Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 489: Setting a trap

It's understandable that the Earth Demon King came for Bai Zifan, but why did Duan Xinghe help the Earth Demon King and set a trap to trap Zhuo Bufan.

"Lao Duan, are you really possessed by the devil too?"

With the Earth Demon King here, it was obvious that Duan Xinghe's target was Bai Zifan.

Zhuo Bufan began to worry about his two children at home.

"Earth Demon King, as the current master of the Demonic Way, do you really want the Heavenly Demon King to wake up?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that he could not defeat the Earth Demon King, so he had to find a way to escape.

He knew that the other party came for the demon species.

So he thought of a estrangement strategy, intending to make the Earth Demon King question the act of awakening the Heavenly Demon Wan.

After hearing this, the Earth Demon King chuckled, with yellow teeth in his mouth, spitting out devilish aura, which made people stand on their backs.

"Boy, you don't need to provoke me. I'm not here for that demon species, but for you."

"for me?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"That's right, boy, if I remember correctly, you still remember the old crow on the Dead Demon Island!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhuo Bufan immediately froze on the spot.

He immediately recalled what Old Crow had said to him when he had tricked and killed him.

The Earth Demon King already knows that he has obtained the "Xuan Emperor Sutra" and will find Zhuo Bufan sooner or later.

"Remember?" The Earth Demon King showed his yellow teeth and smiled at Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he smiled and said, "That's it. The Earth Demon King is here for the Nine-Revolution Life and Death Battle, right?"

"Nine revolutions of life and death?"

"Yes, it is what you call the Emperor Xuan Sutra. A magical body-refining technique."

Zhuo Bufan made no secret of his explanation.

"I see. Was it originally called the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death?"

"Boy, it seems you are very honest." Earth Demon King said.

"I have no choice. Facing you, I have no power to fight back. I can only choose to tell you honestly."

Zhuo Bufan said this.

This made the Earth Demon King very proud.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero. He is indeed a hero who has become famous all over the world in the past two years."

"Then Zhuo Yingxiong, should I return my things to you?"

The Earth Demon King stretched out his hand and said to Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan hesitated for a moment, and then he answered.

"Earth Demon King, I'm not afraid to tell you. This nine-revolution life-and-death art is the ultimate divine skill. Once you master it, you will have an invincible life-and-death mystical body."

"The reason why I, Zhuo Bufan, was able to cultivate to the level of the Great Perfect Golden Core in just a few years is because of this physique."

"However, this technique is not easy to practice. If you are not careful, you will die. It is an evil technique that can escape death."

"Earth Demon King, do you really want to practice?"

Zhuo Bufan actually kindly reminded the Earth Demon King.

Of course, this is just Zhuo Bufan's desperate tactic.

In the view of the Earth Demon King, this was just Zhuo Bufan's delaying move.

After hearing this, the Earth Demon King slowly put down his hand and said in a serious tone.

"Boy, to answer your previous question. I don't want the Demon King to wake up. As you said, I am already the master of the devil, so how can I be willing to live under someone else's control?"

"However, I have been in the realm of evil consequences for more than three thousand years. For more than three thousand years, I cannot become a false saint. I will always be lower than those people."

"Do you know why?"

The Earth Demon King asked Zhuo Bufan, who shook his head.

"Because of my physique. Monks all over the world believe that the cultivation of the soul is the most important."

"However, if you want to reach the supreme level, break through the realm of false saints, and carry the soul of the Yang God, then your physique must be the supreme divine body."

"I know there are tens of thousands of monks in the world, but why are there only those few who can reach the realm of false saints?"

"That's because what they cultivate is the divine body."

"Only a divine body can carry the soul of the Yang God."

From the words of the Earth Demon King, Zhuo Bufan learned for the first time the conditions for reaching the False Saint.

If you want to become a false saint, you must have a divine body.

"Yes, yes, only the divine body can allow me to break through to the realm of false saints. I still want to live for another five thousand years."

"Five years ago, I discovered Emperor Xuan's true scripture in Emperor Xuan's underground palace."

"I knew at that time that this technique would definitely help me break through to the realm of false saints."

"I fought with that old guy Akimichi Yu for three thousand rounds, and I was seriously injured as a result. In the end, I was taken away by a dead crow."

"Later, I found out that Old Crow was killed by an unknown person."

"After many investigations, we finally focused on your boy."

"Just like you said, it took you four years to become famous all over the world and reach the realm of the Great Perfect Golden Elixir."

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. This is the magical power and the divine body that I want."

The Earth Demon King was so excited that his whole body trembled with excitement, his eyes filled with tears, and his face became ferocious with excitement.

Seeing the state of the Earth Demon King, Zhuo Bufan knew that he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

Even loading the file was useless. Now that the Earth Demon King knew that the Nine Reincarnations' life and death depended on him, there was no point in escaping.

With Zhuo Bufan's current cultivation level, there was no way he could escape the Earth Demon King's pursuit.


"No need for that, Earth Demon King, let's make a deal!"

Zhuo Bufan knew what the Earth Demon King was going to say, so he said it first.


The Earth Demon King's ferocious expression became much calmer.

"Boy, what are you trying to do?"

"I don't want to play any tricks."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he grabbed his back with his backhand, then tore open the skin on his back and pulled off the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death Technique.

Zhuo Bufan had always stuck the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death Technique on his back just in case.

"This is the technique you want. Nine Revolutions of Life and Death Technique."

"After practicing, you can get the Xuan Emperor's Life and Death Body."

"Now I want to make a deal with you. I can give you this technique, but I hope you demons will stop hunting down my son Bai Zifan."

"Otherwise, I will destroy this technique now."

Zhuo Bufan was setting a trap, and he couldn't destroy this technique at all with his ability.

But the Earth Demon King didn't know that this technique was invulnerable to water and fire, so he said quickly.

"Boy, your request is not excessive."

"Everything can be discussed, but now the Demonic Path does not all listen to me."

"You should have also discovered that your good brother has become a member of the Demonic Path."

"I will not hide it from you. That boy is now the Son of the Heavenly Demon. When he gives an order, half of the Demonic Path will obey his order."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

He did not expect that Duan Xinghe's current identity was so special. It turned out that he was the Son of the Heavenly Demon who suddenly became famous in the past year.

"I can only guarantee that the people under my command will never touch you."

The Earth Demon King put forward conditions.

"Boy, you don't have to think about it. You have fallen into his trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain. Hurry up and hand over the skills to me. It's still time to rush back to save your two children."

Zhuo Bufan threw the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death Decision in his hand to the Earth Demon King, and then said.

"I hope you will do what you say."

Then, he immediately turned around and rushed back to Muxue City.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan leave, the Earth Demon King showed a grim smile.

"I'll spare your life for now. If there's any problem with your technique, I'll come find you."

After the Demon King finished speaking, he suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke and disappeared on the spot.

After leaving the forest, Zhuo Bufan rushed back to Muxue City without stopping.

As soon as he arrived in the sky outside the city, he saw a huge plum tree towering in the city, with falling cherry blossoms and icy snow.

"Not good, Xiaomei, Zifan, Nian Nian!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and flew into the air...

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