Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 492: The Pit of Divine Power

Because all the body-refining techniques are based on the meridians of the mortal body.

So if the Earth Demon King wants to practice the Nine-turn Life and Death Technique, he can only take over the body of a mortal and practice again.

However, the power of the soul is too strong for the mortal body to bear.

So he only used 1% of his soul.

However, only 1% of the soul is enough to easily take over the body of the mortal.

As for the soul of the mortal, it has long disappeared.

After completing the possession, the current Earth Demon King controls two bodies.

One is his own body, and the other is the body of a mortal.

And next, he will use the mortal body to practice the mysterious body of birth and death.

"Very good, start practicing."

The Earth Demon King manipulated the mortal body and placed the technique of the Nine-turn Life and Death Technique in front of him.

Through the communication of the soul, the Nine-turn Life and Death Technique soon began to respond.

A series of golden lights began to fly out of the technique scroll.

One by one, golden characters began to condense in the air, forming a golden little man that appeared in the air.

"Great, this is the inheritance of the ancient martial arts. It seems that the boy gave the original, not the model."

The Earth Demon King knew this kind of martial arts, the inheritance of the ancient martial arts.

The so-called martial arts will become a martial arts little man to lead others to practice.

This kind of martial arts cannot be copied. Because the copied martial arts cannot give birth to a martial arts little man.

In other words, this martial arts scroll is the original of the Xuan Emperor.

After learning that this martial arts is the original, the Earth Demon King opened his arms and let the golden little man get into his body.

Soon, the martial arts began to be transmitted to his soul.

"Nine-turn Life and Death Decision, Nine Deaths and One Life Skill! Life is death, and death is life. Life and death, death and life. There is death in life, and there is life in death. Life is death, and death is life."

"Wonderful, wonderful, this skill is worthy of being the magic skill created by Emperor Xuan. Once I master it, I will have the best divine body in the world."


The Earth Demon King laughed unscrupulously. He began to feel the golden little man in his body, and then manipulated the meridians of his mortal body and began to circulate the turbid air in his body.

A warm current instantly flowed into his limbs and bones.

"Very good, that's it, I feel it, I feel the power from the mortal body."

The Earth Demon King began to tremble with excitement.

However, just when he was getting carried away, the golden little man in his body suddenly began to expand.

As the golden little man became larger and larger, it finally exploded with a bang.


This explosion directly blew the mortal body into ashes.

Together with the 1% of the original soul of the Earth Demon King, it completely disappeared in the air.

The Earth Demon King looked at the body he had just taken over in a daze as it exploded in front of him.

"What happened?"

He looked at the mortal body in a daze.

He hadn't reacted at all before it exploded.

What's going on?

"Nine deaths and one life, this technique is terrible!"

Soon, the Earth Demon King realized that it was because of the Nine Turns of Life and Death Technique.

The technique is terrible, and each turn is a practice of nine deaths and one life.

Seeing this scene, the Earth Demon King was silent for a long time. After the silence, he shouted triumphantly.

"Hahaha, wonderful, wonderful. It is worthy of being the peerless magic skill of the Emperor Xuan. The way of practicing is indeed several times more difficult than my Earth Demon Body."

"That's right, that's right. The real peerless magic skill should be like this."

"If so, then come again. Come on, go capture mortal bodies for me, I want countless mortal bodies."

After knowing the horror of this skill, the Earth Demon King did not give up.

On the contrary, he was more excited.

Because he once again found the kind of passion he had when he first embarked on the road of cultivation.

Practicing the Mysterious Body of Life and Death and opening the road to defy the heaven, the Earth Demon King became even more complacent.

He began to capture mortals with better and healthier bodies everywhere, and then took over their bodies and began to practice.

However, before that, someone came uninvited, and it was obvious that the matter of practice had to be put aside for the time being.

"Earth Demon King, this saint is here."

The Son of Heavenly Demon Duan Xinghe, with the four demon kings of Human Demon, Sun Demon, Moon Demon, and Star Demon, went to the Earth Demon Island to settle accounts with the Earth Demon King.

Seeing the Son of Heavenly Demons coming with the four demon kings, the Demon King of Earth was unmoved.

In the hall, the Son of Heavenly Demons Duan Xinghe rushed into the hall in a rage.

"Ke Wu Gou, you old immortal. You want to harm me, right?"

Duan Xinghe obviously came to ask for punishment for what happened last night.

Seeing this, the Demon King of Earth walked down from the throne and said with a smile.

"Why do you say that, Son of Heaven? I don't know what I did wrong to cause the Son of Heaven's wrath."

The Demon King of Earth naturally knew why the other party came.

Duan Xinghe was furious.

"You are still pretending to be ignorant of me. You know everything about what happened last night. You asked me to lead Zhuo Bufan to the back mountain and let you handle it."

"Is this the result of your handling?"

The Demon King laughed when he heard it, "Son, calm down. That kid is not simple. You also know that he has the mighty Chaos Bell, and even Donghuang Taiyi can't do anything to him."

"In addition, I have been practicing martial arts and have gone crazy recently. Last night was a full moon night, and something went wrong. The kid saw that something was wrong with me and cunningly escaped."

"After all, we are in the territory of the Righteous Path. I cannot blatantly chase him down, so I let him go."

The Earth Demon King argued.

Bystanders could tell at a glance that he was making excuses.

But what can you do if you know?

In the years when the Heavenly Demon is absent, the Earthly Demon is the master of the demonic path.

To put it bluntly, he, the Holy Son of the Heavenly Demon, is just the spokesperson of the Heavenly Demon.

If the demon is never born, then he is nothing.

Even if the Heavenly Demon is born, his status as the Son of the Heavenly Demon cannot be compared to that of the Earthly Demon King.

It is said that they are asking for help, but in fact they just cannot swallow that breath.

"Old Ke, in the final analysis, you are not kind in this matter. When you accompanied the Holy Son, the four of us were reassured that we did not follow him together."

"I didn't expect you to slip up at the critical moment."

"You also know how important the second demon species is to our demonic path."

At this time, the human demon who accompanied Duan Xinghe also said.

After hearing this, the old demon responded with a smile: "You are right, I am also responsible for this matter. Therefore, I have made a decision to face the wall for ten years to think about my own mistakes. During this period, I will no longer manage any matters of the Demonic Way. The Demonic Way All matters are left to the Holy Son. What do you think?"

As soon as the Earth Demon King said this, everyone was stunned.

"Old Demon, you don't have to do this." The Star Demon King behind said.

"I think it's good." However, Holy Son Duan Xinghe stood up and agreed.

"Didn't Old Demon say that he has become obsessed with practicing martial arts recently? Let's take the opportunity to rest for a while! Don't worry, Old Demon, I will handle the matter of the Demonic Path properly. I will lead the Demonic Path to prosperity and strength."

After Duan Xinghe became the Son of Heavenly Demon, he obviously showed immaturity and was overjoyed.

After hearing this, Old Demon smiled coldly and bowed.

"Then I'll excuse you, Holy Son. I'll retreat to seclusion right now and face the wall and think about my mistakes."

The Earth Demon King said he was facing the wall to think about his faults, but in fact he was doing it to practice the Nine Transformations Art of Life and Death.

During this period, he naturally did not want to be disturbed.

Once he has perfected the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death Art and the profound body of life and death, he will no longer be weaker than the Heavenly Demon.

The devil can sleep forever.

The author can be single, but you must be happy! Wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day in pairs.

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