Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 469 The catastrophe is coming

The villain dies because he talks too much!

The leader never dreamed that he would be instantly killed by the pet in his mouth.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, looked even more confused and frightened.

"Damn, damn, my soul, my soul."

Those who cultivate immortality will live forever even after death.

Even if his head is penetrated, the leader will not die easily.

After all, he is also the leader of the Three Saints Sect, and he is still in the realm of Xiaozhenren.

However, the truth was crueler than he imagined.

Just when the leader was about to break free from the spider's legs, he suddenly found that his soul began to be devoured.

At the same time, it was invaded by another force.

All kinds of horrific and horrific scenes began to erode his soul.

A terrifying sound penetrated into the soul.

He couldn't hear what the voice said, but that voice carried an unimaginable sense of horror, invading his soul like ice.


The white-haired old man next to him shouted.

But seeing the leader holding his pierced head in pain, black arrogance began to rise on him.

Then, tentacles that seemed to be alive began to grow under his skin.


Pain haunted his body and soul.

The tentacles are getting longer and denser.

The whole person has lost his human shape.

He was hunched over and holding his head in pain.

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought he was about to die, it suddenly raised its head and roared at Zhuo Bufan.


The two eyeballs jumped out of their sockets with a pop, and tentacles connected the eyeballs to the nerves in the body.

Zhuo Bufan was so frightened that he took two steps back when he saw this scene.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

There was no time to think, because a huge crisis had already struck.

All the other Yin beasts around were staring at Zhuo Bufan, who was standing in the center.

"Leader, Leader!"

At this moment, apart from Zhuo Bufan, the only person left in the underground palace was the white-haired old man.

After seeing this scene, the white-haired old man began to fly towards the sky, trying to escape from the place of right and wrong.

The result was at this moment, a huge toad, or a Yin beast in the form of a toad.

It is also covered with tentacles.

Those kind of tentacles don't grow from the skin, but grow from deep within the body.

The toad opened its mouth full of fangs, and then a giant black python flew out of its mouth.

It was really a giant python, not a tongue.

The giant python is also covered with tentacles, entwined with terrifying power.

The giant python opened its bloody mouth and bit at the white-haired old man.

"The beast is looking for death!"

Of course the white-haired old man would not sit still and wait for death.

He held it in the air, a bloody sword appeared in his hand, and then slashed at the flying python.

The giant python was split into two from the middle, and split into two halves.

"Beast, you are so weak."

After the white-haired old man split the giant python in half with one knife, he felt very happy.

He thought these beasts were terrifying, after all, even the leader had fallen into their hands.

Unexpectedly, he was easily killed with one blow.

"Then let me kill you all."

After the old man finished speaking, he followed the body of the giant python, raised his sword, and slashed at the giant toad on the ground.

Just when he thought he could cut the toad in half with a single stroke of his knife.

Suddenly, the split snake head and body behind him sprouted countless tentacles.

The tentacles began to connect quickly like needles and threads.

The giant python that was originally split into two stitched itself back together and fully recovered.

But the white-haired old man had not yet struck the toad on the ground on its head.

It was caught in the middle by the snake body that was quickly sewn together.

Then, countless tentacles penetrated his body and connected him to become part of the giant python.

"Damn, damn, let me go, let me go!"

The white-haired old man screamed twice, and his consciousness became increasingly blurred.

His soul was invaded by the tentacles and brought to a terrible and horrifying world.

Gradually, the old man's voice became weaker and weaker.

Finally, the toad on the ground withdrew its "tongue"-like python.

Then he dragged the old man's body into his stomach.

"What the hell is this?"

Zhuo Bufan was horrified.

He saw with his own eyes that the leader of the Three Saints Sect in Xiao Zhenren's realm was killed, and then he saw the white-haired old man of Da Jin Dan being killed.

The terror of these Yin beasts far exceeded his imagination.

"No, no, no!"

Zhuo Bufan screamed in his heart that three lives are not good.

Now, he was the only one left in the underground palace, and all the Yin beasts were staring at him.

Including the leader.

His body was also covered with those kind of tentacles, and he was no longer human.

There is a hole in the head, and one can see the scenery behind the back of the head.

He suddenly took steps towards Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan almost didn't hesitate.

"Chaos Clock!"

He shouted loudly, and the Chaos Bell fell from the sky!


Zhuo Bufan hid in the Chaos Bell.

"Old Zhong, take me into the chaotic space."

Zhuo Bufan immediately contacted the Chaos Bell. It was not safe to hide in the bell, so he simply let the Chaos Bell take him into the Chaos Space.

When Zhuo Bufan returned to the Chaos Space again, he was relieved.

Then, he was in the Chaos Space, paying attention to the actions of the Yin Beasts outside.

Those Yin Beasts surrounded Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Bell, knocking and hitting, bumping and bumping, making a banging sound.

As a result, the Chaos Bell did not respond at all. In the end, they had to give up and left the underground palace one after another.

Zhuo Bufan was relieved to see them leave.

"Oh my God, what kind of monsters are those?"

Zhuo Bufan sat down in the Chaos Space, thinking about what had just happened, and was a little panicked.

"Old Zhong, have you seen that kind of thing just now?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

The Chaos Bell replied: "Never seen it before, I feel that it is not a creature from this world."

The words of the Chaos Bell are very critical.

"Not a creature from this world?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little scared.

"You may be right. Their true bodies are not those wolves, spiders, and toads. Their true bodies should be the tentacles hidden in those creatures."

"These tentacles can infect or assimilate the creatures they touch into their own kind."

Zhuo Bufan calmed down and quickly entered the analysis stage.

I have watched so many zombie movies on Earth, so I naturally understand the horror of virus infection.

These tentacles, like the virus infection in zombie movies, can invade other people's souls and bodies and assimilate other creatures.

"Oh no, what will happen if these things get out?"

Zhuo Bufan realized it later.

Once those Yin beasts run to the outside world, a catastrophe is about to come...

Speed ​​up the progress! Advance the plot!

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