of the Tianwu League.

"Qing Wang, tell us in detail. What's going on?"

When it comes to Wang Xingbadao, everyone is more concerned about the situation of their majesty.

"I don't know, but there is one thing that can be confirmed. The rules of destiny in our souls have not collapsed, which means that your majesty must still be alive."

Qing Wang replied.

"I'm not asking your majesty, I'm talking about that woman Bai Su."

"What's her situation? She was able to fight your majesty in the Cangqiong Holy Land. When did she become a false saint?"

The other five heavenly kings were obviously a little bit unbelievable.

In response, the Green King and the Black King couldn't say anything, just replied.

"I can't explain this matter clearly. Your majesty will return sooner or later, and then you can ask your majesty!"

"Before that, do as I say. In the Yunmeng Realm, the organization of the Crazy Sect continues to be rampant. In the Xiuxian Realm, find the members of the Crazy Sect and defeat them one by one. At the same time, the Green King and the Blue King come to help us attack the Su Nu Sect."

The Green King explained the task in one sentence.

"Well, we will listen to the Green King first. Action!"


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