Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 473 Battle of Gaoshan City (Part 1)

"Yin beasts are afraid of the power of life!"

Zhuo Bufan released this crucial information through Yunmengjie.

For a moment, it caused a shock in the Yunmeng Realm.

"The power of life? That's it."

"So, these monsters are not invincible?"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start fighting back!"

"Brother, please leave your name. This discovery of yours is simply the savior of mankind!"

After hearing the news, all the sects that were in dire straits were grateful to the person who revealed the news.

Zhuo Bufan was not polite and directly reported his name.

"I, Zhuo Bufan!"

Zhuo Bufan said calmly.

At this moment, all the major sects in Yunmeng Realm were stunned as if struck by lightning.

They didn't expect that the person who revealed this vital information turned out to be Zhuo Bufan, whom they had been chasing so hard.

"Why does this little lord tell us such important news?"

"He should be doing it for the common people in the world!"

"Yes, in fact, Mr. Xiaozun is not a treacherous person. Although his child is a demon, he is still a child after all."

"Hey, we are so hard against each other, but I didn't expect that the other party would repay kindness with kindness. I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed!"

The major sects began to reflect on whether their behavior of chasing Zhuo Bufan was really wrong.

At this moment, someone from the sect stepped forward to speak for Zhuo Bufan.

"Thank you for sharing the important information. Your Majesty has repaid evil with kindness and worked for the benefit of all people in the world. We are deeply ashamed. We, the Taihang Sect, are announcing here that we will no longer be enemies with your Majesty."

Taihang Sect, that respected man who was deeply besieged by Yin beasts, could be said to be grateful to Zhuo Bufan at this moment.

The important information given by Zhuo Bufan may be able to save their sect from crisis.

For this reason, they expressed their determination not to pursue Zhuo Bufan anymore.

This may not be a bad thing for Zhuo Bufan.

"We, the Fuyun Sect, also declare here that we will no longer be enemies with the Young Master."

After Taihang Sect, Fuyun Sect also stood up and expressed their determination.

"We, the Qingfeng Sect, also declare here that we will no longer be enemies with the Young Master."

If Taihang Sect and Fuyun Sect were not significant enough, then the statement of Qingfeng Sect, the second sect of righteousness in the Western Continent, finally caused more sects to respond.

Zhuo Bufan also didn't expect that the piece of information he shared would arouse the favor of so many sects.

Of course, it’s no wonder that in times of crisis, human beings should work together instead of killing each other.

They have too much time to take care of themselves now and have no time to deal with Zhuo Bufan.

What's more, many people admire Zhuo Bufan's way of doing things.

Following Taihang Sect, Fuyun Sect, Qingfeng Sect, Xiaoyao Sect, Qiudao Mountain, Shenjian Villa and other forces all stated that as long as Zhuo Bufan guarantees that Bai Zifan will not become a demon again, they will no longer hunt down their family.

As a result, basically most of the forces of Zhengdao have given up their pursuit of Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, not all forces have given up chasing Zhuo Bufan.

After all, some forces have motives that are not pure from the beginning. They are not for the demon species, but for the Chaos Clock in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

Except for the righteous path, the demonic path has no speech for the time being.

They still focused on Zhuo Bufan and his son Bai Zifan.

After all, Bai Zifan is a demon species and is a very important existence to the devil.

"I would like to thank all the major sects for their enlightenment. The most urgent task now is to find a way to deal with these Yin beasts as soon as possible."

"Although we have found a way to deal with them now, there are still only a few monks who practice life power. Moreover, these Yin beasts spread quite quickly."

"In critical moments, everyone should join hands together. In this battle, I hope that you will put aside the prejudices of the past and work together to withstand this catastrophe for the world of immortality."

Zhuo Bufan spoke again, and this time everyone responded.

"That's well said. I don't care about past grievances, and I have the style of a great sage."

"This is a wonderful statement. Please put aside your grudges and fight against the odds."

"Young Master, you are indeed a new generation of genius. You already have the ability to build momentum. Raise your arms and shout, and the heroes will respond."

Zhuo Bufan's speech in Yunmeng Realm caused a great sensation.

Now, everyone is even more impressed by Zhuo Bufan.

As a newly promoted genius, Zhuo Bufan's current topic volume is no less than that of Xuanyuan Hao, the leader of the genius.

Now Zhuo Bufan's every move basically attracts the attention of the whole world.

As a genius, he has become the center of attention.

"Then everyone, take care of yourself and fight with your last ditch!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he left Yunmeng Realm.

Then he returned to the real world and began to chase in the direction of the Yin Beast's attack.

If this sudden disaster cannot be stopped in time, the world of immortality will probably change to the human world again.

Along the way, Zhuo Bufan discovered that wherever the Yin Beast passed, all living things disappeared.

There is no life left in the forest, and all the beasts are infected and heading towards the human world.

After flying for more than an hour, Zhuo Bufan saw a human city not far away.

The city is located on the top of a high mountain and is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Under the cliffs, surrounded by a vast sea of ​​beasts.

A group of Yin beasts began to scramble towards the city on the top of the mountain.

Fortunately, these Yin beasts cannot fly.

Even bird-shaped Yin beasts can't fly.

This is also a blessing for humans.

And the top of the mountain has survived because of this.

It is difficult for Yin beasts to climb up the cliffs more than a thousand meters high.

As long as they climb to the top of the mountain, they will be shot down.

However, this group of Yin beasts is far from endless. This mountain city has been defending for nearly half a day, and some are about to give up.

"Report to the city lord, we have contacted the three major sects nearby, and they have boarded the cloud ship and are rushing towards my mountain city."

"How long will it take?"

"The nearest Duoling City will take one day. As long as we can hold on for another day, we can get support."

At this moment in the mountain city, the city lord Du Cheng was restless and on pins and needles.

"One day, can Gaoshan City hold on for one day?"

"City lord, yes. For the people of Gaoshan City, please take the lead and lead us to fight to the death."

Seeing that the city lord was a little decadent, several subordinates on the side stepped forward and volunteered.

"Lord, let's go to battle!"

"That's right, Lord. Gaoshan City will surely succeed under your leadership."

After hearing this, Lord Du Cheng slammed the table and shouted, "Okay, all the soldiers, listen to my orders and prepare to go to battle. Don't let any beasts in."

After Du Cheng finished speaking, he spread his cloak and walked out of the gate.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, a group of people wearing buckingham robes came up to him.

"Lord Du, I'm here to help."

These people wearing buckingham robes are the talisman masters of Gaoshan City's Fubao.

They are also citizens of Gaoshan City.

Now that the disaster is at hand, every man has his duty. These talisman masters naturally take the lead and come out to deal with the disaster.

The white-haired old man in the lead squinted his eyes and looked at Du Cheng.

He is the lord of Gaoshan City's Fubao, Han Dong.

"Master Han, it's great that your Fubao can come."

"With the help of your Fubao, my Gaoshan City will definitely be able to defend."

Han Dong nodded solemnly after hearing this, then turned to look at the teachers and apprentices behind him, and shouted loudly.

"Everyone listen to the order, obey the order of the city lord, for Gaoshan City, let go and fight!"


These talisman masters usually devote themselves to academic research, they are considered scholars in this world.

Now, for the safety of their homes, these scholars have to stand up and fight with their backs to the wall.

"Very good, everyone follow my command and guard the sixty-four towers on the city wall. Go!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone rushed towards the sixty-four towers around Gaoshan City.

For Gaoshan City, a bloody battle is about to begin.


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