Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 465: The Three Saints

Zhuo Bufan's growth was indeed very fast, so fast that he didn't even feel it.

Regarding Mo Qiuti's request, Zhuo Bufan readily agreed.

Mo Qiu decided to bring his old friends from Four Seasons to join Zhuo Bufan again.

It was said that it was seeking refuge, but it was actually helping Zhuo Bufan.

Now Zhuo Bufan has become the target of public criticism, and others are following him.

Mo Qiu and the others joined the Kuangmen at this time, undoubtedly because they wanted to help Zhuo Bufan.

"Well, thank you Sister Mo Qiu for your help. In the future, I will have to thank you, Sister Mo Qiu, for the Kuang Sect."

Mo Qiu joining Kuangmen will obviously become a major strength of Kuangmen.

"I almost forgot about business, Sister Mo Qiu. I came here today to ask you to help me find out what the origin of the Three Saints Sect is?"

Zhuo Bufan still completely trusted Mo Qiu.

So he told his purpose of coming this time and came to investigate the Three Saints Sect.

After hearing this, Mo Qiu frowned slightly and said, "Three Holy Sect, why are you investigating it?"

"Oh, I just heard about it and wanted to know more about it."

"The Three Saints Sect, I don't know much about this force."

"There are certain records in the previous information building of Siji Shanhe."

"The Three Saints Sect was once called the Temple of Killing! Legend has it that there were three saints in the history of the Three Saints Religion, so it was later renamed the Three Saints."

"Three saints? Is this sect very powerful?"

Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

Saint, is that an existence that does not exist in the world now?

If a sect has a saint, it is enough to be called a strong sect.

In the history of the Three Saints Sect, there have been three saints, which is indeed shocking.

"The Three Saints Sect is very powerful! But that was in the past. When it was still the Temple of Slaughter, it was once one of the best sects in the world of Eastern immortality."

"However, later, I heard that the people from the Slaughter Temple had offended Emperor Xuan. Emperor Xuan was so angry that he attacked the Temple of Slaughter. The three saints were born, but they all died at the hands of Emperor Xuan."

"After Emperor Xuan killed the Three Saints, he destroyed the foundation of the Temple of Killing for Ten Thousand Years, and then left in style. From then on, there is no Temple of Killing in the world."

"After Emperor Xuan sealed the Heaven, the remnants of the Slaughter Temple re-established this sect and renamed it the Three Saints Sect."

"The current Three Saints Religion no longer has the glory of the Temple of Slaughter. Within the sect, there are both good and bad."

"However, the Three Saints Sect has a profound foundation. It is not weaker than the Su Nu Sect. No one knows what the true strength of this sect is, so this sect is weak on the surface, but not everyone has the courage to provoke it."

"It is worth mentioning that the current leader of the Three Saints Sect has absolutely no hatred! He was once the second-ranked person on my Four Seasons Mountain and River Killing List."

"This person's cultivation is probably at the level of a small real person. He kills people like hemp, and he follows the path of killing with ruthlessness, justice, and hatred. His personality is extremely cruel, and he is a great evil."

Mo Qiu told Zhuo Bufan what he knew about the Three Saints Religion.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

He didn't expect that a small Three Saints Sect would have such an origin.

With a heritage that is not weaker than that of the Su Nu Sect, this sect is not easy to mess with.

Zhuo Bufan learned about the Three Saints Sect and had a good idea.

Then he left Yunmengjie.

After returning to reality, Zhuo Bufan looked at the three sacred mountains in front of him again.

Looking at the three mountains again, Zhuo Bufan could feel that a powerful murderous aura enveloped the three peaks.

The road ahead is uncertain, but Zhuo Bufan will not back down.

He must get hold of the Xuan Altar, and the things that belong to Emperor Xuan must be taken back.

After saying that, Zhuo Bufan put on the silver mask and flew towards the Three Saints Sect.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan arrived at the foot of the mountain.

