Friends who once talked about everything are now strangers.

Zhuo Bufan found that he and Duan Xinghe had nothing to say anymore.

During dinner, the children had a great time playing, but the three adults looked at each other in silence.

After the meal, Duan Xinghe disappeared mysteriously and no one knew where he went.

Zhuo Bufan and Yunyun sat down and recalled the scene three years ago.

"Three years later, he has completely changed."

Yunyun suddenly spoke.

Zhuo Bufan naturally knew who she was talking about, he sighed.

"When did he come back?"

"Three months ago." Yunyun said calmly.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

"I don't know, he is not the Xinghe I want. But I am willing to continue waiting for his return."

Yunyun's words touched Zhuo Bufan.

She is waiting for the Duan Xinghe she wants to return, while Zhuo Bufan is waiting for the Bai Su he wants to return.

Two miserable people are holding on, waiting for the one in their hearts.

"The child is very cute, what is his name?"

Yunyun said while looking at Bai Zifan and Bai Zinian running around in the yard.

"The boy's name is Bai Zifan, and the girl's name is Bai Zinian. They were both named by her."

It can be said that everyone knows about Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su now.

The bad relationship between Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su was even compiled into a book and spread among the people.

Some people bless them, and some people curse them.

This love, the beautified person, the beautified sadistic heart, is the most perfect love.

And ugly people, ugly disgusting, are the ugliest emotions.

Yunyun expresses her best wishes to Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su.

"It's a nice name, Zifan, Zi Nian. Nian Fan, it seems she has been missing you."

Even Yunyun could tell that the names of these two children reflected Bai Su's longing for Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled helplessly.

"Really, I hope so!"

If Bai Su really missed him, she wouldn't show up now.

Zhuo Bufan believed that Bai Su must have something unspeakable.

One day, he will bring Bai Su back in person, and he will fall in love with Bai Su again and start from scratch.

"It's getting late, let's rest!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took his two children and returned to the bedroom prepared by Yunyun.

"Dad, Aunt Yunyun, why are you unhappy?"

"The person Aunt Yunyun is waiting for has not come back yet." Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Is that the man with white hair?" Bai Zifan asked, "I don't like him. The way he looks at me is scary."

Bai Zifan said to Zhuo Bufan.

His eyes could see the fear in people's hearts.

However, when he saw Duan Xinghe's eyes, he was frightened by Duan Xinghe.

Zifan's words attracted Zhuo Bufan's attention.

"Okay, go to sleep! Dad will take you to play in the city tomorrow."

Zhuo Bufan comforted the frightened Bai Zifan.

"Daddy, I want it. I want to hear a story."

Xiao Niannian lay on Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Okay, then daddy will tell you a story today, the story of Little Red Riding Hood."

With Zhuo Bufan here, the two children have no shortage of stories to listen to since childhood.

Soon, the two children fell asleep, nestled in Zhuo Feifan's arms.

At this moment, a white light suddenly appeared in the room.

Then, in the dark room, two words appeared in the void.

"Back Mountain"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, this was Duan Xinghe's handwriting, it was him who asked him to go to the back mountain.

Why did Duan Xinghe ask him to go to the back mountain in the middle of the night?

"Archive!" Zhuo Bufan's intuition told him that he could archive it.

Although he will no longer die easily, he has developed a conditioned reflex just in case.

After the archive ended, Zhuo Bufan stood up slowly and put the two children aside.


Zhuo Bufan called out Xiaomei from Mei City, and then said to Xiaomei.

"You stay here and take care of the two children."

Xiaomei glanced at the sleeping Bai Zifan and Bai Zinian, and then said, "Where are you going?"

"There are things to deal with."

It was impossible for Zhuo Bufan to turn a blind eye to the changes in the Broken Galaxy.

So he decided to go to the back mountain to talk. No matter what happened, he had to face it.

After handing the two children to Xiaomei, Zhuo Bufan immediately headed towards the back mountain.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan left, Bai Zifan woke up.

Then he looked at Xiaomei very calmly.

"Aunt! Daddy won't be in danger, right?"

Bai Zifan knew where Zhuo Bufan was going, so he asked.

He could also see that Zhuo Bufan's departure was accompanied by certain dangers.

After hearing this, Xiaomei touched Bai Zifan's head and said.

"Don't worry kid, your dad is more powerful than you think."

"You just need to remember to protect your sister."

Although Xiaomei was also worried, no one could change what Zhuo Bufan decided.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan was invited to the back mountain of Muxue City.

He chased a white light and came to the depths of the jungle.

Under the moonlight, the cicadas are miserable.

When Zhuo Bufan followed the ray of light to his destination, he saw a man in black robe standing in a quiet spring in the forest and waiting.

"You came?"

The man said in a low voice.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he heard that.

"Aren't you Lao Duan? Who are you?"

The other person was not Duan Xinghe, and his voice was even colder than Duan Xinghe.

At this time, the other person slowly turned around and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Under the cloak, an evil face was revealed.

A mouthful of yellow teeth, with black demonic energy entangled between the lips and teeth.

As he breathed in and out, the wind and clouds changed, and the creatures around him began to die one by one.

The grass and trees withered, the water was polluted, and the earth was corrupted.

Zhuo Bufan had seen such a scene before. It was in the Qingdi Palace in the Blood Desert. The island owner of the Human Demon Island from the 72 Demonic Islands was breathing out demonic energy.

"Hehehe, kid, since we're meeting for the first time, I want to introduce myself. My name is Ke Wu Gou."

"I have another name, the Lord of the Demonic Path. Below the Heavenly Demon, the King of the Earthly Demon!"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but widen his eyes and said in astonishment.

"Earthly, Demon, King!"

The Earthly Demon King, together with Qiu Daoyou, the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect who is the first person below the Pseudo-Saint, is a figure who is known as the overlord of both the righteous and the evil.

In the era when the Heavenly Demon King had not yet awakened, the Earthly Demon King was the leader of the Demonic Path.

His cultivation was already below the Pseudo-Saint and above the True Person. This is the Demon King who cultivates the magic power of the earth.

This legendary figure actually appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan at this moment.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned!

He thought the other party was Duan Xinghe, but he didn't expect that the person waiting was the Earthly Demon King.

He was fooled.

"Oh no, luring the tiger away from the mountain, Zi Nian, Zi Fan."

Zhuo Bufan immediately recalled that this was a trap.

Since the Earth Demon King is here, they obviously have only one target, and that is the second demon species, Bai Zifan.

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