Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 475: Battle of Gaoshan City (Part 2)

No one would have thought that these Yin beasts could actually combine into a larger monster.

It has a strange shape, like a person, but with three heads and six arms.

All over its body, there are countless black tentacles.

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

When it walked towards Gaoshan City step by step, everyone in Gaoshan City went crazy.

"It's over, it's completely over."

"What kind of monster is this? Oh my God, don't let it enter Gaoshan City."

Looking at the huge monster coming, everyone looked around in confusion, not knowing what to do.

"Don't let it get close to Gaoshan City, all the generals listen to my orders, those who can still fight, follow me to fight."

Seeing this, the city lord Du Cheng raised his Haoyang sword and killed him.

Han Dong, the lord of Fubao, also shouted to the apprentices behind him.

"Everyone, this is a matter of life and death, let's fight to the death!"

After Han Dong finished speaking, he also killed him.

In the sky, swords and knives danced wildly, and spiritual waves were turbulent. Under the heaven and earth, the wind and clouds gathered, and the thunder was overwhelming.

Boom boom boom...

Han Dong and Du Cheng joined forces to kill the giant Yin beast.

Every time a sword went down, a large hole with a diameter of several meters was pierced through the monster's body.

However, those holes were restored in an instant.

Ao ao ao ao ao...

The giant Yin beast began to roar.

The whole body, countless hideous and disgusting mouths, howling, like countless ghouls in hell, howling.

The giant Yin beast was enraged, and thousands of black tentacles flew out from it, attacking the human cultivators flying in the air.


Some cultivators were unable to dodge and were pierced through the body by the black tentacles on the spot.

Then the black tentacles quickly invaded their bodies and assimilated them into part of the body.

"Be careful, don't get hurt by that thing."

Du Cheng pointed at the Yushen Sword, and the Haoyang Sword in his hand turned into two, two into three, three into nine...

"Nine-nine Broken Yang Sword, destroy!"

This Du Cheng is a little real person, a master among human cultivators.

The golden sword in his hand turned into ninety-nine eighty-one flying swords, and blasted towards the Yin beast monster.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Each golden sword pierced a hole, and at once the body of the Yin beast monster was pierced with eighty-one holes.

"Look at me, six-fold gravity spell, destroy!"

As soon as Du Cheng finished, Han Dong, the owner of the Fubao on the other side, showed his powerful strength as a spell master.

The six-fold gravity spell, sixty-four times the gravity, instantly fell on the Yin beast monster.


In an instant, the ground several miles under the feet of the Yin beast monster collapsed directly.

The earth shook, the sky collapsed, and the horror of the gravity spell was fully demonstrated at this moment.

The giant Yin beast was crushed by the powerful gravity and was directly two-thirds shorter.

"Well done, Lord of the Castle. You are worthy of being the Lord of the Talisman Castle in Gaoshan City, the most powerful man."

After seeing Han Dong's performance, Du Cheng was amazed.

It was rare to see the strongest man in Gaoshan City firing at full power.

"Not enough, it can't be killed at all."

Han Dong was not happy, because the gravity spell required Han Dong's uninterrupted output of soul power to maintain.

Otherwise, the suppression of the Yin beast monster by gravity would disappear instantly.

"I can't hold on for long, everyone, take this opportunity to attack it as much as you can."

Han Dong gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, everyone listen to the order, concentrate firepower, and bombard the top of this monster."

After Du Cheng finished speaking, the golden sword in his hand turned into eighty-one sword rains again. It fell from the sky and bombarded the top of the monster's head.

Boom boom boom boom...

For a moment, the whole earth was bombarded with endless bombing.

And Zhuo Bufan was really attracted by the crazy bombing.

"Is there a battle over there?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Gaoshan City at the end of the sky, and then sped up to rush over.

At this moment, Han Dong's soul power was already insufficient because of the previous battle.

Seeing that the power of the gravity spell could no longer be maintained.

"Everyone retreat quickly, I can't hold on."

Han Dong hadn't finished speaking when the gravity spell disappeared instantly.

After breaking away from the suppression of gravity, the Yin beast monster went crazy instantly.

It rose from the ground, countless tentacles flew all over the sky, and killed those people in the air.

Ah ah ah ah ah...

Only screams were heard, and hundreds of soldiers died instantly.

"Fort Lord, be careful behind you!"

Du Cheng shouted at Han Dong.

I saw a shuttle-like tentacle, and I don't know when it appeared behind Han Dong.


Han Dong didn't have time to react. The next second, his chest was pierced by the black tentacles.

"Fortress Lord!"

The Fubao apprentices standing on the city wall cried out in horror after seeing that scene.

Han Dong couldn't resist the invasion of the mysterious tentacles.

His soul had already been exhausted, and it was even more impossible to stop the tentacles from polluting his soul.

The next second, Han Dong shouted.


With a roar, the Fubao Lord raised his palm and slapped his forehead.

His head was instantly smashed by himself.

This great castle lord, even if he died, was unwilling to become a polluter of the Yin beast.

He had to die with dignity.

Perhaps he saw the actions of the Fubao Lord.

Other warriors caught by the tentacles chose to commit suicide.

Seeing this scene, the citizens of Gaoshan City showed desperate eyes for a while.

"It's over, this time, it's really over."

"God, who will save us?"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die yet!"

Seeing the tragic death of the Lord of Fubao, all the citizens have despaired.

Kneeling on the ground as if all hope is lost, waiting for the arrival of the end of the world, waiting for the invasion of the Yin beast giant monster, and becoming a part of the body of the disgusting monster.

"Really, it's over?"

The city lord Du Cheng looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was also in despair.

The reinforcements from Duoling City did not come after all.

Seeing the humanoid giant monster transformed by the Yin beast, step by step, walking towards Gaoshan City.

City lord Du Cheng, he will not escape, he will only live and die with this city.

He closed his eyes silently.

Countless tentacles flew towards Du Cheng.

Du Cheng was also ready to end his life.

At that critical moment, suddenly, a huge white light flew from the end of the sky and hit the back of the Yin Beast Monster.

The next second, a shocking explosion began to sweep the entire body of the Yin Beast Monster.


At that moment, everything was silent, and the world was completely silent.

Zhuo Bufan's unique skill Yin Yang Liang Yi reappeared in the world.

The destructive power comparable to that of an atomic bomb directly turned the body of the Yin Beast Monster into ashes in an instant.

What's even more terrifying is that the core power of Yin Yang Liang Yi is the power of life.

And the power of life is the sacred power to purify and destroy these mysterious tentacles.

The Yin Beast, which would not die even if it was killed thousands of times, turned into nothingness the moment it was hit by Zhuo Bufan's move.

For a time, the world was purified and the holy light was everywhere.

The citizens of Gaoshan City looked at the man who appeared in the holy light. At that moment, he was like a savior, and his divine light shone across the world!

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