Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 472: The Ultimate Nemesis

In the White Emperor's Palace, many sect forces snatched away the Frozen Yin Beast.

After bringing these frozen Yin beasts back to the sect, they must have tried every means to break the ice seal.

Little did these people know that the ice was the source of disaster.

"These monsters cannot be killed. We must find a way to destroy them, otherwise we are all doomed."

"Aren't the powerful people coming out to stop this catastrophe?"

In Yunmeng Realm, some people were wailing, and some were praying for help.

Indeed, if this catastrophe is not stopped, it is likely to become the final catastrophe for mankind.

Soon, the great powers of this world finally made some movement.

The first person to speak was the leader of Xiaoyao Sect, Qiu Daoyou!

This man Zhuo Bufan has never been seen before, but it is rumored that he is the first person among the false saints.

Autumn Daoyou, immortal Taoist bones, a generation of Taoist sages, and the leader of the righteous way.

The Xiaoyao Sect he is in charge of is one of the best sects in the world of cultivating immortals.

There are not many disciples, more than five thousand people. But everyone is a genius in cultivating Taoism, and they are like dragons and phoenixes among people.

"Master Taihang, don't panic, I'm here from Xiaoyao Sect!"

Qiu Daoyou immediately responded to the Taihang Sect's call for help, brought the elites from the sect, and united the three major sects of the Star Palace, Taishang Sword Sect, and Qingfeng Sect to go to the Taihang Sect to rescue his comrades.

On the other hand, the Yin Beast invasion that broke out in the Eastern Continent was obviously more difficult to deal with than the one in the Western Continent.

There are not many Yin beasts in the Western Continent.

And the Eastern Continent held some kind of recruitment conference because of the Three Saints Sect, and tens of thousands of people came.

For a time, these people all became the infection targets of the Yin Beast.

Now this number is still expanding rapidly.

However, the major sects in the Eastern Continent soon began to deal with these mysterious Yin beasts under the call of the ancient temple.

There is no best way to deal with these Yin beasts for a while. The best way is to re-seal them.

After all, they are resurrected from the seal, and the only solution is the seal.

Because of this sudden drastic change, the various sects had no time to care about the demon species, and began to invest in the array of sealing the Yin Beast.

Simply, the world is not as fragile as Zhuo Bufan imagined.

Faced with the sudden outbreak of rampant Yin beasts, everyone quickly organized emergency measures.

But, can this rapidly erupting disaster really be suppressed?

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan looked anxious.

Although he had no obligation to prevent this disaster, he knew it.

Now it is no longer a battle for one person, but a battle for the whole world.

He should do something about this.

"Old Zhong, how is that toad monster doing now?"

Zhuo Bufan used the Chaos Bell to capture a toad-shaped Yin beast. The toad was one of the Yin beasts originally sealed by the White Emperor and was very powerful.

"It's very strange. They have a strange aura that I have never felt before."

"They don't even have any breath of life on them."

Chaos Bell explained to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned and said, "Send me in, I want to see what the hell these things are."

After hearing this, the Chaos Bell dropped a ray of chaotic light and shone on Zhuo Bufan.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan entered the Chaos Clock.

Returning to the chaotic space again, I saw that in the space, the toad was penetrated by hundreds of golden chains and was suppressed in the space.

"Ouch, ouch!"

The toad crawled on the ground, moved its cheeks towards Zhuo Bufan, and roared like a dragon from the inside.

"I don't know if the Soul Awareness Talisman is useful."

Zhuo Bufan tried to communicate with him using the Soul Awareness Talisman, but what shocked him was what happened.

My soul awareness talisman could not find the soul power fluctuations in the same channel as the toad.

"How is it possible? The other party clearly has a soul, so why can't we communicate?"

The extraordinary Soul Awareness Talisman is the power of the truth of the universe. Zhuo Bufan can communicate with all things in the world, as long as they have souls.

However, the toad in front of me clearly has a soul, but it is completely unable to communicate.

Strange, very strange.

Zhuo Bufan frowned. This was the first time he encountered such a strange thing.

Zhuo Bufan re-examined the toad in front of him. It was covered with black tentacles. The tentacles were thicker than hair, like black rice noodles, soft and floating freely.

If you don't look carefully, you will think it is ordinary hair.

However, upon closer inspection, we discovered that these tentacles were completely life forms.

They are the true nature of the Yin Beast.

After they get into the bodies of other living beings, they invade the flesh and soul of other living beings, and then control their bodies.

“Can’t these things be killed?”

Zhuo Bufan once saw with his own eyes that after they were split in half, they could be stitched back together automatically.

These tentacles are like needles and threads and can be reconnected, which is terrifying.

Obviously, using sharp weapons to deal with these things is not very effective.

However, as long as there is life, there must be death.

Zhuo Bufan injected the power of death into those black tentacles.

After feeling Zhuo Bufan's death power, the black tentacles began to grow crazily.

"what happened?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He quickly stopped his hand and stopped injecting death energy.

"These tentacles, like death? Try them with anger."

Zhuo Bufan used the power of life again and spread it towards the tentacles.

This time, the tentacles began to avoid him.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Are they afraid of the power of life?"

When Zhuo Bufan continued to pour life into the toad's body, the toad actually howled in pain.

Although he didn't know what the reason was, Zhuo Bufan's discovery was very important.

It would be very useful for dealing with Yin beasts in the future.


Zhuo Bufan shouted loudly, and a ball of life condensed in his palm, and blasted it on the suppressed toad.


A hole as big as a washbasin was blasted directly on the toad's body.

The power of life covered the edge of the wound, and this time the wound did not recover.

Zhuo Bufan was overjoyed when he saw this scene.

"If you can kill, kill with life."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he put two fingers together and condensed a white sword body.

Then he slashed at the toad's head with a sword.


The huge head was cut off instantly by Zhuo Bufan's sword of life.

Wherever the sword cut, life force continued to invade the toad's body.

The mysterious tentacles hidden inside began to retreat step by step.

"Destroy it!"

The toad at this moment had no power to fight back.

Zhuo Bufan raised the sword of life and chopped continuously.

Finally, the toad was chopped into dozens of pieces of meat.

The chopped pieces of meat struggled twice, then turned into ashes and disappeared before his eyes.

In the end, the toad beast suppressed in the chaos bell was completely killed by Zhuo Bufan.

"Found it, found the dead point of this thing!"

Zhuo Bufan never expected that he was the only nemesis of this beast!

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