As soon as we arrived at the foot of the mountain, we saw a group of people heading up the mountain.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly followed.

"Friend, are you also here to participate in the selection meeting of the Three Holy Sect?"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan caught up with the group of people, a long-haired man at the end of the team turned around and looked at him.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded blankly and said, "Yes, I am also here to participate in the selection meeting of the Three Saints Sect."

"So, you too?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Yes, the Three Saints Sect will recruit a group of apprentices this year. I want to join the Three Saints Sect, embark on the path of cultivating immortals, and become an unparalleled immortal."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but smile as he looked at the handsome man with long hair in front of him.

"May I ask your surname, brother?"

When the man heard this, he said very proudly: "I don't dare to take the name, so I won't give you the surname Qu. I forgot the character of my single name. He is a scholar in Qu Tiancheng."

"Since ancient times, many literati have died, but only those who cultivate immortality are heroes. I no longer want to be a weakling who only shows off his literary skills. I want to cultivate immortality, and I want to become the first immortal in the ages."

This Qu Xiucai who calls himself Qu Wang is really interesting.

He is a little arrogant and arrogant. It should be the innate pride of a literati.

However, he will soon know that the road to immortality is long and difficult and full of dangers and killings.

"By the way, I haven't asked my brother for your name yet," Qu Wang asked.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was silent for a moment, and then replied.

"Extraordinary in the next chapter."

Zhang Bufan is considered a trumpet of Zhuo Bufan. He had used it once.

"It turns out to be Brother Zhang. I'm disrespectful. Why did Brother Zhang come to the Three Saints Sect to seek enlightenment?"

Naquwang asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said: "I envy those who cultivate immortals to live forever and reach the heavens and the earth. I want to ask the immortals to seek transcendence."

I forgot to listen to the song, hummed and smiled, and said.

"Brother Zhang, the most important thing in cultivating immortality is your state of mind. Your state of mind is full of desires. I'm afraid the road ahead will be confusing!"

"I think that the only way to achieve immortality and compete is to have no desires or desires."

"Once mixed with desire, desire will turn into inner demons and become an insurmountable dilemma on the road to immortality."

This Qu Wang was very eloquent and taught an extraordinary lesson.

Zhuo Bufan didn't say much about this.

What he said makes sense. He must have read a few basic books on cultivating immortality before cultivating immortality.

"This time the Three Saints Sect will select three hundred qualified disciples to join the sect and train them."

"The conference has been held for more than half a month, and people from within a hundred miles have come after hearing the news."

"I heard that more than 200 people have been recruited, and there are still less than 100 places left."

"Among the hundred people, there must be one of me, Qu Wang."

This song is very interesting.

Zhuo Bufan didn't hit him, he just smiled, and then they followed the large army and arrived halfway up the mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, there is a huge square.

The square was filled with people, a sea of ​​people, tens of thousands at least.

These people are all mortals who come to participate in the election of the Three Saints Sect, who want to enter the Immortal Sect and seek immortality.

And Zhuo Bufan, pretending to be one of the thousands of mortals, wanted to sneak into the Three Saints Sect and find the Xuan Altar.

"Xuanxuan, can you determine the location of Xuantan?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Xuanxuan sensed it for a while, and then replied: "I found it, master. The Xuantan is inside the mountain."

"Within the mountain?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, a white-haired old man who looked like an elder stepped onto the platform in the center of the square.

The moment he appeared, everyone in the audience couldn't help but shout wildly.

"Immortal, an immortal has appeared."

It is conceivable that these mortals yearn for cultivating immortals...

Please subscribe, I haven’t dared to read subscriptions or book reviews in the past few days, ugh! This book didn't do well, and there was nothing I could do about it. The author had to eat, so he had to spend time preparing a new book. But I have actually been preparing this book for a long time, and I will definitely not be an eunuch. Everyone, please feel free to chase the drug.

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