Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 493 Return to the Star Palace

Zhuo Bufan took Yunyun back to the Star Palace again.

On this day, a flying peak suddenly flew over the Star Palace.

On Feilai Peak, there is a black Guocheng.

The plum blossoms are flying in the city, and the falling cherry blossoms are covered with ice. Along the way, the falling plum blossoms are like rain, spreading all over the earth, which is particularly stunning.

"Uncle Master, look quickly, what is that?"

At the top of Tianji Peak on the Seven Star Peak of Xingchen Mountain, Xiao Hu is leading a group of junior disciples to practice on Yuntai.

Xiao Hu, He Ruhai's former proud disciple, had an amazing performance in the Seven Heroes Competition that year.

Xiao Hu's natal soul weapon, the Lotus Flying Blade, posed a powerful threat to all major opponents at the time.

Zhuo Bufan was deeply impressed by this person.

Although he is a disciple of He Ruhai and the senior brother of that villain He Chen.

However, this Xiao Hu did have a righteous heart and would not be with that He Chen.

After the death of He Ruhai, the leader of Tianji Peak, his son He Chen successfully took over and became the new peak leader. Known as the youngest Star Peak Master in the history of Star Mountain.

And this Xiao Hu became the great uncle.

"Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come. You go and inform the peak master."

Xiao Hu said to the disciples behind him.

Then, he stepped on the flying sword alone and flew towards the flying city in the sky.

Obviously, it was not just Xiao Hu who discovered this Feilai City, but also other major star peaks.

So there is more than one person flying into the sky.

For a time, thousands of disciples from Xingchen Mountain gathered in the sky.

It surrounded the flying city in the sky.

"what happened?"

Soon, all the major peak masters ran out and stared at the city in the sky.

"Who is it? Dare to act arrogantly in our Star Palace."

Tianji Peak Master He Chen flew in from the sky, followed by a group of disciples.

People outside their city cannot see the true face of the city.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan, who was standing in the city, took a deep breath and then sighed.

"Star Palace, I'm back."

The words fell.

Suddenly a divine bell flew into the sky and sounded loudly in the sky above Xingchen Mountain.


The divine voice was so powerful that the heaven and earth shook.

Everyone involuntarily held their heads and covered their ears, their souls trembling with fear.

"Chaos Clock, this is Chaos Clock."

Some people recognized the bell immediately. Many of them had been to Temple City before, and some had seen the true face of the Chaos Bell in the Blood Desert.

So when the Chaos Clock appeared, everyone understood.

"It's him, he's here."

Who doesn't know the owner of the Chaos Clock?

Zhuo Bufan, known as Xiao Zunren, also known as Zhuo Yingxiong, is one of the five supreme geniuses in the world today.

The five supreme geniuses are Xuanyuan of the East, Daoxian of the West, Shenxiu of the North, Haotian of the South, and Shenzun of the Middle.

Regarding Zhuo Bufan, in the past few years, the world has been full of legends about him.

One person, again and again, stirs up the world. Every time it appears, it will shock the world.

The people in the Star Palace only belatedly realized two years ago that he was the one who led Yaoguang Peak to the final victory at the Seven Stars Competition in the Star Palace.

Zhuo Bufan is already a legend in the Star Palace.

Now, Zhuo Bufan is back, bringing the invincible Chaos Clock with him.

call out!

Meicheng, who was suspended in the air, suddenly disappeared into the air and was replaced by a man and a woman.

The man's head hangs on the Chaos Bell in the void.

The woman stepped on the flying sword and stood beside the man.

These two people were none other than Zhuo Bufan and Yunyun.

"As expected, it's you. Why did you come to my Star Palace?"

He Chen, the leader of Tianji Peak, looked at Zhuo Bufan fiercely. He had a grudge against Zhuo Bufan.

Although Zhuo Bufan is not a minor lord of the Talisman Temple now, he became a hero of Laizhuo in the previous battle of Yin Beast Invasion.

Nowadays, not everyone dares to provoke Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled coldly, ignored He Chen at all, and shouted towards Xingchen Mountain, the main peak of Xingchen Palace.

"My Excellency, Zhuo Bufan, is here to pay a visit to the Master of the Star Hall."

Zhuo Bufan's voice echoed in the air for a long time, but no Xingchen Palace Master came out to greet him.

"I, Zhuo Bufan, have come to pay a special visit to the Master of the Star Hall. I also ask the Master to come out and have a chat."

Zhuo Bufan shouted again, but after a long time, the master of the Star Hall still did not respond.

"Please, Your Excellency, come and go wherever you want. I, the Star Palace, do not welcome you."

That He Chen shouted at Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan still ignored him.

"Master of the Star Hall, I know you heard it. I think you also know the purpose of my coming to you. There are some things that cannot be hidden, so please come out and talk about it."

Zhuo Bufan kept calling the Master of Xingchen Hall, but the Master of Xingchen Hall did not answer.

"You brat, don't go too far. If you are so arrogant, what do you think my Star Palace is?"

"If you don't leave, don't blame me, Xingchen Palace, for taking action."

The master of Xingchen Hall ignored Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan ignored He Chen.

Obviously, He Chen couldn't hold back his anger and was ready to take action.

However, Zhuo Bufan still ignored him and continued to shout towards Xingchen Mountain.

"Master of the Star Hall, if you don't come out, don't blame me for using extreme measures."

Zhuo Bufan said, hanging the Chaos Bell high above his head.

At this time, He Chen really couldn't bear it anymore.

"Disciples, listen to my orders and follow me to drive away this evil person."

He led hundreds of disciples and rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

And at this moment!


The Chaos Bell rang, and a black light fell on the ground.


In an instant, a huge black demon elephant appeared on the ground.

That black demon elephant was not something else, but the elephant-shaped Yin beast that Zhuo Bufan had suppressed with the Chaos Bell before.

"Yin beast, it's a Yin beast."

The disciples of the Star Hall were so scared when they saw the monster that they fled everywhere.

"What are you going to do? You dare to release the Yin beast in my Star Hall. Do you want to destroy my Star Hall?"

He Chen was also frightened by the Yin beast that Zhuo Bufan suddenly threw out.

"Star Lord, if you don't come out again, I dare not guarantee the safety of your Star Mountain."

"I'm sorry, in order to save my brother, I have to take some special measures."

Zhuo Bufan threatened the Star Hall with the Yin beast.

What is the Yin beast? It is a terrible life that almost destroyed the entire Xiuxian world.

Their infection speed was outrageous.

Soon, the elephant-shaped Yin beast began to move.

It began to wreak havoc on the disciples. The earth was instantly infected, and many plants began to become fierce and aggressive under the influence of the mysterious tentacles.

"Damn it, damn it, this guy is going to destroy our Xingchen Mountain!"

"Star Master, Star Master, please come out quickly, come out quickly."

The disciples of Xingchen Mountain were frightened by Zhuo Bufan's crazy behavior.

At this time, a slightly angry roar came from the Star Hall.

"Please Zhuo Yingxiong, put away your magical powers. I promise to meet you."

There was no way, Zhuo Bufan threatened the Star Master with the entire Star Hall, and the Star Master had to agree.

After getting the response from the Star Hall Master, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

Then he re-sealed the elephant-shaped Yin beast, and then sprinkled a rain of life to purify the entire land.

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