Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 474: Battle of Gaoshan City (Part 2)

When Gaoshan City Lord Du Cheng and Fubao Lord Han Dong stood on the tower, they leaned over and looked down.

Under the mountain, they saw a dense, dark mass of Yin beasts trying to build a meat wall to climb up Gaoshan City.

The cliffs of Gaoshan City are easy to defend and difficult to attack, and they are thousands of meters high, so it is not so easy to climb up.

To go to Gaoshan City on weekdays, you can only use tools such as cloud ships and cloud boats.

Many people think it is troublesome to climb up Gaoshan City.

But now it seems that it is this trouble that has saved this human city.

The unreachable cliffs make it impossible for these Yin beasts to climb up.

However, these Yin beasts continue to climb towards Gaoshan City by building a meat wall.

"The Yin beasts in the west are about to climb up, request support."

"Quick, support the west."

All the cloud ships and cloud boats in the port of Gaoshan City flew to the west and began to throw rocks or bomb energy fireballs at the mountains in the west.

With one wave, a mass of Yin beasts were all smashed away and fell to the foot of a thousand-meter-high mountain.

"Request support from the north, request support from the north."

Hearing the call for support again, the talisman masters all used the power of talismans.

"Those who know fire talismans, go to the north and create a fire wall to prevent the invasion of Yin beasts."

These talisman masters drew fire talismans in the air.

For a moment, raging fire gushed out from the talismans and sprayed towards the Yin beasts under the mountain.

A huge fire wall a hundred meters wide burned all the Yin beasts together and blocked them out.

"Request support from the east, request support."

The east called for help again.

"Those who know thunder talismans, go to the east."

Then, a group of talisman masters who knew thunder magic ran to the east.

All the talisman masters drew thunder magic talismans in the air, and for a moment, thunders fell from the sky.

Balls of lightning, like rain, bombarded the Yin beasts under the mountain.

Boom boom boom boom...

Soon, the Yin beasts in the east were suppressed again.

"South City requests support, South City requests support."

Wherever support is needed, there are people from the Fubao.

This time, the lord of the Fubao, Han Dong, personally led all the remaining talisman masters to the South City, and then fought against the Yin beasts that climbed up together.

Seeing this scene, Du Cheng, as the lord of the city, was very pleased.

With the help of the Fubao, the Yin beasts that rushed up were blasted down again and again.

In this way, the battle lasted for more than an hour.

During this more than an hour, the Yin beasts had no intention of stopping attacking Gaoshan City.

There was only one command in their minds, to eliminate all the humans on the top of the mountain.

These Yin beasts are only threatened by life force.

Whether it is fire spray or lightning strike, even if they fall off the cliff and are smashed to pieces, they will recover.

It can be said that except for life force, nothing can kill him.

And as the battle stalemates, humans have become weak.

The soul power of the talisman masters is almost exhausted.

The talismans of the cultivators were about to collapse.

The resources for the battle were almost used up.

And this battle, which was going to last for a day, had just officially begun.

"No, this is not a solution. These Yin beasts can't be killed at all."

"Yes, I just returned from Yunmeng Realm. The little master said that the only way to kill these Yin beasts is the power of life."

"The power of life?"

City Lord Du Cheng frowned.

"The power of life, do we have similar cultivators in Gaoshan City?"

Fubao Fort Lord Han Dong shook his head and said, "We don't have Fubao."

"Cultivating life, this kind of cultivator is very rare."

The two adults shook their heads, they were helpless.

And at this time, one of Du Cheng's subordinates ran up and shouted.

"Report to the city lord, our armaments are almost used up. Many talismans have begun to collapse due to excessive use."

The talisman sword in the soldier's hand was now full of cracks.

The talisman could not withstand continuous use in a short period of time, otherwise it would cause serious damage to the materials for smelting the talisman.

War consumes this kind of armament the most.

Seeing this, Han Dong, the lord of Fubao, called a famous female mentor beside him, then took out a key and said to her.

"Qi Xue, go back to Fubao and take out all the Fubao in the warehouse for consumption in the war."

Fubao has spent a lot of money to resist the invasion of Yin beasts this time.

Fubao is a very important weapon in this world. With Fubao, the people of Gaoshan City can be said to be fully armed, and their combat power has increased several times.

After hearing this, the woman immediately picked up the key and rushed back to Fubao.

Seeing this scene, the city lord Du Cheng was very moved.

He grabbed Han Dong's hand and said with gratitude.

"Old lord, I am really grateful to your Fubao this time."

Du Cheng was very excited. Fortunately, their Gaoshan City has a Fubao as a strong backing.

"You are polite, the life and death of Gaoshan City is related to the life and death of my Fubao. This is what I should do."

The lord of the castle did not say much and joined the battle.

For a moment, the heroes were excited, and humans once again blew the horn of counterattack.

With a large number of talismans provided by the talisman fortress, the warriors of Gaoshan City once again launched a counterattack, a last-ditch battle.

Using talismans consumes a lot of spiritual power.

Many warriors fainted due to exhaustion of their spiritual power.

One fell, and the other immediately rushed up to take over his work and continued to fight with the Yin beast.

Humans are really tenacious.

The people of Gaoshan City used their own strength to block the Yin beast under the cliff.

However, there are fewer and fewer humans who can fight.

The trend of weakness has begun to appear.

"Not good, not good."

At this time, a panicked soldier suddenly ran over and informed the city lord Du Cheng who was also in a trance.

"What's the matter? Why are you so panicked?"

"City lord, go to the South City and have a look."

After the soldier finished speaking, he took Du Cheng and the others to fly to the South City.

When all of them came to the top of the South City wall, they looked down the mountain, and as a result, everyone was either wide-eyed and dumbfounded.

"What is that?"

At the bottom of the mountain, all the Yin beasts actually started to bite each other madly.

You eat me, I eat you.

They began to merge with each other, and the black tentacles began to sew all the Yin beasts together like needles and threads.

Millions of Yin beasts began to combine together little by little.

They grew taller and bigger, and more and more swollen.

The rustling Yin beasts kept crawling towards the top of the huge monster like ants.

When they reached the top, they bit down one after another.

Those Yin beasts were in the form of humans, beasts, birds, and all kinds of forms.

When these millions of Yin beasts were all combined into one, a terrible scene came before everyone in Gaoshan City.

"My God, what is that?"

The citizens of Gaoshan City were stunned by the huge monster that rose from the ground a thousand meters high, as if the end of the world had come.

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