Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 470: Suppressing the Yin Beast

Zhuo Bufan's worries were obviously not unnecessary.

He saw with his own eyes that the leader of the Three Saints Religion was assimilated by the Yin Beast and became a creature like them.

That is a little real person, he is already a strong man who can stand alone in this world.

But so what, it's not like it was eroded by that mysterious tentacle.

Not only the leader, but also the old man was not strong enough, but he was killed anyway.

People know so little about the Yin Beast that they don't know how to face such an enemy.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhuo Bufan was convinced that it was completely quiet outside.

He still felt a little panicked in his heart.

"No, I have to go out and check the situation."

"This matter must be notified to everyone as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan was thinking in his heart.

He had thought about loading the file to prevent this impending disaster from happening.

But reading files may not be useful.

The people of the Three Saints want to resurrect these Yin beasts, can they stop it themselves?

And he still doesn't know the situation outside. If it really becomes unstoppable, Zhuo Bufan may consider loading and reborn to prevent the catastrophe.

"Get out first!"

When Zhuo Bufan was sure that there were no Yin beasts moving around in the underground palace, he walked out of the Chaos Clock.

Before leaving the underground palace, he put away the mysterious altar.

I came here just for this mysterious altar, but I didn't expect to encounter such a disaster.

Is it really God's will?

Without any time to think, Zhuo Bufan put away the mysterious altar and followed the spiral staircase out of the underground palace.

As a result, when Zhuo Bufan walked out of the underground palace.

It was discovered that the entire Three Saints Religion had fallen.

As far as the eye could see, there were blood stains and pieces of internal organs and meat everywhere.

But no bodies were seen.

"Sure enough, just like zombies, once assimilated, humans will also become Yin beasts."

"In other words, all the people of the Three Saints Sect have turned into Yin beasts."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

There are at least tens of thousands of people in the Three Saints Sect.


He saved in time to cover the second save gate.

Now, his three archives are: Three Saints Religion 1, Three Saints Religion 2, and Mass Grave.

The first archive was saved before entering the underground palace, that is, before this catastrophe occurred.

Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to cover it, fearing that if the catastrophe could not be prevented in the future, he would have a back-up man who could save everything in time.

As a result, there is only one archive he can use now, and that is the second archive door.

After the archive ended, Zhuo Bufan walked out of the mountain gate.

Along the way, blood flowed into rivers and there were blood stains everywhere.

But there was not a single body.

"Did they leave the Three Holy Sect?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"That would be bad. If we leave the Three Saints Sect and radiate around, wouldn't all the lives wherever we go become their prey?"

Zhuo Bufan stood on the edge of the cliff and looked towards the vast sky.

At the end of the forest, birds were flying and beasts were roaring.

The army of Yin beasts has begun to spread from one to ten, from ten to a hundred, and from a hundred to thousands.

began their crazy invasion.

"Help, help me, someone help me!"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly heard someone calling.

The voice sounded familiar, and Zhuo Bufan immediately flew in the direction of the shout.

As a result, a man was found running desperately towards the square.

He was so frightened that he lost his mind and stumbled.

Behind him is the huge toad beast.

"Qu Wang?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up. The stumbling man was none other than the scholar Qu Wang.

Zhuo Bufan was floating in the air, and at this time Qu Wang also discovered him.

"Brother Zhang, is that you, Brother Zhang? Save me, save me."

Qu Wang saw the silver mask on Zhuo Bufan's face, which released a dazzling light in the sun.

He could no longer run and was about to be exhausted.

But I saw the toad beast, broke through a wall, rushed out of the toilet, and then opened its big mouth.

From his mouth, the giant python spit out again.

After Kushi opened his mouth, this time, there was a humanoid monster in the python's mouth.

He raised his long knife and slashed towards Qu Wang.

"It's the old man."

When Zhuo Bufan saw the humanoid beast in the giant python's mouth, he immediately realized that he was the old man who had fought with the toad beast before.

"You can't just die without saving someone."

Zhuo Bufan and Qu Wang had met each other at some point, and they couldn't just watch him become the food of strange beasts.

However, if Zhuo Bufan wanted to fight the alien beast head-on, he was obviously overestimating his capabilities.

He still doesn't understand this kind of creature, and he doesn't know how to attack it in a head-on battle.

Moreover, he is not strong enough and cannot defeat him even if he wants to fight.

"I really don't know how Bai Emperor managed to seal so many Yin beasts back then."

Zhuo Bufan was horrified.

"Right, seal, suppress! Old Zhong, can you suppress it?"

Zhuo Bufan thought of the Chaos Clock.

After hearing this, Chaos Clock replied.

"With your current ability, you can only suppress this one."

Chaos Clock replied.

Although it is an innate artifact, Zhuo Bufan, who recognized it as its master, was too weak and could not exert his full power.

"One end at a time, let me suppress it."

Seeing that the big knife had already struck down from the sky, it was about to split Qu Wang into two halves.

At this moment, a huge chaos bell fell from the sky.

Zhuo Bufan shouted loudly, and the chaos clock projected the light of chaos, shining on the toad Yin beast.

The next second, the toad beast began to tremble all over and roar in pain.


To launch a suppression, you need to use extraordinary spiritual power.

Zhuo Bufan put his two fingers together and hit his mind, with full firepower, ready to suppress the Yin beast.

"Give me the town!"

Zhuo Bufan's soul is like a ghost or a god, condensed into supreme divine power.

The Chaos Bell is driven by his soul, and the power of chaos is even more surging.

Qu Wang on the ground was stunned after seeing Hong Zhong Da Lu released by Zhuo Bufan.

He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to be so powerful.

Zhuo Bufan is a true immortal!


Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and finally growled lowly.

The remaining power of the soul exploded together.

At that moment, huge divine soul power poured into the Chaos Clock, and the chaotic light of the Chaos Clock turned into a black galaxy, falling from the sky like a waterfall.


The toad opened its mouth, spit out the giant python and headed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Just when it was about to touch Zhuo Bufan, its entire body began to twist and deform.

The light of chaos turned into hundreds of shackles of chaos, entangled the toad, and finally dragged it into the chaos clock.


The suppression was successful, and the Chaos Bell emitted a mighty divine sound.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief. He closed his eyes silently and slowly fell to the ground.

In order to suppress a toad beast, he was almost at full strength and exhausted.

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