Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 466 This is embarrassing

Zhuo Bufan's goal is not a recruitment conference, but the mysterious altar.

After receiving Xuanxuan's guidance, Zhuo Bufan quietly retreated from the boiling crowd, preparing to find the location of the soul altar.

"How to get in inside the mountain?"

Zhuo Bufan looked around and found no entrance to the mountain.

If a road is forcibly blasted out, it will definitely cause shock.

"Xuanxuan, can you find the entrance?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Xuanxuan.

"Master, I can only find its direction."

The implication is that it cannot find the entrance. Zhuo Bufan has no hope for this either.

"It seems we have to find another way."

Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment and then returned to the square on the mountainside.

At this moment, a recruitment meeting was being held in full swing in the square.

Recruitment is divided into three stages: preliminary test, small test, and main test.

Zhuo Bufan felt that maybe he could sneak into the Three Saints Sect first and then make plans. After all, he couldn't find a way to enter the mountain for a while.

So he joined the recruitment meeting of the Three Saints Sect.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan once again ranked behind the proud scholar Qu Wangwang.

"Brother Zhang, we meet again."

Qu Wang asked when he saw Zhuo Bufan arriving.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly and replied, "It seems that Brother Qu and I are destined."

"Brother Zhang, since you mentioned fate, I might as well give you a chance."

Qu Wang squinted his eyes, with a bewildered smile on his face.

Zhuo Bufan shrugged and asked, "What opportunity?"

"Hey, I'll help you pass the Three Saints Sect's three meetings and three exams."

This song is extremely confident and shows the appearance of a virtuous person.

Zhuo Bufan chuckled and said, "That's good, please give me some advice from Brother Qu."

Zhuo Bufan did not deliberately make things difficult for Qu Wang. Since Qu Wang wanted to show off, he quietly watched the other party's performance.

"I have inquired beforehand, please listen to Brother Zhang, the first trial of this Three Saints Sect is called 'Transferring Spirits'!"

"During the test, they will use a silver needle to take a drop of our blood, and then drop it into the dark water. If our blood can purify the dark water, then it will be considered passed."

Qu Wang had obviously prepared in advance, so he spoke clearly and logically.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, was very calm and listened quietly to his show-off.

"Quite interesting."

Zhuo Bufan replied vaguely.

"Brother Laizhang, this is for you."

After Qu Wang finished speaking, he took a black pill from his belt and gave it to Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and said, "This is..."

"This is called the Spirit Gathering Pill. I refined it with more than 300 kinds of spiritual flowers, spiritual grasses and spiritual objects. After using it, a huge amount of spiritual energy can be integrated into the blood in a short period of time."

"To put it bluntly, in my opinion, this test is to test whether a person has spiritual power."

"Eat it, it will help you pass this first test."

After Qu Wang finished speaking, he took one out and swallowed it quietly.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, pretended to swallow it, but actually made a small movement with his hand to put the so-called elixir into the Najie.

He doesn't need such a thing at all. Who knows what kind of elixir a mortal made by himself.

"I forgot to tell you that eating the Spirit-Gathering Pill in mortal form will have a huge side effect. Soon, you will experience unbearable abdominal pain and diarrhea."

Qu Wang chuckled strangely.

In response, Zhuo Bufan chuckled.

This guy only mentioned the side effects after others had taken it, which was obviously intentional. I don’t know what kind of peace of mind he had.

"Just be patient for a little bit, and you'll be relieved after the test is over."

After Qu Wang finished speaking, he continued: "The second test, after you pass the first test, I will help you again."

Maybe he really means well, but is just showing off.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized that he couldn't see through this mortal.

The thoughts of mortals are also elusive.

Soon, they lined up and arrived at the testing point.

Sure enough, as Qu Wang said, this first test is to cleanse the dirt with a drop of blood.

People from the Three Saints Cult will use a silver needle to take a drop of the tester's blood, and then drop it into the gray-black murky water overnight.

If the dark water becomes lighter, then pass.

If Huishui does not respond, it will be eliminated.

When the scholar Qu Wang arrived, he proudly stretched out his finger and allowed the tester to prick him.

While being stabbed, he said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Don't worry, as long as you follow my method, you can easily pass this first test."

"With me here, I will definitely be able to ensure that you enter the Three Saints Sect smoothly."

In response, Zhuo Bufan just smiled lightly and said nothing more.

This kind of small test is simply not worth mentioning to him.

At this time, the tester pricked the belly of Xiu Cai Qu Wang's finger. The little Xiu Cai couldn't help but gasped, obviously it was hurt.

Then the tester squeezed hard, and a drop of blood fell into the bowl.

"Be gentle, it hurts, it hurts..."

Qu Wang screamed in pain from being pinched.

"Why are you howling? You're just crying like a ghost and howling like a wolf at this little pain. You still want to become an immortal?"

The test officer couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

In the end, Qu Wang fought back.

"Are you laughing at me? How dare you laugh at me? Just wait for me. Sooner or later, I will become a big shot above you."

"I, Qu Wang, am destined to become the most powerful immortal cultivator. The Three Saints Sect is just my starting point."

"When the time comes, I will make you, a junior, unable to reach me and can only look up to me forever."

Qu Wang held his head high and spoke boldly.

The tester ignored him and said expressionlessly.

"Garbage, unqualified, eliminated!"

Qu Wang froze in place after the word eliminated was uttered.

The next second, he widened his eyes, looked at the tester, and howled.

"What? Eliminated? Impossible!"

"You are blind, the dark water is not clean, you are destined to be unsuitable for cultivating immortals!"

"You are a waste, go away, don't test in front of me."

When the tester shouted the word waste, he was inexplicably happy and loud.

Qu Wang took two steps back in a daze, staring at the bowl of dark water in amazement.

The black and gray water really had no reaction at all.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at him, not knowing what to say.

This is embarrassing!

"You, you are jealous of me. You must be doing something behind the scenes, right?"

"There is something fishy going on in your test, I can't fail."

At this moment, Qu Wang couldn't hold his face anymore and started to howl and blame the tester.

"If you howl again, I'll throw you out of the mountain gate, believe it or not?"

The tester was also very impressive and suddenly released his spiritual energy.

The powerful spiritual wind directly blew Qu Wang away.

After all, he was a mortal, and a little cultivator who hadn't even reached the Dan stage could make him look bad.


After the tester dealt with Qu Wang, he ignored him completely. He continued his test.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan stepped forward and stretched out his finger.

The tester pierced Zhuo Bufan's fingertip with a needle and then dripped it into the dark water.

The next second, a spiritual light shot up from the bowl.

The white and holy light shone in all directions, shining brightly, making the audience smack their lips...

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