Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 467: Frozen Yin Beast

A drop of Zhuo Bufan's blood released a dazzling and eye-catching brilliance.

The dark water was completely purified in an instant, and everyone looked at Zhuo Bufan in amazement.

Their eyes were full of admiration and envy.

"So powerful, such a powerful spiritual power."

The examiner couldn't help but exclaimed.

Qu Wang, who was standing aside, was already stunned. For a moment, he couldn't speak.

Or rather, he didn't know what to say.

The people watching nearby also began to discuss and express their surprise at Zhuo Bufan.

"How can his blood be so powerful? It released such a powerful brilliance."

"I don't know, but he will definitely be admitted."

"The dark water was purified in an instant, it's too powerful."

Ordinary people naturally couldn't see any reason.

But it doesn't mean that the people of the Three Saints will not see any tricks.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was not as happy as imagined.

"Not good, I've been too pretentious. I'm afraid my identity will be exposed."

Because Zhuo Bufan failed to control the drop of blood, his blood contained his powerful life and death aura.

In this way, it was obviously impossible for him to pretend to be a mortal.

If the other party continued to investigate and assigned him a spy identity, it would only be more troublesome.

Sure enough, soon, the people of the Three Saints began to discuss.

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought his identity was about to be exposed.

Suddenly, a white-haired old man came over. He was wearing a yellow robe and holding a cane. His feet were floating in the air and landed in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Then he said to Zhuo Bufan: "You, directly advance."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.


He didn't expect that the other party not only did not investigate, but let him advance.

"That's right, you've advanced, go over there."

The old man raised his hand and pointed to a big treasure hall in front, and then said to Zhuo Bufan.

That was the big treasure hall that only those who were promoted were qualified to enter.

Zhuo Bufan was surprised, but since the other party asked him to advance, he would just advance.

Then, Zhuo Bufan turned and headed for the palace.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan swaggering into the palace, Qu Wang was confused.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would be admitted directly as an exception.

"Unfair, unfair!"

He wanted to shout, but his stomach suddenly cramped.

The side effect of the spirit gathering pill he took took effect. A stomachache made him miserable and he looked for a toilet everywhere.

He wanted to show off in front of Zhuo Bufan, but he failed to show off, and instead established Zhuo Bufan's prestige.

Qu Wang was also full of complaints.

Zhuo Bufan didn't react to this.

He walked straight into the big palace.

The palace was full of people at this moment.

There were about two or three hundred people.

Obviously, all these people had passed the test.

Zhuo Bufan followed the group of people in the hall and waited for an incense stick before a few more people came.

The quota of 300 people was filled.

At this time, the white-haired old man floating in the air floated out in a trance and landed right above the hall.


The old man shouted softly, and the whole place fell silent instantly.

These people have passed the test and are about to enter the immortal gate to seek the way to cultivate immortality. They are obviously a little excited.

Seeing this, the old man said.

"Follow me!"

After the old man finished speaking briefly, he turned around and walked towards the back of the hall.

Seeing this, everyone in the hall looked around in confusion.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan took the lead and followed closely.

"Save the file!"

Zhuo Bufan was careful and saved the file while following, just in case.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan follow, everyone followed.

Zhuo Bufan followed the old man closely, and after passing through a long corridor, he came to a lake.

The old man faced the lake, lightly touched the ground with his hand, and a mysterious mechanism was activated.

Then a passage appeared in the lake. The lake water spread out in both directions, and the passage led directly to the deep and dark underground.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up when he saw this.

He didn't expect that this passage actually led directly to the underground.

Wasn't his destination the underground of the Three Saints?

"Everyone, follow closely."

After the old man finished speaking, he floated down to the dark passage.

Zhuo Bufan followed him without hesitation.

The people behind him were still a little hesitant, but when they saw Zhuo Bufan so boldly following, they also plucked up their courage and followed.

For a while, more than 300 people followed the white-haired old man and entered the mountain.

There was a green light flashing inside the mountain.

There were countless insects like fireflies flying.

They circled the spiral mountain road inside the mountain and continued to move towards the bottom of the mountain.

"Master, we are getting closer and closer."

At this time, Xuanxuan reminded Zhuo Bufan again that they were very close to the third Xuantan.

Zhuo Bufan leaned out and looked down the mountain road.

He saw magma rolling under the mountain. Seeing this scene, everyone's heart was tightened.

They could feel that there was some kind of great terror in the mountain.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know, should we go to see some big shot?"

"Have we officially joined the Three Saints?"

Someone in the team was chattering.

They had gone from the initial expectation to the current worry.

There was a little worry and uneasiness.

"Shut up, we're almost there, follow us."

Hearing the discussion behind him, the white-haired old man snorted, and everyone immediately fell silent.

Continue to walk down for an incense stick of time.

All of them came to a huge circular platform, and the surrounding area was full of hot magma.

An altar in the center of the circular platform caught Zhuo Bufan's attention.


Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

That altar was exactly the Xuantan he had been looking for with great difficulty.

It was an important part of the Tianxuan Tower, and Zhuo Bufan had to get it.

However, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, it was still difficult for Zhuo Bufan to steal the Xuantan.

What's more, on the Xuantan, there was a man in a blood-red robe.

The man had disheveled hair and looked a little scary.

With a pair of black iron claws on his hands, he hunched his waist, shook his head, and stared at everyone with two murderous eyes.

The whole person gave people a sick feeling.

When everyone stood on the giant round platform, the white-haired old man bowed respectfully to the man standing on the Xuantan.

"Master, these are the candidates we just selected. According to your requirements, the blood of each of them can purify the dark water."

It turned out that the man in red was the master of the Three Saints.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but frown slightly.

The master of the Three Saints was rumored to have the realm of a little real person and was extremely cruel.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously no match for a little real person.

"Master, he is the master?"

"Master, pay homage to the master, pay homage to the master."

When the people behind Zhuo Bufan heard that the man in red was the master, they quickly knelt down and prostrated themselves.

However, the man in red simply ignored the people who knelt down in front of him.

He did not react to Zhuo Bufan, the only one who did not kneel down.

He just stretched out his right hand and slowly raised it.

Suddenly, eight ice sculptures emerged from the lava river surrounding the round platform.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the eight ice sculptures, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"The frozen Yin beast in the Baidi Palace?"


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